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This specifies the dimension/data type of the time series. This element is an enumeration of the next types;

  •         scalar
  •         longitudinalprofile
  •         grid
  •         polygon
  •         sample

The parameterId describes the parameter of the data in the time series. This Id is a cross reference to the Parameters.xml configuration file in the regional configuration defining the parameters. The reference is not enforced through an enumeration in the XML schema. If a parameter not included in the parameter definition is referred to, an error will be generated and an appropriate message returned.


This specifies the type of time series (see discussion above). This is an enumeration of;

  •         external historical
  •         external forecasting
  •         simulated historical
  •         simulated forecasting

This is the time step of the time series. The time step can be either equidistant or non-equidistant. The time step is defined in the parameters of the timeStep element;


  •         unit (enumeration of: second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, nonequidistant)
  •         multiplier defines the number of units given above in a time step (not relevant for nonequidistant time steps).
  •         divider same function as the multiplier, but defines fraction of units in time step.
  •         timeZone defines the timeZone of the timeStep, this is only relevant for units of a day or larger.

    For hourly timesteps this may also be relevant in the case of half-hourly timezones. Untested at the moment.

titleNew, August 8 2007

New timestep options as of August 8 2007 (development version):
meteorological seasons
<timeStep monthDays="--03-01 --06-01 --09-01 --12-01"/>

every day at 13:00
<timeStep times="13:00"/>

every day at 13:00 and 20:00
<timeStep times="13:00 20:00"/>

every 12th of the month
<timeStep daysOfMonth="12"/>

<timeStep daysOfMonth="1 11 21"/>


The relative view period defines the span of time for which data is to be retrieved. This span of time is referenced to the start time of the forecast run (T0) the time series set is used in. If the time series set is not used in a forecast run (e.g. in the displays), then the reference is to the DELFT-FEWS system time.


  •         unit identifies the time unit with which the time span is defined (enumeration of second, minute, hour, day, week).
  •         start identifies the start time of the time span with reference to the T0 (in multiples of the unit defined).
  •         end identifies the start time of the time span with reference to the T0 (in multiples of the unit defined).
  •         startOverrulable Boolean flag to indicate if the start time given may be overruled by a user selection.
  •         endOverrulable Boolean flag to indicate if the end time given may be overruled by a user selection.

For equidistant time series, all values at the time interval within the span defined will be returned by the database following a request. If no values are found, then missing values will be returned at the expected time step. For non-equidistant time series, all values found within the time span are returned. If none are found, then no values are returned.


when the externalForecastMaxAge is not configured there is no maximum age for a forecast series to be used, so the returned external forcast can be very old when there is no recent forecast available. ALL external forecasts after the T0 are ALWAYS ignored. The age of an external forecast is defined as the time span between the external forecast time and T0.


  •         unit (enumeration of: second, minute, hour, day, week)
  •         multiplier defines the number of units given above
  •         divider same function as the multiplier, but defines fraction of units.

When no external forecast exists in the data store younger than the specified age, a new external forecast is returned with a minimum age that applies to the specified cardinal time step.


  •         unit (enumeration of: second, minute, hour, day, week, nonequidistant)
  •         multiplier defines the number of units given above (not relevant for nonequidistant time steps).
  •         divider same function as the multiplier, but defines fraction of units.
  •         timeZone defines the timeZone, this is only relevant for units of a day or larger.

The readWriteModel definition is mainly used in the definition of filters to be applied in the time series display when used in edit mode. This element is an enumeration of;

  •         read only implies the data cannot be edited.
  •         add originals implies the data is new and is added to the database.
  •         editing only visible to current task runs implies any changes made remain invisible to other tasks (used in What-If scenarios)
  •         editing visible to all future task runs implies any changes made will be visible to other tasks
  •         read originals only implies all edited, corrected or interpolated data should be ignored.

The only enumeration that can be used in timeseriessets in FEWS modules is:

  •         read complete forecast reads the complete forecast series from the database. If this enumeration element is used, no Relative View Period has to be configured

It is a good convention to set this property to read only in all input blocks.


This element allows the time series created to have a different expiry time to the default expiry time. This means it may be removed earlier, or later, by the rolling barrel function. For temporary series the value may be set to a very brief period. For other time series (e.g. Astronomical input series), the value should be set sufficiently high.


  •         unit (enumeration of: second, minute, hour, day, week)
  •         multiplier defines the number of units given above.
  •         divider same function as the multiplier, but defines fraction of units.

This element allows the time series retrieved to be lagged (positive or negative). The time stamps of the series will then be shifted by the period specified on retrieval. This is used only when retrieving time series from the database, and not inversely when submitting time series to the database.


  •         unit (enumeration of: second, minute, hour, day, week)
  •         multiplier defines the number of units given above.
  •         divider same function as the multiplier, but defines fraction of units.

This element allows the time series retrieved to be multiplied by the factor given. This is used only when retrieving time series from the database, and not inversely when submitting time series to the database.
