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Code Block
titleXBeach parameter exclude list
D50                            # D50 grain size per grain type
D90                            # D90 grain size per grain type
Hrms                           # Hrms wave height for instat = 0,1,2,3
Tlong                          # Wave group period for case instat = 1
Tm01switch                     # Turn off or on Tm01 or Tm-10 switch
Topt                           # Absolute period to optimize coefficient
Trep                           # Representative wave period for instat = 0,1,2,3
alfa                           # Angle of x-axis from East
aquiferbot                     # Level of uniform aquifer bottom
aquiferbotfile                 # Name of the aquifer bottom file
avalanching                    # Include avalanching (1) or exclude (0)
back                           # Switch for boundary at bay side, 0 = radiating boundary (Ad), 1 = reflective boundary; uu=0
bcfile                         # Name of spectrum file
bchwiz                         # Use beachwizard, 0 = beachwizard off, 1 beachwizard on, bed update off, 2 beachwiz on, bed update on. (also requires morphology == 1)
bedfricfile                    # Bed friction file (only valid with values of C)
bedfriction                    # Bed friction formulation: 'chezy','white-colebrook'
compi                          # Imaginary unit
depfile                        # Name of the input bathymetry file
dir0                           # Mean wave direction (Nautical convention) for instat = 0,1,2,3
disch_loc_file                 # Name of discharge locations file
disch_timeseries_file          # Name of discharge timeseries file
drifterfile                    # Name of drifter data file
dt                             # Computational time step, in hydrodynamic time
dthetaS_XB                     # The (counter-clockwise) angle in the degrees needed to rotate from the x-axis in SWAN to the x-axis pointing East
dx                             # Regular grid spacing in x-direction
dy                             # Regular grid spacing in y-direction
dzg1                           # Thickness of top sediment class layers
dzg2                           # Nominal thickness of variable sediment class layer
dzg3                           # Thickness of bottom sediment class layers
flow                           # Include flow calculation (1), or exclude (0)
freewave                       # Switch for free wave propagation 0 = use cg (default); 1 = use sqrt(gh) in instat = 3
front                          # Switch for seaward flow boundary: 0 = radiating boundary(Ad), 1 = Van Dongeren, 1997
g                              # Gravitational acceleration
globalvars                     # Mnems of global output variables, not per se the same sice as nglobalvar (invalid variables, defaults)
gridform                       # Swicth to read in grid bathy files with 'XBeach' or 'Delft3D' format respectively
gw0                            # Level initial groundwater level
gw0file                        # Name of initial groundwater level file
gwReturb                       # Reynolds number for start of turbulent flow in case of gwscheme = turbulent
gwfastsolve                    # Reduce full 2D non-hydrostatic solution to quasi-explicit in longshore direction
gwflow                         # Turn on (1) or off (0) groundwater flow module
gwheadmodel                    # Model to use for vertical groundwater head: 'parabolic' (default), or 'exponential'
gwhorinfil                     # switch to include horizontal infiltration from surface water to groundwater (default = 0)
gwnonh                         # Switch to turn on or off non-hydrostatic pressure for groundwater
gwscheme                       # Scheme for momentum equation (laminar, turbulent)
hotstartflow                   # Switch to hotstart flow conditions with pressure gradient balanced by wind and bed stress
instat                         # Wave boundary condtion type
kmax                           # Number of sigma layers in Quasi-3D model; kmax = 1 (default) is without vertical structure of flow and suspensions
kx                             # Darcy-flow permeability coefficient in x-direction [m/s]
ky                             # Darcy-flow permeability coefficient in y-direction [m/s]
kz                             # Darcy-flow permeability coefficient in z-direction [m/s]
lat                            # Latitude at model location  for computing Coriolis
left                           # Switch for lateral boundary at ny+1, 'neumann' = vv computed from NSWE, 'wall' = reflective wall; vv=0
leftwave                       # old name for lateralwave
lwave                          # Include short wave forcing on NLSW equations and boundary conditions (1), or exclude (0)
maxiter                        # Maximum number of iterations in wave stationary
meanvars                       # Mnems of mean output variables (by variables)
mmpi                           # Number of domains in m direction (cross-shore) when manually specifying mpi domains
morfac                         # Morphological acceleration factor
morfacopt                      # Option indicating whether times should be adjusted (1) or not(0) for morfac
morphology                     # Include morphology (1) or exclude (0)
morstart                       # Start time morphology, in morphological time
morstop                        # Stop time morphology, in morphological time
mpiboundary                    # Fix mpi boundaries along y-lines ('y'), x-lines ('x'), use manual defined domains ('man') or find shortest boundary ('auto')
ncfilename                     # xbeach netcdf output file name
ncross                         # Number of output cross sections
nd                             # Number of computational layers in the bed
nd_var                         # Index of layer with variable thickness
ndischarge                     # Number of discharge locations
ndrifter                       # Number of drifers
ne_layer                       # Name of file containing depth of hard structure
ngd                            # Number of sediment classes
nglobalvar                     # Number of global output variables (as specified by user)
nhbreaker                      # Turn on or off nonhydrostatic breaker model
nmeanvar                       # Number of mean,min,max,var output variables
nmpi                           # Number of domains in n direction (alongshore) when manually specifying mpi domains
nonh                           # Non-hydrostatic pressure option: 0 = NSWE, 1 = NSW + non-hydrostatic pressure compensation Stelling & Zijlema, 2003
nonhspectrum                   # Switch between spectrum format for wave action balance of nonhydrostatic waves
npoints                        # Number of output point locations
npointvar                      # Number of point output variables
nrugauge                       # Number of output runup gauge locations
nship                          # Number of ships
nspectrumloc                   # Number of input spectrum locations
nspr                           # nspr = 1 long wave direction forced into centres of short wave bins, nspr = 0 regular long wave spreadin
ntdischarge                    # Length of discharge time series
nveg                           # Number of vegetation species
nx                             # Number of computiation cell corners in x-direction
ny                             # Number of computiation cell corners in y-direction
oldhu                          # Turn on / off old hu calculation
oldnyq                         # Turn off or on old nyquist switch
outputformat                   # Choice of output file format: 'netcdf', 'fortran', or 'debug'
paulrevere                     # Specifies tide on sea and land ('land') or two sea points ('sea') if tideloc = 2
pointtypes                     # Point types (0 = point, 1=rugauge)
pointvars                      # Mnems of point output variables (by variables)
posdwn                         # Bathymetry is specified positive down (1) or positive up (-1)
projection                     # projection string
px                             # Pi
q3d                            # Turn on (1) or off (0) quasi-3D sediment transport module
random                         # Random seed on (1) or off (0) for instat = 4,5,6 boundary conditions
rho                            # Density of water
rhoa                           # Air density
rhog8                          # 1/8*rho*g
rhos                           # Solid sediment density (no pores)
right                          # Switch for lateral boundary at right, 0 = vv computed from NSWE, 1 = reflective wall; vv=0
rightwave                      # old name for lateralwave
rotate                         # Rotate (1) postprocess output with the rotate function.
rt                             # Duration of wave spectrum at offshore boundary, in morphological time
sedtrans                       # Include sediment transport (1) or exclude (0)
shipfile                       # Name of ship data file
ships                          # Turn on (1) or off (0) ship waves
solver                         # Solver used to solve the linear system, sip, or tridiag (only for 1d)
solver_maxit                   # Maximum number of iterations in the linear sip solver
struct                         # Switch for hard structures
swave                          # Include short waves (1), exclude short waves (0)
swrunup                        # Turn on (1) or off (0) short wave runup
t                              # Computational time, in hydrodynamic time
taper                          # Spin-up time of wave boundary conditions, in morphological time
thetamax                       # Higher directional limit (angle w.r.t computational x-axis)
thetamin                       # Lower directional limit (angle w.r.t computational x-axis)
thetanaut                      # Thetamin,thetamax in cartesian (0) or nautical convention (1)
thetanum                       # Coefficient determining whether upwind (1) or central scheme (0.5) is used.
tideloc                        # Number of corner points on which a tide time series is specified
tidetype                       # Switch for offfshore boundary, velocity boundary or instant water level boundary (default)
timings                        # Switch to turn on (1) or off (0) progress output to screen
tintc                          # Interval time of cross section output
tintg                          # Interval time of global output
tintm                          # Interval time of mean,var,max,min output
tintp                          # Interval time of point and runup gauge output
tnext                          # Next time point for output or wave stationary calculation, in hydrodynamic time
tscross                        # Name of file containing timings of cross section output
tsglobal                       # Name of file containing timings of global output
tsmean                         # Name of file containing timings of mean, max, min and var output
tspoints                       # Name of file containing timings of point output
tstart                         # Start time of output, in morphological time
tstop                          # Stop time of simulation, in morphological time
tunits                         # Units can be defined in udunits format (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.00 +1:00)
vardx                          # Switch for variable grid spacing: 1 = irregular spacing, 0 = regular grid spacing
vegetation                     # Turn on (1) or off (0) interaction of waves and flow with vegetation
vegiefile                      # Name of vegie species list file
vegiemapfile                   # Name of vegie species map file
wbcversion                     # Version of wave boundary conditions
wearth                         # Angular velocity of earth calculated as: 1/rotation_time (in hours), later changed in calculation code to rad/s
windfile                       # Name of file with non-stationary wind data
windth                         # Nautical wind direction, in case of stationary wind
windv                          # Wind velocity, in case of stationary wind
xfile                          # Name of the file containing x-coordinates of the calculation grid
xori                           # X-coordinate of origin of axis
xyfile                         # Name of the file containing (Delft3D) xy-coordinates of the calculation grid
yfile                          # Name of the file containing y-coordinates of the calculation grid
yori                           # Y-coordinate of origin of axis
zs0                            # Inital water level
zs0file                        # Name of tide boundary condition series
zsinitfile                     # Name of inital condition file zs
Code Block
titleXBeach parameter long list

Also added the following parameters to ignore list, because of zero-influence:
nrugdepth                      # of Switchdepths forto activecompute reflectionrunup compensationin atrunup seawardgauge
breakviscfac boundary: 0 = reflective, 1 = weakly (non) reflective
BRfac          # Factor to increase viscosity during breaking
maxerror          # Calibration factor surface slope
C         # Maximum wave height error in wave stationary iteration
facrun             # Chezy coefficient
CFL          # calibration coefficient for short wave runup
maxbrsteep            # Maximum Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy number
Cd          # Maximum wave steepness criterium
Tm01                           # Old Windname dragfor coefficientTrep
Tbfacsplit                          # CalibrationSplit factorthreshold for variable boresediment intervallayer Tbore:(ratio Tboreto = Tbfac*Tbore
Tsminnominal thickness)
wavint                         # Interval #between Minimumwave adaptationmodule timecalls scale(only in advectionstationary diffusion equation sediment
alphawave mode)
depthscale                     # depthscale of (lab)test simulated. #1 Wave= dissipationdefault, coefficientwhich incorresponds Roelvinkto formulation
bedteh real world (nature)
breakvisclen                   # Ratio between local depth and #length Calibrationscale factorin forextra bed transports [0..1]
beta  breaking viscosity
dtheta                         # Breaker slope coefficient in roller model
betadDirectional resolution
nsetbathy                      # Number of prescribed # Dissipation parameter long wave breaking turbulence
breakbed updates
frac_dz                        # Relative thickness to split time step #for Typebed ofupdating
setbathy breaker formulation (1=roelvink, 2=baldock, 3=roelvink adapted, 4=roelvink on/off breaking)
breakerdelay              # Provide timeseries of prescribed #bathy Turninput, on (1) or0 = off (0default), breaker1 delay= modelon
breakviscfacoldwbc                   # Factor to increase viscosity during breaking
breakvisclen          # (1) Use old version wave boundary conditions for instat 4,5,6
m            # Ratio between local depth and length scale in extra breaking viscosity
bulk       # Power in cos^m directional distribution for instat = 0,1,2,3
Cd           # Option to compute bedload and suspended load seperately; 0 = seperately, 1 = bulk (as in previous versions)
cats# Wind drag coefficient
merge                        # Current averaging# timeMerge scalethreshold for wci,variable insediment termslayer of(ratio meanto wavenominal periodsthickness)
cf ARC                            # FrictionSwitch coefficientfor flow
cmaxactive reflection compensation at seaward boundary: 0 = reflective, 1 = weakly (non) reflective
facua              # Maximum allowed sediment concentration
correctHm0        # Calibration factor time averaged flows due to wave skewness and asymmetry
Code Block
titleXBeach parameter long list

BRfac   # Turn off or on Hm0 correction
delta                          # FractionCalibration offactor wave height to add to water depth
depthscalesurface slope
C                     # depthscale of (lab)test simulated. 1 = default, which corresponds# to teh real world (nature)
dispcChezy coefficient
CFL                            # Coefficient in front of the vertical pressure gradient, Default = 1.
dryslpMaximum Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy number
Tbfac                          # Calibration factor for bore interval Tbore: #Tbore Critical avalanching slope above water (dz/dx and dz/dy)
dtbc= Tbfac*Tbore
Tsmin                          # Minimum adaptation time scale in advection #diffusion Timestepequation usedsediment
alpha to describe time series of wave energy and long wave flux at offshore boundary (not affected by morfac)
dtheta        # Wave dissipation coefficient in Roelvink formulation
bed           # Directional resolution
dwetlayer               # Calibration factor for bed transports  # Thickness of the top soil layer interacting more freely with the surface water
beta                           # Breaker slope coefficient in roller model
betad       # Maximum bedlevel change due to avalanching
eps             # Dissipation parameter long wave breaking turbulence
break         # Threshold water depth above which cells are considered wet
eps_sd        # Type of breaker formulation (1=roelvink, 2=baldock, 3=roelvink adapted, 4=roelvink on/off breaking)
breakerdelay      # Threshold velocity difference to determine conservation of energy head vs momentum
epsi  # Turn on (1) or off (0) breaker delay model
bulk                # Ratio of mean current to time varying current through offshore boundary
facAs# Option to compute bedload and suspended load seperately; 0 = seperately, 1 = bulk (as in previous versions)
cats        # Calibration factor time averaged flows due to wave asymmetry
facDc          # Current averaging time scale for wci, in terms of mean wave periods
cf    # Option to control sediment diffusion coefficient [0..1]
facSk                  # Friction coefficient flow
cmax     # Calibration factor time averaged flows due to wave skewness
facrun             # Maximum allowed sediment concentration
correctHm0        # calibration coefficient for short wave runup
facsd       # Turn off or on Hm0  correction
delta            # fraction of the local wave length to use for shoaling delay depth
facsl  # Fraction of wave height to add to water depth
dispc               # Factor bedslope effect
facua        # Coefficient in front of the vertical pressure gradient, Default = 1.
dryslp       # Calibration factor time averaged flows due to wave skewness and asymmetry
fcutoff       # Critical avalanching slope above water (dz/dx and dz/dy)
dtbc         # Low-freq cutoff frequency for instat = 4,5,6 boundary conditions
form         # Timestep used to describe time series of wave energy and long wave flux at offshore boundary (not #affected Equilibrium sed. conc. formulation: 1 = Soulsby van Rijn, 1997, 2 = Van Rijn 2008 with modifications by Van Thiel
frac_dzby morfac)
dwetlayer                      # Thickness of the top soil layer interacting more freely with the surface water
dzmax       # Relative thickness to split time step for bed updating
fw          # Maximum bedlevel change due to avalanching
eps             # Bed friction factor
fwcutoff            # Threshold water depth above which cells are considered wet
eps_sd  # Depth greater than which the bed friction factor is NOT applied
gamma            # Threshold velocity difference to determine conservation of energy head vs momentum
epsi   # Breaker parameter in Baldock or Roelvink formulation
gamma2                 # Ratio of mean current to time varying #current Endthrough ofoffshore breakingboundary
facAs parameter in break = 4 formulation
gammax                    # Calibration factor time averaged #flows Maximumdue ratioto wave height to water depth
hmin asymmetry
facDc                          # ThresholdOption waterto depthcontrol abovesediment whichdiffusion Stokes drift is included
hswitchcoefficient [0..1]
facSk                          # WaterCalibration depthfactor attime whichaveraged isflows switcheddue fromto wetslpwave to dryslp
hwci skewness
facsd                          # Minimumfraction depthof untilthe whichlocal wave-current interactionlength isto used
jetfacuse for shoaling delay depth
facsl                     # Option to mimic turbulence production# nearFactor revetments [0..1]
kdminbedslope effect
fcutoff                        # Low-freq #cutoff Minimumfrequency valuefor ofinstat kd ( pi/dx > minkd )
lws= 4,5,6 boundary conditions
form                           # Equilibrium sed. conc. #formulation: 1 = Soulsby longvan waveRijn, stirring1997, 02 = noVan longRijn wave2008 stirring
lwtwith modifications by Van Thiel
fw                        # Switch 0/1 long wave turbulence
m# Bed friction factor
fwcutoff                       # Depth greater than #which Powerthe inbed cos^mfriction directionalfactor distributionis for instat = 0,1,2,3
maxbrsteepNOT applied
gamma                     # Maximum wave steepness criterium
maxerror # Breaker parameter in Baldock or Roelvink formulation
gamma2               # Maximum wave height error in wave stationary iteration
merge  # End of breaking parameter in break = 4 formulation
gammax               #      Merge threshold for variable sediment# layerMaximum (ratio wave height to nominalwater thickness)
n  depth
hmin                            # PowerThreshold inwater Roelvinkdepth dissipationabove model
ncwhich Stokes drift is  included
hswitch                        # SmoothingWater distancedepth (definedat aswhich nris ofswitched cells)from forwetslp estimatingto umeandryslp
nmaxhwci                           # Minimum maximumdepth ratiountil of cg/c fro computing long wave boundary conditions
nrugdepthwhich wave-current interaction is used
jetfac                         # NumberOption ofto depthsmimic toturbulence computeproduction runupnear in runup gauge
nsetbathyrevetments [0..1]
kdmin                      # Number of prescribed bed# updates
nuhMinimum value of kd ( pi/dx > minkd )
lws                    # Horizontal background viscosity
nuhfac     # 1 = long wave stirring, 0 = no long wave stirring
lwt         # Viscosity switch for roller induced turbulent horizontal viscosity
nuhv           # Switch 0/1 long wave turbulence
n           # Longshore viscosity enhancement factor, following Svendsen (?)
order            # Power in Roelvink dissipation model
nc         # Switch for order of wave steering, 1 = first order wave steering (short wave energy only), 2 = second oder# waveSmoothing steeringdistance (bounddefined longas wave correspon\
ding to short wave forcing is added)
por nr of cells) for estimating umean
nmax                           # Porosity
reformsteepmaximum ratio of cg/c fro computing long wave boundary conditions
nuh           # Wave steepness criterium to reform after breaking
rfb          # Horizontal background viscosity
nuhfac               # If rfb = 1 then maximum wave surface slope is# feededViscosity backswitch infor roller energyinduced balance;turbulent elsehorizontal rfbviscosity
nuhv = par%Beta
roller                         # Longshore viscosity Turnenhancement on (1) or off(0) roller model
rugdepthfactor, following Svendsen (?)
order                          # Minimum depthSwitch for determinationorder of lastwave wetsteering, point1 in= runupfirst gauge
schemeorder wave steering (short wave energy only), 2 = second oder wave steering (bound long wave corresponding to short wave forcing     # Use first-order upwind (upwind_1), second order upwind (upwind_2) or Lax-Wendroff (lax_wendroff)
secbrsteepis added)
por                            # Secondary maximum wave steepness criterium
secorder   Porosity
reformsteep                    # UseWave secondsteepness order correctionscriterium to advection/non-linear terms based on MacCormack scheme
sedcalreform after breaking
rfb                            # SedimentIf transportrfb calibration= coefficient1 perthen grainmaximum type
setbathywave surface slope is feeded back in roller energy balance; else rfb = par%Beta
roller          # Provide timeseries of prescribed bathy input, 0 = off (default), 1 = on
setbathyfile  # Turn on (1) or off(0) roller model
rugdepth          # Name of prescribed bed update file
shoaldelay       # Minimum depth for determination of last wet point in runup gauge
scheme   # Turn on (1) or off (0) shoaling delay
sigfac              # Use first-order upwind (upwind_1), second order upwind (upwind_2)   # dsig scales with log(sigfac). Default = 1.3
smagor Lax-Wendroff (lax_wendroff)
secbrsteep                     # Secondary maximum wave steepness criterium
secorder    # Switch for smagorinsky subgrid model for viscocity
smax            # Use second order corrections to advection/non-linear terms based on MacCormack scheme
sedcal    # Being tested: maximum Shields parameter for ceq Diane Foster
snells            # Sediment transport calibration coefficient per grain type
setbathyfile      # Turn on (1) or off (0) Snell's law for wave refraction
solver_acc  # Name of prescribed bed update file
shoaldelay             # accuracy with respect to the right-hand side used
solver_urelax# Turn on (1) or off (0) shoaling delay
sigfac          # Underrelaxation parameter
sourcesink             # dsig scales with log(sigfac). Default = 1.3
smag # In suspended transport use source-sink terms to calculate bed level change (1) or sus transport gradients (0)
split         # Switch for smagorinsky subgrid model for viscocity
smax          # Split threshold for variable sediment layer (ratio to nominal thickness)
sprdthr       # Being tested: maximum Shields parameter for ceq Diane Foster
snells              # Threshold ratio to maxval of S above which spec dens are# readTurn inon (default 0.08*maxval)
sus     1) or off (0) Snell's law for wave refraction
solver_acc                     # accuracy #with Calibrationrespect factorto forthe suspensionsright-hand transports [0..1]
swsside used
solver_urelax                  # Underrelaxation parameter
sourcesink        # 1 = short wave & roller stirring and undertow, 0 = no short# waveIn &suspended rollertransport stirringuse and undertow
trepfac          source-sink terms to calculate bed level change (1) or sus transport gradients (0)
sprdthr              # Compute mean wave period over energy band: par%trepfac*maxval(Sf) for instat 4,5,6; converges# Threshold ratio to Tm01maxval forof trepfacS =above 0.0 and
tsfac      which spec dens are read in (default 0.08*maxval)
sus                    #    Coefficient determining Ts = tsfac# *Calibration h/wsfactor infor sedimentsuspensions source term
turbtransports [0..1]
sws                            # Switch1 to include= short wave turbulence:
turbadv& roller stirring and undertow, 0 = no short wave & roller stirring and undertow
trepfac          # Switch 0/1 to activate turbulence advection model for short and or long wave turbulence
ucrcal# Compute mean wave period over energy band: par%trepfac*maxval(Sf) for instat 4,5,6; converges to Tm01 for trepfac = 0.0 and
tsfac      # Critical velocity calibration coefficient per grain type
umin             # Coefficient determining Ts = tsfac * h/ws in sediment source term
turb   # Threshold velocity for upwind velocity detection and for vmag2 in eq. sediment concentration
waveform           # Switch to include short wave turbulence:
turbadv      # Option for waveshape model: 1 = Ruessink & Van Rijn, 2 = Van Thiel de Vries, 2009
wavint # Switch 0/1 to activate turbulence advection model for short and or long wave turbulence
ucrcal          # Interval between wave module calls (only in stationary wave mode)
wci     # Critical velocity calibration coefficient per grain type
umin                # Turns on (1) or off (0) wave-current interaction
wetslp   # Threshold velocity for upwind velocity detection and for vmag2 in eq. sediment concentration
waveform                       # Option for Criticalwaveshape avalanchingmodel: slope1 under= water (dz/dx and dz/dy)
z0       Ruessink & Van Rijn, 2 = Van Thiel de Vries, 2009
wci                      # Zero flow velocity level in Soulsby# vanTurns Rijnon (19971) sed.conc. expression

Marginal sensitivity analysis

 or off (0) wave-current interaction
wetslp                         # Critical avalanching slope under water (dz/dx and dz/dy)
z0                             # Zero flow velocity level in Soulsby van Rijn (1997) sed.conc. expression

Marginal sensitivity analysis

The marginal sensitivity analysis is performed using a default dune profile and representative settings for the Dutch coast (normative conditions). Using this model, a single parameter is varied over the applicable range of values. The default values are always included. The sensitivity is subsequently The marginal sensitivity analysis is performed using a default dune profile and representative settings for the Dutch coast (normative conditions). Using this model, a single parameter is varied over the applicable range of values. The default values are always included. The sensitivity is subsequently determined by looking at the variation in erosion volume depending on that parameter setting.


Code Block
titleZero-influence parameters
facsdfwcutoff                       # Depth greater #than fraction ofwhich the localbed wavefriction lengthfactor tois use for shoaling delay depthNOT applied
hwci                           # Minimum depth until which wave-current interaction is used
schemejetfac                         # UseOption first-orderto upwind (upwind_1), second order upwind (upwind_2) or Lax-Wendroff (lax_wendroff)
jetfacmimic turbulence production near revetments [0..1]
dtbc                           # Timestep Optionused to mimicdescribe turbulencetime productionseries nearof revetments [0..1]
nrugdepth           wave energy and long wave flux at offshore boundary (not affected by morfac)
sigfac           # Number of depths to compute runup in runup gauge
smag     # dsig scales with log(sigfac). Default = 1.3
gamma2               # Switch for smagorinsky subgrid model for viscocity
breakviscfac   # End of breaking parameter in break = 4 formulation
lwt       # Factor to increase viscosity during breaking
sigfac               # Switch 0/1 long wave turbulence
waveform     # dsig scales with log(sigfac). Default = 1.3
gamma2           # Option for waveshape model: 1 = Ruessink & Van Rijn, 2 = Van #Thiel Endde of breaking parameter in break = 4 formulation
maxerrorVries, 2009
facsd                          # fraction of #the Maximumlocal wave length heightto erroruse infor waveshoaling stationarydelay iterationdepth
formz0                             # EquilibriumZero sed.flow conc.velocity formulation: 1 =level in Soulsby van Rijn, (1997, 2 = Van Rijn 2008 with modifications by Van Thiel
lws  ) sed.conc. expression
betad                          # 1Dissipation =parameter long wave stirring, 0 = no long wave stirring
turbbreaking turbulence
correctHm0                     # Turn off or on Hm0 correction
BRfac     # Switch to include short wave turbulence:
facrun               # Calibration factor surface slope
bed      # calibration coefficient for short wave runup
sourcesink                # Calibration factor for bed  # In suspended transport use source-sink terms to calculate bed level change (1) or sus transport gradients (0)
lwttransports [0..1]
Code Block
titleZero-influence parameters (explanations)

fwcutoff                       # ? relevant for all
hwci                           # only #relevant Switchfor 0/wci=1, longdefault waveis turbulencewci=0
rollerjetfac                         # Turnonly relevant onfor (1) or off(0) roller model
waveformswrunup=1, default is swrunup=0
dtbc                       # Option for waveshape model:# 1? =relevant Ruessinkfor &all
sigfac Van Rijn, 2 = Van Thiel de Vries, 2009
turbadv                # only relevant for kmax>1, default is kmax=1
gamma2 # Switch 0/1 to activate turbulence advection model for short and or long wave turbulence
sus          # ? relevant for break=roelvink1 or break=roelvink2, default is break=roelvink2
lwt         # Calibration factor for suspensions transports [0..1]
maxbrsteep             # ? relevant for turbulence computation, which is #the Maximumdefault
waveform wave steepness criterium
sws                    # only possible when turb!=bore_averaged, default is turb=bore_averaged
facsd # 1 = short wave & roller stirring and undertow, 0 = no short wave & roller stirring and undertow
Tm01      # only relevant for shoaldelay=1, default is shoaldelay=0
z0              # Old name for Trep
split           # only relevant for form=soulsby_vanrijn, default is form=vanthiel_vanrijn
betad        # Split threshold for variable sediment layer (ratio to nominal thickness)
wavint        # only relevant for lwt=1, default is lwt=0
correctHm0          # Interval between wave module calls (only in stationary wave mode)
rfb # ? relevant for all
BRfac                       # If rfb =# 1only thenrelevant maximum wave surface slopefor rfb=1, default is feededrfb=0
bed back in roller energy balance; else rfb = par%Beta
snells                   # only relevant for bulk=0, default # Turn on (1) or off (0) Snell's law for wave refraction
wciis bulk=1
Proposed short list
Code Block
titleXBeach parameter long list

gamma                          # Breaker parameter in Baldock or Roelvink formulation
(0) wave-current interaction bulk
     # Calibration factor time averaged flows due to wave asymmetry
seperately, 1 = bulk (as in previous versions) depthscale
friction factor
beta                           # 
of (lab)test simulated. 1 = default, which corresponds to teh real world (nature) breakvisclen
slope coefficient in roller model
alpha                          # 
between local depth and length scale
dissipation coefficient in 
breaking viscosity
wetslp                         # Critical avalanching slope under water (dz/dx 
# Directional resolution dtbc
and dz/dy)
Timestep used to describe
Calibration factor time 
wave energy and long
due to wave 
flux at offshore boundary (not affected by morfac) z0
gammax                         # Maximum ratio wave 
flow velocity level in Soulsby van Rijn (1997) sed.conc. expression nsetbathy
water depth
cf                             # 
of prescribed bed updates frac_dz # Relative thickness to split time step for bed updating break # Type of breaker formulation (1=roelvink, 2=baldock, 3=roelvink adapted, 4=roelvink on/off breaking) betad # Dissipation parameter long wave breaking turbulence setbathy # Provide timeseries of prescribed bathy input, 0 = off (default), 1 = on correctHm0 # Turn off or on Hm0 correction oldwbc # (1) Use old version wave boundary conditions for instat 4,5,6 BRfac # Calibration factor surface slope m # Power in cos^m directional distribution for instat = 0,1,2,3 bed # Calibration factor for bed transports [0..1] Cd # Wind drag coefficient fwcutoff # Depth greater than which the bed friction factor is NOT applied merge # Merge threshold for variable sediment layer (ratio to nominal thickness) fcutoff # Low-freq cutoff frequency for instat = 4,5,6 boundary conditions ARC # Switch for active reflection compensation at seaward boundary: 0 = reflective, 1 = weakly (non) reflective shoaldelay # Turn on (1) or off (0) shoaling delay breakerdelay # Turn on (1) or off (0) breaker delay model
Code Block
titleZero-influence parameters (explanations)

facsd                          # only relevant for shoaldelay=1, default is shoaldelay=0
hwci                           # only relevant for wci=1, default is wci=0
scheme                         # ? relevant for all
jetfac                         # only relevant for swrunup=1, default is swrunup=0
nrugdepth                      # only relevant for point or runup gauge output
smag                           # ? relevant for all
breakviscfac                   # only relevant for nonh=1 and swave=0, default is nonh=0 and swave=1
sigfac                         # only relevant for kmax>1, default is kmax=1
gamma2                         # ? relevant for break=roelvink1 or break=roelvink2, default is break=roelvink2
maxerror                       # only relevant for stationary wave solver
form                           # ? relevant for all
lws                            # ? relevant for all
turb                           # ? relevant for all
facrun                         # relevant for swrunup=1, default is swrunup=0
sourcesink                     # ? relevant for all
lwt                            # ? relevant for turbulence computation, which is the default
roller                         # ? relevant for all
waveform                       # ? relevant for swave=1, default is swave=1
turbadv                        #
sus                            #
maxbrsteep                     #
sws                            #
Tm01                           #
split                          #
wavint                         #
rfb                            #
snells                         #
wci                            #
bulk                           #
depthscale                     #
breakvisclen                   #
dtheta                         #
dtbc                           #
z0                             #
nsetbathy                      #
frac_dz                        #
break                          #
betad                          #
setbathy                       #
correctHm0                     #
oldwbc                         #
BRfac                          #
m                              #
bed                            #
Cd                             #
fwcutoff                       #
merge                          #
fcutoff                        #
ARC                            #
shoaldelay                     #
breakerdelay                   #

Expert panel

  • Dano Roelvink
  • Ad Reniers
  • Jaap van Thiel de Vries
  • Robert McCall
  • Ap van Dongeren

Short list

Variation matrix

Resolution vs. dimensions

We can choose either to vary a large number of parameters (dimensions) using a limited resolution or vary a small number of parameters using a high resolution.

  • Deltaflume ?
  • Deltaflume 2006
  • Boers ?
  • 1953 storm surge



Several topics within this workflow are still being discussed. These discussions are briefly mentioned below.

Performance indicators

XBeach allows a variety of performance indicators to be used to compare the performance of one set of settings against another. For example, a profile comparison with measured data may be used by computing a BSS score. The BSS score itself, however, is subject to discussion for this purpose. Moreover, comparison data is often obtained from flume experiments on scale. These experiments use scaling rules that are derived by comparing erosion profiles rather than profile shape. The profile shape for these tests can thus not be used. For now, we use the erosion volume above SSL as performance indicator. Another advantage of this indicator is that it relates well to other calibration studies for dune assessment models in the Netherlands.



coefficient flow

Expert panel

  • Dano Roelvink
  • Ad Reniers
  • Jaap van Thiel de Vries
  • Robert McCall
  • Ap van Dongeren
  • Gerben Ruessink
  • Kees den Heijer
  • Arnold van Rooijen
  • Joost den Bieman
  • ...

Dear XBeach expert,

Deltares is reconsidering the default settings of XBeach for the use of XBeach as advanced assessment model for the Dutch coast. As scientific developer or advanced XBeach user we would like your opinion on this subject.

XBeach provides about 250 parameters to be set by the user. Many of those are related to case-specific input or are related to processes and functionalities that are not relevant for the application as assessment model for the Dutch coast. Discarding all these parameters, still a long list of over 80 parameters will be available to the user.

An assessment model is supposed to be suitable for application by ordinary users. Therefore we would like to minimise the fraction of these 80+ parameters exposed to these users, preferably by a 100% so that only case-specific data is to be provided by the user. In order to do so, we need to offer a default set of parameter settings that are applicable for dune assessment computations along the Dutch coast. We intend to derive such default set of parameters by systematically varying the parameter settings for a selected set of validation cases that are representative for the Dutch coast. Ultimately we will pick the set of parameters that resembles the validation measurements best.

Systematic variation of a set of 80+ parameters is, however, unfeasible. Only if we would pick 2 values per parameter and a single validation case it would take a zillion years to run the necessary computations. Therefore the first step is to eliminate the long list of 80+ parameters to a short list of less than 10 parameters based on expert judgement. This is where your help is appreciated.

Attached to this e-mail you will find a list of the 80+ relevant XBeach parameters. We would like you to assign 25 points to the parameters that should, according to you, be considered in the systematic variation. Optionally, you may indicate a value range for each parameter. We will divide about 10.000 XBeach simulations over the parameters that received the most points. The number of parameters is not set beforehand. We will consider including more parameters (dimensions) over including more variations per parameter (resolution). Parameters that are not included will be set to their current default value.

As a guidance, we also attached two plots that provide some insight in the (marginal) sensitivity of XBeach for the 80+ parameters found in the list. The marginal sensitivity is determined by running a 1D XBeach simulation using a schematised profile representative for the Dutch coast and normative storm conditions representative for the location Hoek van Holland. During each simulation only a single parameter is varied within it's applicable range. Some parameters depend on others (hwci, jetfac, waveform, facsd, z0, betad, BRfac, bed). In these cases both parameters are set, but only the parameter of interest is varied within it's range.

The first plot shows the sensitivity of the erosion volume above SSL for each parameter over it's valid range of values. The black dot depicts the default value. The red line is a linear fit excluding outliers. The second plot shows the range of erosion volumes found when varying each parameter, again excluding outliers. The second plot is ordered based on the variation of erosion volumes found. Outliers are excluded since they often correspond to valid, but unrealistic values (e.g. dzmax=0).

Please use these plots as guidance only. The plots are generated using a single model set-up only and not representative for all cases that should be taken into consideration. Also some parameters with large influence are not good candidates for systematic variation. For example, the parameter "sus" has a large influence, but it is probably not a good idea to calibrate XBeach turning suspended sediment transport on or off. On the other hand, it might not be so useful to include a parameter to the short list that has no influence at all.

A few remarks on the continuation of this calibration effort might be important to your input:

  • We only consider 1D cases (transects)
  • We only consider erosion volumes above SSL as performance indicator (we will look at profiles separately, later on)
  • We will scale the validation cases to prototype scale and run XBeach at that scale (we will look into scaling issues separately, later on)
  • We do not include the depthscale parameter in this study (it is always 1), but we will include the parameters set by the depthscale parameter (we will look into scaling issues seperately, later on)
  • We exclude the following processes / functionalities from calibration beforehand:
    • vegetation
    • wind
    • ships
    • non-hydrostatic
    • drifters
    • mpi
    • morfac
    • discharge
    • groundwater flow
    • beach wizard
    • sediment fractions
    • stationary wave solver

Your input is highly appreciated. You can provide your point assignments by a reply to this e-mail. Any list in any regular file format will do.
If you do not wish to participate, or if you will not be able to provide your input before May, 15th 2014, please let is know.

Best regards,
Bas Hoonhout
Pieter van Geer

Short list

Variation matrix

Resolution vs. dimensions

We can choose either to vary a large number of parameters (dimensions) using a limited resolution or vary a small number of parameters using a high resolution.

  • Deltaflume ?
  • Deltaflume 2006
  • Boers ?
  • 1953 storm surge



Several topics within this workflow are still being discussed. These discussions are briefly mentioned below.

Performance indicators

XBeach allows a variety of performance indicators to be used to compare the performance of one set of settings against another. For example, a profile comparison with measured data may be used by computing a BSS score. The BSS score itself, however, is subject to discussion for this purpose. Moreover, comparison data is often obtained from flume experiments on scale. These experiments use scaling rules that are derived by comparing erosion profiles rather than profile shape. The profile shape for these tests can thus not be used. For now, we use the erosion volume above SSL as performance indicator. Another advantage of this indicator is that it relates well to other calibration studies for dune assessment models in the Netherlands.


Comparison with data is often done using data obtained from flume experiments. These experiments are performed on scale. XBeach allows us to simulate the experiment at the scale of the experiment rather than on a 1:1 scale. As for now, this is not done for two reasons. First, the scaling within XBeach is still subject to discussion. Second, other calibration studies for dune assessment models also first scaled the experiment results and then performed the calibration.


The depthscale parameter is subject to discussion and should preferably be omitted. It is therefore not part of the long list. A separate study will investigate the scaling performance in XBeach.

Processes / functionalities

What processes / functionalities do we include? Probably not the following:

  • vegetation
  • wind
  • ships
  • non-hydrostatic
  • drifters
  • mpi
  • morfac
  • discharge
  • groundwater flow
  • beach wizard
  • sediment fractions
  • stationary wave solver

But what about:

  • structures
  • short-wave runup
  • shoaling delay
  • breaker delay
  • wave-current interaction
  • long-wave stirring
  • long-wave turbulence

Python toolbox

In order to efficiently perform the workflow described above, some Python tools have been developed. The toolbox is available through the OpenEarthTools repository: A IPython notebook is available at the same location that illustrates the simple workings of the toolbox.

The main functions are as follows:

Code Block

import default_settings

# read and write an overview of available XBeach parameters
ignore_params = default_settings.filesys.read_overview('ignore_params.txt')

# include dependencies and exclude parameters read from ignore list
dependencies = {'hwci' : {'wci' : 1},
'jetfac' : {'swrunup' : 1},
'waveform' : {'turb' : 'wave_averaged'},
'facsd' : {'shoaldelay' : 1},
'z0' : {'form' : 'soulsby_vanrijn'},
'betad' : {'lwt' : 1},
'BRfac' : {'rfb' : 1},
'bed' : {'bulk' : 0}}

params = default_settings.xbeach.get_parameters(dependencies=dependencies)
params_longlist = {k:v for k,v in params.iteritems() if k not in params_ignored}

# write models for marginal sensitivity analysis
default_settings.filesys.write_models(params_longlist, overwrite=False)

# run models for marginal sensitivity analysis

# monitor model progress

# read erosion volumes above SSL
V = default_settings.filesys.read_volumes()

# plot sensitivity
fig, axs = default_settings.plot.plot_volumes(V, params=params)
fig, axs = default_settings.plot.plot_sensitivity(V, params=params)