The Delft-FEWS Published Interface (PI) consist of a series of data types and formats that modules need to adhere to when they are to work within the Delft-FEWS system. The document describes the available file formats. This includes an extensive description of the formats as defined in XML-Schema files. These are included in the Appendices
Guide to the reader
This document describes the interface (data types and formats) that modules need to adhere to when they are to work within the DELFT-FEWS system, together these form the DELFT-FEWS published interface. The document describes the recognised file formats. This includes an extensive description of the formats as defined in XML-Schema files. These are included in the Appendices.
- History of this document
- Introduction
- Testing
- Relation with other (XML) standards
- Running modules from Delft-FEWS
- General Remarks
- Introduction to File Format Specifications
- Dynamic data
- Static data
- Lateral inputs
- DELFT-FEWS netcdf convention
- List of files
- A XML Schema listings
- B Grid data file formats
- C EA Schema to PI mapping
- D Time Series Flags
- E Fileformats
- F Module Adapter Application
- Questions and answers