This page lists a couple of projects which meet the FAIR principles. Each entry provides a short introduction into the project as well as a link to the data.
Click on the respective title to access the data.
NHI Data Portal
The NHI data portal is a portal where all base and model data are made available as much as possible related to modelling of the (ground)water resources of the Netherlands. This model is called LHM, Country Hydrological Model (Landelijk Hydrologisch Model). Data is made available as direct download via techniques like THREDDS, OGC services (WMS, WFS, WCS) and via a web portal where all data can be seen. Every dataset is documented in a so-called catalogue service for the web where data can be retrieved via keywords. Links to data are given as well as short descriptions. Furthermore from the portal data can be viewed, but also directly download.
The NHI Data Portal is from 2023 not in maintenance at Deltares but via a third party. Still interested, you can find the data via (last updated: ).
The MI-SAFE software and webviewer are developed under the EU funded FP7 project FAST (Foreshore Assessment using Space Technology). The MI-SAFE viewer depicts the estimated contribution of coastal vegetation to wave height attenuation for user-selected coastal locations anywhere in the world. The MI-SAFE viewer is thus based on global datasets made available via open spatial services and presented in the web-viewer. The data from these global datasets are used to query the results of a modelling exercise conducted with XBeach for a range of different types of vegetated foreshores and a range of exposure to waves and tides. The results can be used to assess the requirements for the design of coastal flood protection measures with and without vegetation fronting those measures; they give a first estimate of the potential risk reduction that coastal vegetation has to offer with respect to specific coastal flood events on any particular shore across the world. Take a look at for the tool, check the science behind, the value of MI-SAFE and the Use of MI-SAFE.
Informatiehuis Marien
An initiative between the Dutch Ministries of Infrastructure & Water Management, Agriculture, Nature & Food Quality and Defense, Informatiehuis Marien (IHM) provides an accessible space where all information, data and research related to the North Sea can be found. A web viewer with a visualization of available data, data type and location is available in the link. IHM data can also be accessed via open spatial services. FAIR principles have been applied by way of IHM's own Marine Data Protocol.
Interested in what layers are available in the viewer? Check out open-data-viewer IHM (last updated: )
Waterinfo-extra & Waterinfo
Waterinfo contains a webviewer and easy download functionality for the Rijkswaterstaat MWTL (Monitoring Waterstaatkundige Toestand des Lands) monitoring programme. The Waterinfo-extra platform builds upon the existing Waterinfo datasets by sharing additional useful information that may be interesting for other parties. The website complements data from Waterinfo and typically displays archived project data of which Rijkswaterstaat is the owner. Waterinfo can also be accessed here.
Interested in what layers are available in the viewer? Check out Water Info Extra (last updated: )
Basis Monitoring Wadden
Data related to the Wadden Sea can be found here, serving as a central location for information that can contribute to the sustainable protection and development of the Wadden Sea. This facilitates better understanding of the Wadden system, and consists of a web viewer as well. Data includes morphological, ecological and biogeochemical monitoring datasets.
Interested in accessing layers within a webviewer? Check out Waddenzee (last updated: ). BTW, a lot of data is FAIR, so it is also possible to find data and link to the viewer and from the viewer it is possible to get to metadata. Check out Waddenregister.
Enabling information via storymaps is a popular way of dissemination. This can easily be done by FAIR data. It is not necessary to establish this via uploading all your data to ArcGIS Online (which is also very slow in handling vector data). Via the geoserver on the Deltares data portal data has been converted into AIR data (Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable). You can view the example of COASTAR project here (parts of the storymap are under cunstruction on 01-12-2021).