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Table of Contents

See also the following external links:

+ -- Addition

- -- Subtraction

/ or div -- Division

* -- Multiplication ** -- nth power of a first expression, where n is the value of a second expression
abs -- Absolute value
accucapacityflux, accucapacitystate -- Transport of material downstream over a local drain direction network
accuflux -- Accumulated material flowing into downstream cell
accufractionflux, accufractionstate -- Fractional material transport downstream over local drain direction network
accuthresholdflux, accuthresholdstate -- Input of material downstream over a local drain direction network when transport threshold is exceeded
accutriggerflux, accutriggerstate -- Input of material downstream over a local drain direction network when transport trigger is exceeded
acos -- Inverse cosine
and -- Boolean-AND operation
areaarea -- The area of the area to which a cell belongs
areaaverage -- Average cell value of within an area
areadiversity -- Number of unique cell values within an area
areamajority -- Most often occurring cell value within an area
areamaximum -- Maximum cell value within an area
areaminimum -- Minimum cell value within an area
areanormal -- Value assigned to an area taken from a normal distribution
areatotal -- Sum of cell values within an area
areauniform -- Value assignseds to area taken from an uniform distribution
asin -- Inverse sine
aspect -- Aspects of a map using a digital elevation model
atan -- Inverse tangent
boolean -- Conversion data type to boolean data type
catchment -- Catchment(s) of one or more specified cells
catchmenttotal -- Total catchment for the entire upstream area
cellarea -- Area of one cell
celllength -- Horizontal and vertical length of a cell
clump -- Contiguous groups of cells with the same value ('clumps')
cos -- Cosine
cover -- Missing values substituted for values from one or more expression(s)
defined -- Boolean TRUE for non missing values and FALSE for missing values
directional -- Data conversion to the directional data type
downstream -- Cell gets value of the neighbouring downstream cell
downstreamdist -- Distance to the first cell downstream
eq or == -- Relational-equal-to operation on two expressions
exp -- Basee exponential
fac -- Faculty or factorial of a natural positive number
ge or >= -- Relational-greater-than-or-equal-to operation
gt or > -- Relational-greater-than operation
idiv -- Quotient of integer division of values on first expression by values on second expression
if then -- Boolean condition determining whether value of expression or missing value is assigned to result
if then else -- Boolean condition determining whether value of the first or second expression is assigned to result
kinematic -- Dynamic calculation of streamflow through a channel
ldd -- Data conversion from specific data types to local drain direction data type
lddcreate -- Local drain direction map with flow directions from each cell to its steepest downslope neighbour
lddcreatedem -- Modified digital elevation model
ldddist -- Friction-distance from the cell under consideration to downstream nearest TRUE cell
lddmask -- Local drain direction map cut into a (smaller) sound local drain direction map
lddrepair -- Reparation of unsound local drain direction map
le or <= -- Relational-less-than-or-equal-to operation
ln -- Natural logarithm (e)
log10 -- Log 10
lookup -- Compares cell value(s) of one or more expression(s) with the search key in a table
lt or < -- Relational-less-than operation
maparea -- Total map area
mapmaximum -- Maximum cell value
mapminimum -- Minimum cell value
mapnormal -- Cells get non spatial value taken from a normal distribution
maptotal -- Sum of all cell values
mapuniform -- Cells get non spatial value taken from an uniform distribution
max -- Maximum value of multiple expressions
min -- Minimum value of multiple expressions
mod -- Remainder of integer division of values on first expression by values on second expression
ne or != -- Relational-not-equal-to operation
nodirection -- Expression of directional data type
nominal -- Data conversion data type nominal data type
normal -- Boolean TRUE cell gets value taken from a normal distribution
not -- Boolean-NOT operation
or -- Boolean-OR operation
order -- Ordinal numbers to cells in ascending order
ordinal -- Data conversion to the ordinal data type
path -- Path over the local drain direction network downstream to its pit
pit -- Unique value for each pit cell
plancurv -- Planform curvature calculation using a DEM
pred -- Ordinal number of the next lower ordinal class
profcurv -- Profile curvature calculation using a DEM
rounddown -- Rounding down of cellvalues to whole numbers
roundoff -- Rounding off of cellvalues to whole numbers
roundup -- Rounding up of cellvalues to whole numbers
scalar -- Data conversion to the scalar data type
sin -- Sine
slope -- Slope of cells using a digital elevation model
slopelength -- Accumulative-friction-distance of the longest accumulative-friction-path upstream over the local drain direction network cells against waterbasin divides
spread -- Total friction of the shortest accumulated friction path over a map with friction values from source cell to cell under consideration
spreadldd -- Total friction of the shortest accumulated friction downstream path over map with friction values from an source cell to cell under consideration
spreadlddzone -- Shortest friction-distance path over map with friction from a source cell to cell under consideration, only paths in downstream direction from the source cell are considered
spreadmax -- Total friction of the shortest accumulated friction path over a map with friction values from a source cell to cell under consideration
spreadzone -- Shortest friction-distance path over a map with friction from an identified source cell or cells to the cell under consideration
sqr -- Square
sqrt -- Square root
streamorder -- Stream order index of all cells on a local drain direction network
subcatchment -- (Sub-)Catchment(s) (watershed, basin) of each one or more specified cells
succ -- Ordinal number of the next higher ordinal class
tan -- Tangent
time -- Timestep
timeinput... -- Cell values per timestep read from a time series that is linked to a map with unique identifiers
timeinput -- Set of output maps per timestep with an extension that refers to the time at the timestep
timeoutput -- Expression value of an uniquely identified cell or cells written to a time series per timestep
timeslice -- Timeslice
uniform -- Boolean TRUE cell gets value from an uniform distribution
uniqueid -- Unique whole value for each Boolean TRUE cell
upstream -- Sum of the cell values of its first upstream cell(s)
view -- TRUE or FALSE value for visibility from viewpoint(s) defined by a digital elevation model
windowaverage -- Average of cell values within a specified square neighbourhood
windowdiversity -- Number of unique values within a specified square neighbourhood
windowhighpass -- Increases spatial frequency within a specified square neighbourhood
windowmajority -- Most occurring cell value within a specified square neighbourhood
windowmaximum -- Maximum cell value within a specified square neighbourhood
windowminimum -- Minimum value within a specified square neighbourhood
windowtotal -- Sum of values within a specified square neighbourhood
xcoordinate -- X-coordinate of each Boolean TRUE cell
xor -- Boolean-XOR operation
ycoordinate -- Y-coordinate of each Boolean TRUE cell

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