
These courses are dutch only.
In het najaar 2013 organiseert Deltares de volgende cursussen:

  • Cursus Hydrodynamica van Leidingsystemen Deel 1 - Dynamisch Gedrag op 16, 17 en 18 september a.s. (herhaling van 8, 9 en 10 april jl)
  • Cursus Hydrodynamica van Leidingsystemen Deel 2 - Pompen en Appendages op 30 september en 1 en 2 oktober a.s.
    Beide cursussen worden gegeven door de deskundigen van de afdeling Industrial Hydrodynamics van de unit Hydraulic Engineering.

Het doel van de cursus Dynamisch Gedrag is om de deelnemer zoveel inzicht te verschaffen zodat hij/zij in staat is het hydraulisch gedrag van een leidingsysteem te begrijpen, eenvoudige waterslag berekeningen te maken en mogelijke waterslag voorzieningen en/of procedures te beoordelen. Hiertoe worden de hydraulica van een leidingsysteem en het verschijnsel waterslag behandeld, maar ook de invloed van bijvoorbeeld terugslagkleppen en lucht in leidingen. Naast het overdragen van kennis zal er tijdens de cursus ruim gelegenheid zijn om onderling ervaringen uit te wisselen.

Het doel van de voortgezette cursus Pompen en Appendages is om de deelnemer zoveel inzicht te verschaffen dat hij/zij in staat is om een hydraulisch verantwoorde klep- en pompkeuze te maken. Naast het overdragen van kennis zal er tijdens de cursus ruim gelegenheid zijn om onderling ervaringen uit te wisselen. Deze cursus werd voorheen in 2 delen aangeboden onder de namen cursus Pompen en cursus Kleppen. Voorkennis met betrekking tot hydraulisch gedrag in een leidingsysteem en waterslag, zoals o.a. behandeld in de introductie cursus Dynamisch Gedrag, is gewenst.

De cursussen zijn bestemd voor iedereen die in de praktijk te maken heeft met het transporteren en distribueren van vloeistoffen in gesloten leidingsystemen en het ontwerpen van dergelijke systemen.
Denk hierbij aan medewerkers van ingenieursbureaus, bedrijfsbureaus en de beheerders van leidingsystemen en procesinstallaties, maar bijvoorbeeld ook aan fabrikanten en leveranciers van pompen, afsluiters en terugslagkleppen. Het gewenste opleidingsniveau is HBO.
Meer informatie over het complete cursusaanbod van Deltares is te vinden op

Wij stellen het op prijs als u ook uw collega's op de hoogte wilt brengen van ons cursusaanbod.

U kunt zich voor deze cursus inschrijven via het elektronische inschrijformulier voor de cursus Dynamisch Gedrag en de cursus Pompen en Appendages.

Deltares is happy to announce the advanced pressure management courses in Munich (18-20 September 2013) and Istanbul (11-13 November 2013).
The courses are organised in collaboration with Studio Marco Fantozzi and WLR&A.
The programme will focus on pressure management and pressure dynamics in water distribution systems.

More information on the course and a link to enter your registration can be found at the Deltares Academy website.

On the 23rd of may, Deltares presented the first Wanda webinar, where we showed our audience all the new features of Wanda 4.2 and how to use these features.
A recording of the webinar presentation, along with the presentation slides, is available at Wanda Webinars
We will also upload future webinars and presentation slides to this page.

Wanda 4.2 Released!

Deltares is pleased to announce the availability of Wanda 4.2. This release is the third release of the Wanda 4 series and includes several new features and improvements.

New features include:

  • Update to the latest version of iGrafx Flowcharter, version 2013
  • Two new liquid components for simulating the filling (and draining) of pipelines: Fast-filling pipe and the Air valve with filling pipe-section
  • Three new Heat components: Gas boiler, solar collector and the 4-way heat exchanger.
  • One new control component: The multi-stage pattern.

The new setup is available from the Downloads & Patches wiki page

Wanda 4.2 Webinar

On the 23th of may Deltares organizes A webinar with the title: Modelling pipeline hydraulics in WANDA: What's new in WANDA 4.2
It will be given in Dutch followed by an English version

Register via: (English version) (Dutch version)

Wanda 4.1.2 Released!

Deltares is pleased to announce the release of Wanda 4.1.2. This release fixes several issues that have been discovered since the release of Wanda 4.1.1. The following issues have been resolved:

  • Resolved issue for incorrect computation of initial air volume under some circumstances.
  • Resolved issue for delayed output of TAB component when simulating large number of timesteps.
  • Improved error handling in parameterscript.
  • Resolved issues for Venturi component.
  • Resolved issues for Channel component.
  • Resolved issues for Collector component.
  • Added velocity calculation for Orifice component.
  • Improved error handling and messages during steady state initialisation.

The new setup is available from the Downloads & Patches wiki page

Wanda 4.1.1 released

Wanda 4.1 (released on August 13th, 2012) included a bug that was not discovered during testing. This issue can cause incorrect behaviour of some Liquid components, especially Vent (air valve) and Weir components.

We have fixed the problem and a new setup is available from the Downloads & Patches wiki page.
If you’ve downloaded and installed Wanda 4.1 between August 13th and September 6th, please download the new setup and reinstall the software. Installing the Patch is sufficient in this case.

You can check the version numbers of Wanda on your PC. The following versions are affected:

  • User interface version: 4.1.1084
  • Wanda executables version: 4.1.03
Wanda 4.1 released!

Deltares is pleased to announce the release of Wanda 4.1. This release brings us a new module: Wanda Heat.
If you have not ordered Wanda 4 yet and want to upgrade, please contact our sales team:

Changes in Wanda 4.1 – Highlights

  • New module: Wanda Heat
  • The Wanda parameter script has been improved
  • Importing of EPANET models has been improved
  • Solved a bug that caused the control valves to remain closed after valve closure
  • Added “allowable pressure ratio” (cavitation characteristic) as an output series for the valve and control valves.

Changes in Wanda 4.0.2 September 2011

The following issues have been resolved since the release of Wanda 4.0.1 July 2011:

  • The visibility of output properties for H-nodes in the diagram was saved incorrectly. Visibility of H-node output properties wasn’t saved correctly (checkbox in output field) and therefore the value was not updated in the diagram when the output data changed.
  • The visibility of output properties in the diagram was saved incorrectly
  • The visibility of the quantity property of the SENSOR component in the diagram was saved incorrectly
  • Incorrect mean efficiency calculation in Pump characteristics
  • Incorrect power calculation in Pump characteristics
  • Incorrect efficiency calculation in PumpEnergy module

Note: these issues only affect Wanda 4 and are not applicable for Wanda 3.73

Wanda 4.0.1 - July update

Changes in Wanda 4.0 July 2011

The following changes have been made since the first release of Wanda 4.0 vs. May 2011:

  • Bug fix in the pressure calculation in the H-node. An H-node with more than 1 connected PIPE (with different diameters) showed the incorrect minimum pressure. The Wanda 4 manual has been updated with a clear definition of the pressure in the H-node (Section 4.4). An erratum of the manual pages 4 - is available from the wiki
  • Improved numerical stability of Tee, Y and cross junction components.
  • Improved messages and error handling of steady state computation. If the steady state solution is not converged after the specified number of maximum iterations, the steady message report is displayed automatically. An error message has been added and the debug information with the 20 last solution vectors has been removed.
  • The handling of an unstable solution (a solution with changing behaviour of an H-component, the so called reciprocating phase change) is improved. The user gets an error message when an unstable steady state solution is found.
  • For both errors (Converging and Stability) it is allowed to start the unsteady simulation. The model may converge further during the unsteady simulation (do not specify any action for a couple of time steps).

Deltares is pleased to announce the availability of Wanda 4.0 Liquid. This version is the first official release in the Wanda 4 series and improves the stability and functionality of Wanda. Wanda 4.0 is available via the Downloads & Patches wiki page.

New features include:

  • The architecture of Wanda has changed significantly, allowing for new modules such as Heat and Gas and supports, besides the existing suppliers and fall types, components with more than 2 hydraulic connect nodes
  • New 3 and 4 connect node components like Tee, Y and cross junctions for accurate local head loss calculations
  • New optional component "Turbine" with wicket gate

For more information, check the release notes

The latest Wanda newsletter (May 2010) is available, which contains information on the upcoming Wanda 4.0 release, new components and exiting developments.
The newsletter is directly available from the Wiki: Wanda Newsletter May 2010

Wanda 3.72 Released!

Deltares is pleased to announce the availability of Wanda 3.72. This version is the second official release in the 3.7 series and improves the stability and functionality of Wanda. Wanda 3.72 is available via the Downloads & Patches wiki page

Improved in Wanda 3.72

Please see the Release notes & Errata wiki page for a complete list

  • Improved file saving
  • Improved handling of read-only files
  • Better EPANET import functionality
  • Numerous small bugs and issues

This course is only in Dutch. For more courses see Training courses & Workshops

Wegens grote belangstelling voor de Wanda Introductie cursus op 24 November (inschrijving is inmiddels gesloten) organiseert Deltares een extra introductie cursus op 10 December 2009.
Deze cursus is bedoeld voor gebruikers die nog geen of weinig ervaring hebben met het gebruik van WANDA.
Tijdens de cursus wordt zowel de Wanda User-interface als algemene modelleringsaspecten behandeld. De workshop geeft de gebruiker de kennis en ervaring om een leidingsysteem uit de praktijk te vertalen naar een numeriek model.

De workshop heeft een zeer interactief karakter, vragen en feedback worden ten alle tijden op prijs gesteld.

De volgende onderdelen worden besproken

  • Userinterface:
    • hydraulisch schema tekenen
    • invoeren van eigenschappen
    • raadplegen van uitvoer (grafieken en tabellen)
  • Weerstandsberekeningen (Module Engineering)
  • Samengestelde grafieken maken van pomp en leidingkarakteristieken
  • Simulaties (waterslagberekening) (module transient)
  • Toelichting belangrijkste hydraulische componenten
  • Modelleringsaspecten - vertaalslag van praktijk naar model
  • inleiding Control module

De cursisten maken door middel van presentaties en interactieve opdrachten kennis met de functionaliteit van Wanda. De cursus is gericht op de praktische toepassing van Wanda en is uitermate geschikt voor beginnende gebruikers, ook als deze nog geen ervaring hebben met hydraulische modellering.

U kunt zich aanmelden voor 1 november middels bijgevoegd inschrijfformulier.

Minor Wanda update

Due to some recent developments, a new version update to Wanda 3.71 has been released.

The new setup is available via the Downloads & Patches wiki page.

Improved in Wanda 3.71h

Issues found since Wanda 3.71g (released on October 10th, 2009).

  • Pressure ratio is not calculated in steady states for control valves if initial state is other than 'position'