Field measurements have been carried out in the Wadden Sea near Holwerd during summer 2022. During two different measurement campaigns with different ambient conditions, multiple type of measurement were carried out to investigate hydrodynamics and transport of sand and mud at two different locations.  

Below are several pictures of the first measurement campaign. The results of many of the field measurements are discussed in this report: 11204950_TKI-MUSA_03A_Fieldexperiments_Holwerd.pdf

In another field campaign in Holwerd in May 2022, settling velocities and floc sizes were measured with different types of instruments: the Piranha settling tube and the LABSFLOC2 video camera system. The results are analyzed together with the results of laboratory measurements of settling velocities and floc sizes. Performing the same measurements with multiple instruments allows for a direct comparison between the results. In general, the Piranha instrument yields lower settling velocities than the LABSFLOC2 camera. Main causes for deviations are that macro-flocs may break up in mechanical settling tube and that the presence of small particles and micro-flocs may be underestimated by the LABSFLOC2 camera. More can be found in this report: 111204950_TKI-MUSA_03B_Fieldmeasurements_settling velocities and floc sizes.pdf