User guide WaterCoach

In the Water Coach, making a forecast with FEWS can be trained.

Stand-Alone mode

Start Delft-FEWS and the WaterCoach plugin

Start the executable of the required Delft-FEWS application can be started directly:

  • On a Windows platform by using executable, e.g. FEWS_Application.exe.
  • On a Linux platform by adding the path to the application configuration as a command-line argument:  java -jar WaterCoach.jar application_config.xml

Start the WaterCoach plugin via the menu, if this is not started automatically.

A docked window will appear. The window may show two sections; a 'Select scenario' section, and a 'Generate scenario' section. The latter is only available since FEWS 2023.01, and if explicitly configured. It's usage is explained below, and the configuration is explained in the WaterCoach-on-the-Fly configuration. First the 'Select scenario' option is explained.

Select a scenario/script

In the 'Select scenario' section the user can specify the user name, the scenario and script to be played, and the experience level (optional). By default, the first available scenario and script are selected.

The user name is only used in the log-file. The log-file is created for each scenario/script that is played and is added (with a time stamp) to the appropriate directory in the scenario/script database. This default location of the log file can be overruled by specifying the location in the WaterCoach Display configuration. The chosen scenario and script can be started with the "Start"-button.

Note: since the selection of the experience level is optional, this field might not be visible.

If you have started WaterCoach previously, you will first get a question if you want to continue with this previous session. If you choose yes, you will continue with the data generated in the previous session (i.e. the LocalDataStore). (You only get this question if you have shut down the WaterCoach completely, i.e. both the window with the clock and the menu to select a Scenario and Script.)

  • If you choose no, the current localDataStore will now be replaced with scenario localDataStore. When the database is replaced,
    1. a pop-up message shows the progress of this action and
    2. the separate WaterCoach control panel ("clock") is opened and
    3. Delft-FEWS switches into waterCoach mode (i.e. yellow border, system time is controlled by the WaterCoach clock).
  • If step 2 and 3 do not happen, please reopen the embedded WaterCoach display once more via the menu bar. You will find the scenario and script already selected, so you only need to click Start.



Generate a scenario (available since Delft-FEWS 2023.01)

In the 'Generate scenario' section the user can make a simple scenario with data from the Open Archive. It requires that the Stand Alone system has a direct connection to the Open Archive, and that this section is enabled in the configuration (see how-to WaterCoach-on-the-Fly configuration). With this functionality, a user can make a very simple script that works with the data that can be downloaded automatically from the Open Archive for a specified time window. This makes it very easy for users to play back some event or have a starting point for a more complex scenario.
To generate a scenario, the user should specify:

  1. the name of the scenario;
  2. the start time of the scenario;
  3. the end time of the scenario;
  4. (if configured): whether grids should be fully downloaded and imported in the scenario's localDataStore, or should use the 'import grids as reference' functionality whereby the actual data is only downloaded from the archive when a user is viewing them in a display;
  5. (if configured): specify whether archived model states should be available in the scenario;
  6. (if configured): specify whether archived modifiers should be available in the scenario.

Note: the period for which data is downloaded depends on the timeseriesType, consistent with the tagging functionality of the Open Archive;

  • for observed time series (i.e. timeSeriesType is external historical), all observations within between the start and end time are downloaded and imported.
  • for external forecasts (i.e. timeSeriesType is  external forecast), all external forecast for which the forecast window falls between the start and end time are downloaded and imported. This means that also external forecasts with an analysis time older than the specified start time are used.
  • for simulations (i.e. timeSeriesType is simulated historical or simulated forecast), the simulations for which the T0 falls between the start and end time are downloaded and imported.

Upon pressing the 'Generate' button, the user is asked 3 questions in pop-up windows that appear after one another:

  1. pop-up 1 shows indications of size of the data that is to be downloaded, specified for scalar and grid data separately (download size of grids is not indicated if the "import grids as reference" options was selected). Press "Yes" if you want to continue, and "No" if not.
  2. pop-up 2 details the selection of FEWS configurations that the user can choose from; current configuration (always available), or some configurations found in the archive for the specified period; the last configuration until the start time, and all other configurations archived in the period between the start and end  time. The panel is empty if no configurations are found in the archive. 
  3. pop-up 3 ask the user to provide the scenario database folder that the new scenario should be added to. One can choose any folder here, but a folder on a local drive is preferred as the new to start WaterCoach will run directly in the created scenario folder. One could also choose to use the configured ScenarioScriptDatabase folder so that the scenario is immediately available for all WaterCoach instances that are connected to that folder. The recommended procedure, however, is to first test the scenario locally, and only copy it to the ScenarioScriptDatabase if one is satisfied with it.

After this folder is specified, the current Stand Alone FEWS instance will copy the configuration with a simple script.xml to the new scenario folder. 

After the configuration is ready in the scenario folder, a new FEWS instance is started with that configuration, and the downloading and importing of the data from the archive begins. 

When all data is downloaded, the user can start to play the scenario from the 'Select scenario' section.


Get to know the Water Coach Display ("clock")

After a scenario/script has been started, a new window will appear for the chosen scenario/script.

In-training time

The scenario/script window contains a panel with the scenario/script date and time (i.e. the in-training time). The time can be paused and resumed by the user. It is also possible to configure a "next activity"-button or a "fast forward"-button, with which the player can jump through time to the next message or speed-up the time, respectively. Furthermore, the presence of a button for manually setting the in-training time can be configured.

Note: since the presence of these buttons is optional, what you see may differ from the example on the right.


Depending on the script configuration, information (e.g. messages, phone calls, etc.) or exercises will be displayed either in FEWS or on the screen as a pop-up window for the user to process. Information can also become available behind the (optional) communication buttons. This information is dynamic, i.e. the contents can vary over time. As a third option, information can be retrieved by the user from the "inbox"-drop-down menu. The amount of information/help depends on the experience level that is chosen.

Note: since the presence (and labels) of the communication buttons is optional, what you see may differ from the example on the right.


Depending on the script configuration, words can be looked up in a dictionary.

Note: since the presence of the dictionay buttons is optional, what you see may differ from the example on the right.

Publish a Forecast

Forecasts can be made in the forecast window, which will appear by pushing the "Forecast"-button. The locations for which a forecast can be given are specified in the script configuration. One or more columns in the forecast table are editable; in these columns the user has to enter his/her forecast. By pushing the "Publish"-button, this forecast is published. Changes to the forecast table can also be saved (without publication) or cancelled.

Note: the content of the forecast window is completely configurable, what you see may differ from the example.

Stopping the WaterCoach

When you close WaterCoach control panel (i.e. "clock"), you will be able to select and start another scenario and/or script in the WaterCoach plugin.

The last selected scenario and script will be written in user_settings.ini.

When you close the WaterCoach plugin, the WaterCoach mode is switched off.

Participant mode

Start master Delft-FEWS application

Note: It is important to always first completely start the master Delft-FEWS application and its WaterCoach session, before any of the participant clients are started, since they make use of the LocalDataStore of the master application.

  1. Start Delft-FEWS of master application,
  2. start WaterCoach plugin,
  3. select scenario and script and
  4. start the training
  5. start the embedded vdjbc server (through F-12 menu)
  6. (optional): export clientConfig.xml to be used by the participant(s) through the F-12 menu of the WaterCoach display

Start participant Delft-FEWS application

Note: It is important to always first completely start the master Delft-FEWS application and its WaterCoach session (see previous steps), before any of the participant clients are started, since they make use of the LocalDataStore of the master application.

  1. Ensure the <databaseServer> in clientConfig.xml points to the vjdbc server run by the Master application
  2. Start Delft-FEWS of participant application,
  3. start WaterCoach plugin,
  4. review the selected scenario and script. Note: The participant cannot change the script or scenario, which in selected by the master application.
  5. start the participant session. Note: The buttons to manage the clock (like pause and next) are disabled. Participant clock follows the master clock

Expected behavior during the training

  1. If you change the clock in the master application (e.g. pause, next event), the participant clock follows this lead
  2. All approved forecasts ("run on server") made by the participants are visible to the master and vice versa.
  3. All local runs (run from Forecasts -> Run segment Locally) are visible only to the participant, never to others.
  4. All forecaster notes made by the participants are visible to the master and the other participants.
    Messages that are marked as read in one client will be marked as read in all clients.
    Note: synchronization can take up to a minute

Stopping the training

  1. The master stops the training and selects an another scenario en/of script
    1. The participant is notified of this and is asked to restart the WaterCoach.
    2. The participant closes the current session, close WachterCoach plugin and start WaterCoach again.
  2. The participant stops the application.
    1. The other participants or the master is not notified of this.
    2. The participant can restart the WaterCoach and (the same) training if so desired.

Multiple Delft-FEWS applications for a combined training with WaterCoach

When two or more Delft-FEWS applications are connected for a combined training with WaterCoach, you will see a section on "Multiple Systems" in the WaterCoach display. 

Start leader Delft-FEWS application

The leader Delft-FEWS application will be the application that will determine the time (i.e. write the time file with which the followers synchronize).
Note: it is recommended to start the leader before the follower(s), but it is not mandatory for the functionalities.

  1. Start Delft-FEWS of the leader application
  2. Start the WaterCoach plugin
  3. Uncheck or leave the “Synchronize time with training leader” box empty
  4. Select scenario and script
  5. Start the training

Start follower Delft-FEWS application(s)

Note: it is recommended to start the leader before the follower(s), but it is not mandatory for the functionalities. It is possible to connect more than one follower to the leader.

  1. Start Delft-FEWS of the follower application
  2. Start the WaterCoach plugin
  3. Check the “Synchronize time with training leader” box
  4. Select scenario and script (Note: the script must have the same displayStart as the script started by the leader application for the connection to work correctly, see Script configuration).
  5. Start the training

Start participant Delft-FEWS application(s) (optional)

Start the participant Delft-FEWS application as described above (optional).

Expected behavior during the combined training

  1. The applications are connected through the system time. The system time of the follower(s) is synchronized to the system time of the leader. All other functionalities of both the leader and follower will not change with regard to the Stand-Alone WaterCoach application.
  2. If you change the clock in the leader application (e.g. pause, accelerate), the follower and participant clocks will follow this lead.
  3. Data (e.g. forecasts, modifiers) can be automatically imported and exported by all applications (optional).
  4. All participant functionalities will work the same as in master-participant mode, see Participant mode.

Stopping the combined training

There are several ways to stop a combined training, each with it's own behavior as described below.

  1. The leader stops their application and/or selects another scenario and script
    1. With this, the leader effectively stops the training session training
    2. The follower’s session keeps going, but is paused in time. Errors will appear in the log.
    3. To start a new training the follower needs to close the session. After the leader starts a new training, the follower can connect by also starting a new training.
  2. A follower stops their application
    1. The leader or other followers are not notified of this.
    2. The participant is notified of this and is asked to restart the WaterCoach.
    3. The follower can restart the WaterCoach and (the same) training session if so desired.
  3. A participant stops their application
    1. The leader, follower and/or master is not notified of this.
    2. The participant can restart the WaterCoach and (the same) training session if so desired.

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