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Code Block
titleXBeach parameter long list
ARC                            # Switch for active reflection compensation at seaward boundary: 0 = reflective, 1 = weakly (non) reflective
BRfac                          # Calibration factor surface slope
C                              # Chezy coefficient
CFL                            # Maximum Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy number
Cd                             # Wind drag coefficient
Tbfac                          # Calibration factor for bore interval Tbore: Tbore = Tbfac*Tbore
Tsmin                          # Minimum adaptation time scale in advection diffusion equation sediment
alpha                          # Wave dissipation coefficient in Roelvink formulation
bed                            # Calibration factor for bed transports [0..1]
beta                           # Breaker slope coefficient in roller model
betad                          # Dissipation parameter long wave breaking turbulence
break                          # Type of breaker formulation (1=roelvink, 2=baldock, 3=roelvink adapted, 4=roelvink on/off breaking)
breakerdelay                   # Turn on (1) or off (0) breaker delay model
breakviscfac                   # Factor to increase viscosity during breaking
breakvisclen                   # Ratio between local depth and length scale in extra breaking viscosity
bulk                           # Option to compute bedload and suspended load seperately; 0 = seperately, 1 = bulk (as in previous versions)
cats                           # Current averaging time scale for wci, in terms of mean wave periods
cf                             # Friction coefficient flow
cmax                           # Maximum allowed sediment concentration
correctHm0                     # Turn off or on Hm0 correction
delta                          # Fraction of wave height to add to water depth
depthscale                     # depthscale of (lab)test simulated. 1 = default, which corresponds to teh real world (nature)
dispc                          # Coefficient in front of the vertical pressure gradient, Default = 1.
dryslp                         # Critical avalanching slope above water (dz/dx and dz/dy)
dtbc                           # Timestep used to describe time series of wave energy and long wave flux at offshore boundary (not affected by morfac)
dtheta                         # Directional resolution
dwetlayer                      # Thickness of the top soil layer interacting more freely with the surface water
dzmax                          # Maximum bedlevel change due to avalanching
eps                            # Threshold water depth above which cells are considered wet
eps_sd                         # Threshold velocity difference to determine conservation of energy head vs momentum
epsi                           # Ratio of mean current to time varying current through offshore boundary
facAs                          # Calibration factor time averaged flows due to wave asymmetry
facDc                          # Option to control sediment diffusion coefficient [0..1]
facSk                          # Calibration factor time averaged flows due to wave skewness
facrun                         # calibration coefficient for short wave runup
facsd                          # fraction of the local wave length to use for shoaling delay depth
facsl                          # Factor bedslope effect
facua                          # Calibration factor time averaged flows due to wave skewness and asymmetry
fcutoff                        # Low-freq cutoff frequency for instat = 4,5,6 boundary conditions
form                           # Equilibrium sed. conc. formulation: 1 = Soulsby van Rijn, 1997, 2 = Van Rijn 2008 with modifications by Van Thiel
frac_dz                        # Relative thickness to split time step for bed updating
fw                             # Bed friction factor
fwcutoff                       # Depth greater than which the bed friction factor is NOT applied
gamma                          # Breaker parameter in Baldock or Roelvink formulation
gamma2                         # End of breaking parameter in break = 4 formulation
gammax                         # Maximum ratio wave height to water depth
hmin                           # Threshold water depth above which Stokes drift is included
hswitch                        # Water depth at which is switched from wetslp to dryslp
hwci                           # Minimum depth until which wave-current interaction is used
jetfac                         # Option to mimic turbulence production near revetments [0..1]
kdmin                          # Minimum value of kd ( pi/dx > minkd )
lws                            # 1 = long wave stirring, 0 = no long wave stirring
lwt                            # Switch 0/1 long wave turbulence
m                              # Power in cos^m directional distribution for instat = 0,1,2,3
maxbrsteep                     # Maximum wave steepness criterium
maxerror                       # Maximum wave height error in wave stationary iteration
merge                          # Merge threshold for variable sediment layer (ratio to nominal thickness)
n                              # Power in Roelvink dissipation model
nc                             # Smoothing distance (defined as nr of cells) for estimating umean
nmax                           # maximum ratio of cg/c fro computing long wave boundary conditions
nrugdepth                      # Number of depths to compute runup in runup gauge
nsetbathy                      # Number of prescribed bed updates
nuh                            # Horizontal background viscosity
nuhfac                         # Viscosity switch for roller induced turbulent horizontal viscosity
nuhv                           # Longshore viscosity enhancement factor, following Svendsen (?)
order                          # Switch for order of wave steering, 1 = first order wave steering (short wave energy only), 2 = second oder wave steering (bound long wave correspon\
ding to short wave forcing is added)
por                            # Porosity
reformsteep                    # Wave steepness criterium to reform after breaking
rfb                            # If rfb = 1 then maximum wave surface slope is feeded back in roller energy balance; else rfb = par%Beta
roller                         # Turn on (1) or off(0) roller model
rugdepth                       # Minimum depth for determination of last wet point in runup gauge
scheme                         # Use first-order upwind (upwind_1), second order upwind (upwind_2) or Lax-Wendroff (lax_wendroff)
secbrsteep                     # Secondary maximum wave steepness criterium
secorder                       # Use second order corrections to advection/non-linear terms based on MacCormack scheme
sedcal                         # Sediment transport calibration coefficient per grain type
setbathy                       # Provide timeseries of prescribed bathy input, 0 = off (default), 1 = on
setbathyfile                   # Name of prescribed bed update file
shoaldelay                     # Turn on (1) or off (0) shoaling delay
sigfac                         # dsig scales with log(sigfac). Default = 1.3
smag                           # Switch for smagorinsky subgrid model for viscocity
smax                           # Being tested: maximum Shields parameter for ceq Diane Foster
snells                         # Turn on (1) or off (0) Snell's law for wave refraction
solver_acc                     # accuracy with respect to the right-hand side used
solver_urelax                  # Underrelaxation parameter
sourcesink                     # In suspended transport use source-sink terms to calculate bed level change (1) or sus transport gradients (0)
split                          # Split threshold for variable sediment layer (ratio to nominal thickness)
sprdthr                        # Threshold ratio to maxval of S above which spec dens are read in (default 0.08*maxval)
sus                            # Calibration factor for suspensions transports [0..1]
sws                            # 1 = short wave & roller stirring and undertow, 0 = no short wave & roller stirring and undertow
trepfac                        # Compute mean wave period over energy band: par%trepfac*maxval(Sf) for instat 4,5,6; converges to Tm01 for trepfac = 0.0 and
tsfac                          # Coefficient determining Ts = tsfac * h/ws in sediment source term
turb                           # Switch to include short wave turbulence:
turbadv                        # Switch 0/1 to activate turbulence advection model for short and or long wave turbulence
ucrcal                         # Critical velocity calibration coefficient per grain type
umin                           # Threshold velocity for upwind velocity detection and for vmag2 in eq. sediment concentration
waveform                       # Option for waveshape model: 1 = Ruessink & Van Rijn, 2 = Van Thiel de Vries, 2009
wavint                         # Interval between wave module calls (only in stationary wave mode)
wci                            # Turns on (1) or off (0) wave-current interaction
wetslp                         # Critical avalanching slope under water (dz/dx and dz/dy)
z0                             # Zero flow velocity level in Soulsby van Rijn (1997) sed.conc. expression


Marginal sensitivity analysis
