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Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin
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Header, Design

Current CultureInfo/Localization

cultureInfoUI language of the UserSettings from DelftShell.Gui (Properties.Settings which appears finally in the app.config) set the current CultureInfo/Localization to the given value of this parameter. This UI localization will be set for the DelftShell thread (Thread.CurrentThread.CultureInfoUI). For this moment all Plugins are running within this thread.


DelfShell.Core.DelftShellApplication initialises all plugins and sets the Properties.Resources of the plugin to IPlugin.Resources


best idea for localization Log4Net
In DelftShell.Gui.Forms.MessageWindow.MessageWindowLogAppender we could translate the message and make a catalogue in the app.config of the plugins. Still to do some tests/research like performence/threadsafe, how to get the parameters of string.format of the message etc. It would be nice the next version of Log4Net will include a decent solution.log4net.resources and log4net.<culture-country>.resources will be read.
Missing messages will be written to log4netcatalogue.resources

Available Languages

The available culture depended Resources in DelfShell.GUI.Properties.Resources are bound to the list in Menu->Tools->Options->General->Language


The culture depended Resources.dll will be located in bin\debug\<culture-country>\Resources.dll.
With a Post-Build script of the plugins the dll's and folder have to be copy to DelftShell.Loader\bin\plugins\<plugin>\<culture-country>\Resources.dll

Issues to resolve


  • Plugin can set the currentUICulture
  • Thousand and decimal points-commas of the different cultures and problems with string-double conversions etc.


It would be handy to centralise all resources in DelftShel.Resources and <Plugin>.Resources. It will be easier to maintenance all resources and texts and it will not be necessary to build the whole solution for a little text change. Also for a setup it will be easier to include all needed files. Designers and Translators can do there job without any knowledge of the program.


For log4net.resources: Lutz Roeder's resources editor
