Adaptation of rivers, both hydrodynamically and morphologically, is a process that involves large spatial and temporal scales. Especially when you want to look at adaptations due to climate change (sea level rise, changes in discharge regime) or due to large scale interventions in the system. It is therefore of utmost importance to be able to predict the (long term) development of rivers on larger scales. This gives the need for appropriate numerical models and accompanying software.
This TKI project focusses on larger spatial scales and (long term) morphology. With these requirements a 1D modelling approach, with 2D and 3D parts where needed, appears to be the best choice. The widely used 1D simulation software for rivers, the SOBEK-suite, does not fulfill the demands that are currently set for the support in integral river management. For this purpose, we utilize the ‘state of the art’ D-HYDRO (or 'Delft3D-FM') Software Suite that integrates multi-dimensional approaches in one package. The D-HYDRO Suite is a dynamic modelling platform, where innovative water software meets and connects to the continuous change in problems coming from the water sector. D-HYDRO is an open source product and has a large (international) user community.
The core of the Deflt3D-FM software is a completely new computational core (D-Flow FM), which has been developed in the past years, in first instance with a focus on 2D applications (with a novel flexible mesh approach) also in combination with morphology. Lately the development for 3D applications has been further enhanced and also the application to 1D-2D systems for the regional water boards and rural areas is taken into account. However, the possibilities for 1D modelling of rivers is lagging behind and further disclosure of specific features for this application is needed to be able to perform integral river studies
The overall goal is to boost integral river modelling both nationally and internationally to be able to answer complex questions in the future. This is done by developing and disclosing specific modelling techniques within state of the art software (D-HYDRO Suite) and making them available to the whole river community.
This overall goal related can be divided in multiple sub-goals:
Within this project the following activities have been performed:
The following results are obtained within the project:
The consortium of the project consisted of the following members:
The project contributes to the following KIC's:
Software and test models are available via the RiverLab platform
This TKI-project is also related to the following TKI-projects: