- Created by Orshi Egressy-Molnár, last modified on 11-12-2024
Available since 2020.02. Present parser allows to download and import meteorological observations from https://www.obscape.com/portal/api/v2/api?
Example url request:
station is the location ID,
device is NOT the parameter Id, it is a parameter group that can contain several different parameters. The name of the device has to be part of the URL in the configoration (see example)
Example configuration:
An int property timeOutInMillies can be added to custumise timeout.\
A boolean logResponseForDebugging can be used. In this case the server response will be logged instead of parsed.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <timeSeriesImportRun xmlns="http://www.wldelft.nl/fews" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.wldelft.nl/fews http://fews.wldelft.nl/schemas/version1.0/timeSeriesImportRun.xsd"> <import> <general> <importType>Obscape</importType> <serverUrl>https://www.obscape.com/portal/api/v2/api?device=level</serverUrl> <!-- this field is not used, but it is necessary to be able to configure connection timout--> <backupServerUrl>https://www.obscape.com/portal/api/v2/api?device=level</backupServerUrl> <!-- if this field is not configured, it will be set at 2000 automatically. --> <connectionTimeOutMillis>1000000</connectionTimeOutMillis> <user>dummy_username</user> <password>dummy_password</password> <relativeViewPeriod unit="day" start="-2" end="1" startOverrulable="true" endOverrulable="true"/> <idMapId>ObscapeMap</idMapId> <missingValue>-999.0</missingValue> </general> <properties> <int key="timeoutInMillies" value="5000"></int> </properties> <timeSeriesSet> <moduleInstanceId>Obscape</moduleInstanceId> <valueType>scalar</valueType>
Obscape import can also provide scalar map data. It's presented as an array of numeric values in the response: [ 1, 2, 3]. Each value in the array is mapped to a child location (that all belong to the same parent location.) The first value belongs to the child location with the highest z value (highest elevation), the last value belongs to the child location with the lowest elevation.
When configuring an import for scalar map data, all child locations must have a z value, and the number of child location has to exactly match the number of values in the array. The location set (or list of locations) has to contain all child locations (without the parent location.
Config example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- edited with XMLSpy v2014 rel. 2 sp1 (http://www.altova.com) by Afdeling ICT (Stichting Deltares) --> <timeSeriesImportRun xmlns="http://www.wldelft.nl/fews" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.wldelft.nl/fews http://fews.wldelft.nl/schemas/version1.0/timeSeriesImportRun.xsd"> <import> <general> <importType>Obscape</importType> <serverUrl>https://www.obscape.com/portal/api/v2/api?device=level</serverUrl> <!-- this field is not used, but it is necessary to be able to configure connection timout--> <backupServerUrl>https://www.obscape.com/portal/api/v2/api?device=level</backupServerUrl> <!-- if this field is not configured, it will be set at 2000 automatically. --> <connectionTimeOutMillis>1000000</connectionTimeOutMillis> <user>user</user> <password>password</password> <relativeViewPeriod unit="day" start="-2" end="1" startOverrulable="true" endOverrulable="true"/> <idMapId>ObscapeMap</idMapId> <missingValue>-999.0</missingValue> </general> <timeSeriesSet> <moduleInstanceId>Obscape</moduleInstanceId> <valueType>scalar</valueType> <parameterId>Uvelprof</parameterId> <locationId>childlocation1</locationId> <locationId>childlocation2</locationId> <locationId>childlocation3</locationId> <locationId>childlocation4</locationId> <locationId>childlocation5</locationId> <locationId>childlocation6</locationId> <timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType> <timeStep unit="nonequidistant"/> <readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode> <synchLevel>1</synchLevel> </timeSeriesSet> </import> </timeSeriesImportRun>
Example response:
{ "data": [ { "time": "1615766402", "zref": "3.01", "level": 1.44, "Hm0": 0, "Hmax": 0, "Tp": 0, "Tm01": 0, "Tm02": 0, "Tm10": 0, "Tavg": 0, "Tmax": 0, "Puu": null, "raw": null, "VBAT": 1.48, "VSOL": 0, "TEMP": 0, "HUM": 0, "PATM": 0, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 25, "RAT": null, "oper": null, "source": "GSM", "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2021-03-15 00:00:02 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1615766703", "zref": "3.01", "level": 1.47, "Hm0": 0, "Hmax": 0, "Tp": 0, "Tm01": 0, "Tm02": 0, "Tm10": 0, "Tavg": 0, "Tmax": 0, "Puu": null, "raw": null, "VBAT": 1.48, "VSOL": 0, "TEMP": 0, "HUM": 0, "PATM": 0, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 26, "RAT": null, "oper": null, "source": "GSM", "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2021-03-15 00:05:03 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1615767002", "zref": "3.01", "level": 1.54, "Hm0": 0, "Hmax": 0, "Tp": 0, "Tm01": 0, "Tm02": 0, "Tm10": 0, "Tavg": 0, "Tmax": 0, "Puu": null, "raw": null, "VBAT": 1.48, "VSOL": 0, "TEMP": 0, "HUM": 0, "PATM": 0, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 26, "RAT": null, "oper": null, "source": "GSM", "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2021-03-15 00:10:02 [UTC]" } ], "parameters": [ { "name": "level", "symbol": "h", "unit": "m", "caption": "Water level" }, { "name": "Hm0", "symbol": "Hm0", "unit": "m", "caption": "Significant wave height" }, { "name": "Hmax", "symbol": "Hmax", "unit": "m", "caption": "Maximum wave height" } ] }
Example response with scalar map data:
{ "data": [ { "time": "1646917200", "nbins": "10", "binsize": "11816", "dblank": "97", "avgint": "5", "vbatsens": 10.5, "waterPressure": 17.6, "temperature": 26.04, "lat": -29.8255, "lon": 31.0547, "VBAT": 0, "VSOL": 0, "TEMP": 0, "HUM": 0, "PATM": 0, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 0, "RAT": 3, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ -0.032000001519918, 0.014999999664724, 0, -0.0099999997764826, 0.029999999329448, 0.016000000759959, 0.06700000166893, 0.056000001728535, 0.032000001519918, 0.12899999320507 ], "Nvelprof": [ -0.003000000026077, -0.046999998390675, 0.0040000001899898, -0.078000001609325, -0.079000003635883, -0.054000001400709, -0.090999998152256, -0.045000001788139, -0.027000000700355, -0.089000001549721 ], "Uvelprof": [ 0.030999999493361, 0.021999999880791, 0.01799999922514, 0.032000001519918, 0.046999998390675, 0.034000001847744, 0.046000000089407, 0.054000001400709, 0.039000000804663, 0.032000001519918 ], "Uda": 0.068837532300797, "Udirda": 149.23530217569, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-10 13:00:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1646919000", "nbins": "10", "binsize": "11816", "dblank": "97", "avgint": "5", "vbatsens": 10.5, "waterPressure": 17.59, "temperature": 26, "lat": -29.8255, "lon": 31.0546, "VBAT": 4.15942, "VSOL": 6.47574, "TEMP": 41.19, "HUM": 61.997, "PATM": 106.523, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 9, "RAT": 3, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ -0.054999999701977, 0.025000000372529, -0.019999999552965, -0.0060000000521541, -0.03999999910593, -0.030999999493361, -0.061000000685453, -0.024000000208616, 0.039000000804663, 0.029999999329448 ], "Nvelprof": [ -0.16899999976158, -0.13899999856949, -0.1870000064373, -0.14900000393391, -0.14399999380112, -0.13400000333786, -0.075000002980232, -0.11500000208616, -0.14399999380112, -0.068000003695488 ], "Uvelprof": [ 0.032000001519918, 0.056000001728535, 0.065999999642372, 0.059999998658895, 0.076999999582767, 0.10100000351667, 0.1059999987483, 0.093999996781349, 0.097000002861023, 0.12800000607967 ], "Uda": 0.13807972624964, "Udirda": 186.16439453736, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-10 13:30:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1646920800", "nbins": "10", "binsize": "11816", "dblank": "97", "avgint": "5", "vbatsens": 10.5, "waterPressure": 17.82, "temperature": 25.84, "lat": -29.8255, "lon": 31.0546, "VBAT": 4.15839, "VSOL": 6.46413, "TEMP": 41.17, "HUM": 59.6242, "PATM": 106.081, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 8, "RAT": 0, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ -0.046000000089407, -0.013000000268221, 0.043000001460314, 0.014000000432134, 0.014000000432134, 0.034000001847744, 0.032999999821186, 0.041000001132488, -0.023000000044703, 0.0010000000474975 ], "Nvelprof": [ -0.01799999922514, 0.0020000000949949, 0.0040000001899898, 0.014999999664724, 0.059999998658895, 0.074000000953674, 0.064999997615814, 0.078000001609325, 0.12600000202656, 0.041999999433756 ], "Uvelprof": [ -0.014000000432134, 0.0040000001899898, 0.01799999922514, 0.028999999165535, 0.050999999046326, 0.06700000166893, 0.076999999582767, 0.082000002264977, 0.10100000351667, 0.13500000536442 ], "Uda": 0.06004123489043, "Udirda": 12.339087833354, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-10 14:00:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1646922600", "nbins": "10", "binsize": "11816", "dblank": "97", "avgint": "5", "vbatsens": 10.5, "waterPressure": 17.76, "temperature": 25.88, "lat": -29.8255, "lon": 31.0546, "VBAT": 4.15632, "VSOL": 6.4796, "TEMP": 40.73, "HUM": 58.9529, "PATM": 105.69, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 10, "RAT": 3, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ -0.090999998152256, -0.08500000089407, -0.087999999523163, -0.12099999934435, -0.050000000745058, -0.064999997615814, -0.026000000536442, 0.061999998986721, -0.18500000238419, -0.11200000345707 ], "Nvelprof": [ -0.0489999987185, -0.087999999523163, -0.083999998867512, -0.094999998807907, 0.076999999582767, -0.12999999523163, 0.10700000077486, 0.19300000369549, -0.21699999272823, -0.25299999117851 ], "Uvelprof": [ 0.035999998450279, 0.052000001072884, 0.03999999910593, 0.064000003039837, 0.028000000864267, 0.10400000214577, 0.025000000372529, -0.012000000104308, 0.12300000339746, 0.16899999976158 ], "Uda": 0.16130143291203, "Udirda": 234.69087717274, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-10 14:30:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1646924400", "nbins": "10", "binsize": "11816", "dblank": "97", "avgint": "5", "vbatsens": 10.5, "waterPressure": 17.95, "temperature": 25.93, "lat": -29.8255, "lon": 31.0546, "VBAT": 0, "VSOL": 0, "TEMP": 0, "HUM": 0, "PATM": 0, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 0, "RAT": 0, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ -0.11599999666214, -0.12700000405312, -0.0489999987185, -0.059999998658895, -0.059999998658895, -0.082999996840954, -0.072999998927116, -0.029999999329448, -0.023000000044703, -0.079999998211861 ], "Nvelprof": [ -0.086000002920628, -0.11599999666214, -0.12899999320507, -0.13899999856949, -0.15999999642372, -0.13099999725819, -0.11100000143051, -0.065999999642372, -0.10100000351667, 0.017000000923872 ], "Uvelprof": [ -0.037999998778105, -0.032000001519918, -0.01799999922514, -0.019999999552965, -0.014999999664724, -0.0010000000474975, -0.0080000003799796, -0.0049999998882413, -0.0049999998882413, 0.030999999493361 ], "Uda": 0.13224789889171, "Udirda": 214.44661501039, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-10 15:00:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1646926200", "nbins": "10", "binsize": "11816", "dblank": "97", "avgint": "5", "vbatsens": 10.5, "waterPressure": 18.18, "temperature": 26.24, "lat": -29.8255, "lon": 31.0546, "VBAT": 0, "VSOL": 0, "TEMP": 0, "HUM": 0, "PATM": 0, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 0, "RAT": 0, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ -0.06700000166893, -0.12099999934435, -0.093999996781349, -0.10400000214577, -0.097999997437, -0.064000003039837, -0.078000001609325, -0.028999999165535, -0.0099999997764826, -0.195999994874 ], "Nvelprof": [ -0.125, -0.12899999320507, -0.15099999308586, -0.15099999308586, -0.12999999523163, -0.16200000047684, -0.15700000524521, -0.17599999904633, -0.087999999523163, 0.0010000000474975 ], "Uvelprof": [ -0.0070000002160668, 0.0040000001899898, -0.0089999996125698, -0.012000000104308, -0.025000000372529, -0.0060000000521541, -0.0049999998882413, -0.012000000104308, -0.014000000432134, 0.012000000104308 ], "Uda": 0.16551430330077, "Udirda": 214.17737090082, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-10 15:30:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1646928000", "nbins": "10", "binsize": "11816", "dblank": "97", "avgint": "5", "vbatsens": 10.5, "waterPressure": 18.43, "temperature": 26.34, "lat": -29.8255, "lon": 31.0547, "VBAT": 0, "VSOL": 0, "TEMP": 0, "HUM": 0, "PATM": 0, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 0, "RAT": 0, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ -0.14000000059605, -0.15899999439716, -0.125, -0.16099999845028, -0.1089999973774, -0.14000000059605, 0.0049999998882413, -0.1140000000596, -0.039000000804663, -0.12700000405312 ], "Nvelprof": [ 0.041999999433756, 0.052999999374151, 0.048000000417233, 0.037000000476837, 0.014999999664724, -0.070000000298023, 0.11299999803305, -0.086000002920628, 0.046000000089407, 0.15600000321865 ], "Uvelprof": [ -0.12399999797344, -0.11900000274181, -0.1330000013113, -0.15000000596046, -0.15500000119209, -0.12700000405312, -0.20200000703335, -0.12300000339746, -0.17700000107288, -0.18099999427795 ], "Uda": 0.13967909118443, "Udirda": 287.70342055645, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-10 16:00:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1646929800", "nbins": "10", "binsize": "11816", "dblank": "97", "avgint": "5", "vbatsens": 10.5, "waterPressure": 18.21, "temperature": 26.2, "lat": -29.8255, "lon": 31.0547, "VBAT": 4.17128, "VSOL": 0.478887, "TEMP": 27.91, "HUM": 78.9876, "PATM": 101.561, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 11, "RAT": 0, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ -0.17399999499321, -0.17800000309944, -0.22400000691414, -0.16200000047684, -0.13099999725819, -0.13199999928474, -0.11299999803305, -0.041000001132488, -0.079999998211861, -0.1630000025034 ], "Nvelprof": [ 0, -0.017000000923872, -0.050000000745058, -0.14200000464916, -0.14000000059605, -0.15199999511242, -0.13099999725819, -0.14000000059605, -0.17299999296665, -0.079999998211861 ], "Uvelprof": [ -0.046000000089407, -0.043999999761581, -0.048000000417233, -0.041999999433756, -0.041000001132488, -0.043999999761581, -0.048000000417233, -0.037000000476837, -0.03999999910593, -0.023000000044703 ], "Uda": 0.18818532266716, "Udirda": 233.75149320455, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-10 16:30:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1646931600", "nbins": "10", "binsize": "11816", "dblank": "97", "avgint": "5", "vbatsens": 10.5, "waterPressure": 18.25, "temperature": 26.11, "lat": -29.8255, "lon": 31.0547, "VBAT": 4.16702, "VSOL": 0.0381562, "TEMP": 26.53, "HUM": 80.6203, "PATM": 101.691, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 11, "RAT": 3, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ -0.11900000274181, -0.16799999773502, -0.071999996900558, -0.094999998807907, -0.089000001549721, -0.012000000104308, -0.0040000001899898, -0.01799999922514, -0.028000000864267, 0.014999999664724 ], "Nvelprof": [ -0.14800000190735, -0.023000000044703, -0.12700000405312, -0.19900000095367, -0.22200000286102, -0.18899999558926, -0.20600000023842, -0.17299999296665, -0.18500000238419, -0.21299999952316 ], "Uvelprof": [ 0.034000001847744, 0.024000000208616, 0.037000000476837, 0.039000000804663, 0.037999998778105, 0.028000000864267, 0.025000000372529, -0.0070000002160668, 0.0010000000474975, -0.0049999998882413 ], "Uda": 0.19351411301569, "Udirda": 199.29761896344, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-10 17:00:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1646933400", "nbins": "10", "binsize": "11816", "dblank": "97", "avgint": "5", "vbatsens": 10.5, "waterPressure": 18.42, "temperature": 26.15, "lat": -29.8255, "lon": 31.0547, "VBAT": 0, "VSOL": 0, "TEMP": 0, "HUM": 0, "PATM": 0, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 0, "RAT": 3, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ -0.068999998271465, -0.076999999582767, -0.12700000405312, -0.097999997437, -0.11100000143051, -0.13600000739098, -0.11500000208616, -0.043000001460314, -0.087999999523163, -0.10999999940395 ], "Nvelprof": [ 0.037000000476837, 0.039000000804663, -0.013000000268221, -0.078000001609325, -0.072999998927116, -0.089000001549721, -0.13099999725819, -0.13699999451637, -0.096000000834465, -0.074000000953674 ], "Uvelprof": [ -0.023000000044703, -0.034000001847744, -0.026000000536442, -0.035000000149012, -0.023000000044703, -0.041000001132488, -0.046000000089407, -0.041999999433756, -0.054000001400709, -0.052999999374151 ], "Uda": 0.12936200170943, "Udirda": 237.7309963596, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-10 17:30:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1646935200", "nbins": "10", "binsize": "11816", "dblank": "97", "avgint": "5", "vbatsens": 10.5, "waterPressure": 18.3, "temperature": 26.13, "lat": -29.8255, "lon": 31.0547, "VBAT": 4.16264, "VSOL": 0.0375117, "TEMP": 25.05, "HUM": 81.1544, "PATM": 101.802, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 12, "RAT": 3, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ -0.059000000357628, -0.05799999833107, -0.064000003039837, -0.14000000059605, -0.076999999582767, -0.052000001072884, -0.071000002324581, -0.029999999329448, 0.024000000208616, -0.0080000003799796 ], "Nvelprof": [ 0.01799999922514, 0.025000000372529, -0.0080000003799796, 0.012000000104308, -0.10000000149012, -0.08500000089407, -0.266999989748, -0.49300000071526, -0.44299998879433, -0.14399999380112 ], "Uvelprof": [ 0.046000000089407, 0.052000001072884, 0.068000003695488, 0.0489999987185, 0.065999999642372, 0.050999999046326, 0.10100000351667, 0.2039999961853, 0.18099999427795, 0.12399999797344 ], "Uda": 0.19137715754882, "Udirda": 199.81253818068, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-10 18:00:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1646937000", "nbins": "10", "binsize": "11816", "dblank": "97", "avgint": "5", "vbatsens": 10.5, "waterPressure": 18.33, "temperature": 26.04, "lat": -29.8255, "lon": 31.0547, "VBAT": 0, "VSOL": 0, "TEMP": 0, "HUM": 0, "PATM": 0, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 0, "RAT": 2, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ -0.039000000804663, -0.037999998778105, -0.037000000476837, -0.01799999922514, 0.0070000002160668, 0.0099999997764826, 0.012000000104308, -0.0099999997764826, -0.046999998390675, 0.068000003695488 ], "Nvelprof": [ -0.0070000002160668, 0.068000003695488, 0.10700000077486, 0.041999999433756, -0.003000000026077, 0, -0.17000000178814, -0.10800000280142, -0.052000001072884, -0.40799999237061 ], "Uvelprof": [ -0.024000000208616, -0.035000000149012, -0.016000000759959, -0.0070000002160668, -0.0089999996125698, -0.0020000000949949, 0.028000000864267, 0, -0.014999999664724, 0.12399999797344 ], "Uda": 0.10566532387939, "Udirda": 189.82937317428, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-10 18:30:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1646938800", "nbins": "10", "binsize": "11816", "dblank": "97", "avgint": "5", "vbatsens": 10.5, "waterPressure": 18.27, "temperature": 25.94, "lat": -29.8252, "lon": 31.0546, "VBAT": 0, "VSOL": 0, "TEMP": 0, "HUM": 0, "PATM": 0, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 0, "RAT": 2, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ -0.035999998450279, -0.086999997496605, -0.1059999987483, -0.10199999809265, -0.10100000351667, -0.079000003635883, -0.079999998211861, -0.075000002980232, -0.048000000417233, -0.090000003576279 ], "Nvelprof": [ -0.082000002264977, 0.0040000001899898, 0.092000000178814, 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-0.20600000023842, 0.03999999910593 ], "Nvelprof": [ -0.16200000047684, -0.046999998390675, -0.0099999997764826, 0.041000001132488, -0.018999999389052, -0.064000003039837, -0.11900000274181, -0.45699998736382, -0.39599999785423, -0.068999998271465 ], "Uvelprof": [ -0.037999998778105, -0.0489999987185, -0.065999999642372, -0.065999999642372, -0.064000003039837, -0.072999998927116, -0.059999998658895, 0.057000000029802, 0.043000001460314, -0.072999998927116 ], "Uda": 0.18538914565324, "Udirda": 216.74295041333, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-10 19:30:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1646942400", "nbins": "10", "binsize": "11816", "dblank": "97", "avgint": "5", "vbatsens": 10.5, "waterPressure": 18.35, "temperature": 26, "lat": -29.8252, "lon": 31.0549, "VBAT": 0, "VSOL": 0, "TEMP": 0, "HUM": 0, "PATM": 0, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 0, "RAT": 2, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ -0.012000000104308, -0.054000001400709, 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0.075000002980232, 0.076999999582767, 0.083999998867512, 0.07599999755621, 0.079000003635883, 0.093999996781349, 0.087999999523163, 0.10100000351667, 0.086999997496605 ], "Uda": 0.20383311999452, "Udirda": 242.02131132285, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-10 22:30:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1646953200", "nbins": "10", "binsize": "11816", "dblank": "97", "avgint": "5", "vbatsens": 10.5, "waterPressure": 18.5, "temperature": 26.18, "lat": -29.8255, "lon": 31.0547, "VBAT": 4.15065, "VSOL": 0.035707, "TEMP": 24.07, "HUM": 78.3849, "PATM": 101.803, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 13, "RAT": 3, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ -0.11200000345707, -0.11299999803305, -0.12200000137091, -0.17599999904633, -0.20100000500679, -0.18099999427795, -0.20000000298023, -0.17200000584126, -0.18999999761581, -0.13500000536442 ], "Nvelprof": [ -0.12200000137091, -0.041000001132488, -0.041999999433756, -0.032000001519918, -0.0010000000474975, 0.016000000759959, 0.035000000149012, 0.0489999987185, -0.0099999997764826, -0.019999999552965 ], "Uvelprof": [ -0.016000000759959, -0.025000000372529, -0.0089999996125698, -0.0089999996125698, -0.0080000003799796, -0.026000000536442, -0.0060000000521541, -0.003000000026077, -0.026000000536442, -0.0040000001899898 ], "Uda": 0.16850623641078, "Udirda": 264.01333586716, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-10 23:00:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1646955000", "nbins": "10", "binsize": "11816", "dblank": "97", "avgint": "5", "vbatsens": 10.5, "waterPressure": 18.4, "temperature": 26.06, "lat": -29.8255, "lon": 31.0547, "VBAT": 4.14872, "VSOL": 0.037125, "TEMP": 24, "HUM": 78.1331, "PATM": 101.766, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 13, "RAT": 3, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ -0.028000000864267, -0.028999999165535, -0.0089999996125698, -0.041000001132488, -0.071000002324581, -0.054999999701977, -0.071999996900558, -0.086999997496605, -0.082000002264977, -0.018999999389052 ], "Nvelprof": [ -0.16899999976158, -0.14000000059605, -0.10100000351667, -0.056000001728535, 0, -0.10100000351667, -0.13199999928474, 0.018999999389052, -0.15500000119209, -0.21999999880791 ], "Uvelprof": [ -0.046000000089407, -0.063000001013279, -0.052000001072884, -0.046999998390675, -0.093000002205372, -0.063000001013279, -0.057000000029802, -0.11100000143051, -0.05799999833107, -0.035000000149012 ], "Uda": 0.13066679866216, "Udirda": 205.04661713125, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-10 23:30:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1646956800", "nbins": "10", "binsize": "11816", "dblank": "97", "avgint": "5", "vbatsens": 10.5, "waterPressure": 18.32, "temperature": 25.95, "lat": -29.8255, "lon": 31.0547, "VBAT": 4.14782, "VSOL": 0.0360937, "TEMP": 23.88, "HUM": 77.8661, "PATM": 101.688, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 13, "RAT": 3, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ -0.068000003695488, 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"Uda": 0.077994986578842, "Udirda": 197.16053757248, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-11 01:30:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1646962200", "nbins": "10", "binsize": "11816", "dblank": "97", "avgint": "5", "vbatsens": 10.5, "waterPressure": 18.24, "temperature": 25.98, "lat": -29.8255, "lon": 31.0547, "VBAT": 0, "VSOL": 0, "TEMP": 0, "HUM": 0, "PATM": 0, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 0, "RAT": 2, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ -0.025000000372529, 0.026000000536442, -0.0089999996125698, -0.024000000208616, -0.068000003695488, -0.035999998450279, -0.041000001132488, -0.092000000178814, -0.0040000001899898, 0.10100000351667 ], "Nvelprof": [ -0.11200000345707, -0.064999997615814, -0.034000001847744, -0.028999999165535, 0.0089999996125698, -0.0060000000521541, -0.061000000685453, -0.046000000089407, -0.043000001460314, -0.17000000178814 ], "Uvelprof": [ 0, 0.012000000104308, 0.023000000044703, 0.014999999664724, 0.014999999664724, 0.003000000026077, 0.017000000923872, -0.0099999997764826, -0.021999999880791, 0.054000001400709 ], "Uda": 0.077994986578842, "Udirda": 197.16053757248, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-11 01:30:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1646964000", "nbins": "10", "binsize": "11816", "dblank": "97", "avgint": "5", "vbatsens": 10.5, "waterPressure": 18.38, "temperature": 26.04, "lat": -29.8255, "lon": 31.0548, "VBAT": 0, "VSOL": 0, "TEMP": 0, "HUM": 0, "PATM": 0, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 0, "RAT": 2, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ -0.034000001847744, -0.013000000268221, -0.0040000001899898, -0.013000000268221, -0.024000000208616, -0.16200000047684, -0.15099999308586, -0.22499999403954, -0.17000000178814, -0.041000001132488 ], "Nvelprof": [ -0.072999998927116, -0.08500000089407, -0.043999999761581, -0.074000000953674, -0.045000001788139, -0.0020000000949949, -0.046000000089407, 0.125, 0.052999999374151, -0.089000001549721 ], "Uvelprof": [ -0.0010000000474975, 0, -0.0060000000521541, -0.0089999996125698, -0.014999999664724, -0.071999996900558, -0.05799999833107, -0.11299999803305, -0.1089999973774, -0.026000000536442 ], "Uda": 0.11901468241002, "Udirda": 251.5034644834, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-11 02:00:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1646965800", "nbins": "10", "binsize": "11816", "dblank": "97", "avgint": "5", "vbatsens": 10.5, "waterPressure": 18.35, "temperature": 26.03, "lat": -29.8254, "lon": 31.0548, "VBAT": 4.1397, "VSOL": 0.0349336, "TEMP": 23.25, "HUM": 77.0803, "PATM": 101.381, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 6, "RAT": 2, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ -0.10100000351667, -0.089000001549721, -0.1059999987483, -0.083999998867512, -0.13400000333786, -0.11299999803305, -0.13500000536442, -0.14300000667572, -0.072999998927116, -0.1710000038147 ], "Nvelprof": [ -0.11100000143051, -0.10700000077486, -0.064000003039837, -0.034000001847744, -0.041999999433756, -0.078000001609325, -0.070000000298023, -0.064000003039837, -0.32100000977516, -0.097999997437 ], "Uvelprof": [ 0, 0.010999999940395, 0.01799999922514, 0.032000001519918, 0.018999999389052, 0.037000000476837, 0.025000000372529, 0.021999999880791, 0.12999999523163, 0.061000000685453 ], "Uda": 0.16164510205869, "Udirda": 229.27982603812, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-11 02:30:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1646967600", "nbins": "10", "binsize": "11816", "dblank": "97", "avgint": "5", "vbatsens": 10.5, "waterPressure": 18.29, "temperature": 26, "lat": -29.8254, "lon": 31.0548, "VBAT": 4.13841, "VSOL": 0.0348047, "TEMP": 23.02, "HUM": 77.1108, "PATM": 101.286, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 5, "RAT": 2, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ -0.079000003635883, -0.064999997615814, -0.056000001728535, -0.017000000923872, -0.032000001519918, -0.068000003695488, -0.13199999928474, -0.078000001609325, -0.12200000137091, -0.041000001132488 ], "Nvelprof": [ -0.064000003039837, -0.068000003695488, -0.043999999761581, -0.035999998450279, -0.024000000208616, -0.06700000166893, -0.041999999433756, -0.028999999165535, -0.019999999552965, -0.14000000059605 ], "Uvelprof": [ 0.027000000700355, 0.045000001788139, 0.046000000089407, 0.052000001072884, 0.061000000685453, 0.076999999582767, 0.045000001788139, 0.071000002324581, 0.071999996900558, 0.10499999672174 ], "Uda": 0.093347814827851, "Udirda": 232.26324495424, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-11 03:00:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1646969400", "nbins": "10", "binsize": "11816", "dblank": "97", "avgint": "5", "vbatsens": 10.5, "waterPressure": 18.24, "temperature": 25.85, "lat": -29.8254, "lon": 31.0548, "VBAT": 4.13763, "VSOL": 0.153012, "TEMP": 22.93, "HUM": 77.1947, "PATM": 101.265, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 10, "RAT": 2, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ -0.019999999552965, 0.014999999664724, 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25.54, "lat": -29.8254, "lon": 31.0549, "VBAT": 4.17785, "VSOL": 4.28691, "TEMP": 24.02, "HUM": 77.1566, "PATM": 101.731, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 8, "RAT": 2, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ 0.0070000002160668, -0.059000000357628, -0.025000000372529, -0.039000000804663, 0.0070000002160668, -0.0489999987185, -0.045000001788139, -0.11200000345707, -0.0040000001899898, -0.0489999987185 ], "Nvelprof": [ -0.063000001013279, -0.037999998778105, -0.035999998450279, -0.12800000607967, -0.14499999582767, -0.096000000834465, -0.082000002264977, 0.045000001788139, -0.32400000095367, -0.05799999833107 ], "Uvelprof": [ 0.0089999996125698, 0.0099999997764826, 0.0020000000949949, 0.019999999552965, 0.035000000149012, 0.0010000000474975, -0.012000000104308, -0.045000001788139, 0.083999998867512, -0.037000000476837 ], "Uda": 0.11783463720308, "Udirda": 201.69453463539, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-11 04:30:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": 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215.15244282045, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-11 05:00:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1646976600", "nbins": "10", "binsize": "11816", "dblank": "97", "avgint": "5", "vbatsens": 10.5, "waterPressure": 18.1, "temperature": 25.51, "lat": -29.8253, "lon": 31.0549, "VBAT": 4.16483, "VSOL": 6.55359, "TEMP": 29.66, "HUM": 77.9806, "PATM": 104.191, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 13, "RAT": 3, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ 0.018999999389052, -0.10400000214577, -0.028000000864267, -0.074000000953674, -0.0489999987185, -0.063000001013279, -0.054000001400709, -0.11100000143051, -0.057000000029802, -0.1089999973774 ], "Nvelprof": [ -0.10000000149012, -0.07599999755621, -0.057000000029802, -0.098999999463558, -0.094999998807907, -0.086999997496605, -0.026000000536442, 0.03999999910593, 0.050999999046326, 0.0010000000474975 ], "Uvelprof": [ -0.0020000000949949, -0.034000001847744, -0.037999998778105, -0.046999998390675, -0.046000000089407, -0.059000000357628, -0.072999998927116, -0.078000001609325, -0.075000002980232, -0.06700000166893 ], "Uda": 0.099542301594765, "Udirda": 234.58294508902, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-11 05:30:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1646978400", "nbins": "10", "binsize": "11816", "dblank": "97", "avgint": "5", "vbatsens": 10.5, "waterPressure": 18.08, "temperature": 25.55, "lat": -29.8254, "lon": 31.0548, "VBAT": 4.1647, "VSOL": 6.46336, "TEMP": 32.49, "HUM": 77.0498, "PATM": 105.464, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 12, "RAT": 3, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ 0.071999996900558, 0.01799999922514, 0.025000000372529, 0.050000000745058, 0.0070000002160668, -0.0040000001899898, 0.059999998658895, -0.076999999582767, -0.094999998807907, -0.054000001400709 ], "Nvelprof": [ -0.14499999582767, -0.15000000596046, -0.13699999451637, -0.13400000333786, -0.16799999773502, -0.17399999499321, -0.18000000715256, 0.013000000268221, 0.065999999642372, -0.054999999701977 ], "Uvelprof": [ -0.043999999761581, -0.052000001072884, -0.054999999701977, -0.0489999987185, -0.052000001072884, -0.043000001460314, -0.024000000208616, -0.11900000274181, -0.12200000137091, -0.059999998658895 ], "Uda": 0.13980271396681, "Udirda": 179.89230150113, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-11 06:00:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1646980200", "nbins": "10", "binsize": "11816", "dblank": "97", "avgint": "5", "vbatsens": 10.5, "waterPressure": 18.03, "temperature": 25.59, "lat": -29.8254, "lon": 31.0549, "VBAT": 0, "VSOL": 0, "TEMP": 0, "HUM": 0, "PATM": 0, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 0, "RAT": 3, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ 0.071999996900558, 0.13199999928474, 0.03999999910593, 0.061999998986721, -0.052999999374151, 0.1330000013113, 0.22300000488758, 0.26899999380112, 0.1410000026226, -0.15299999713898 ], "Nvelprof": [ -0.078000001609325, -0.179000005126, -0.15199999511242, 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-0.27300000190735, -0.061999998986721 ], "Nvelprof": [ 0.021999999880791, -0.029999999329448, -0.078000001609325, -0.046999998390675, -0.046999998390675, 0.0040000001899898, 0.013000000268221, 0.12600000202656, 0.18600000441074, 0.079000003635883 ], "Uvelprof": [ -0.023000000044703, 0.0070000002160668, 0.0040000001899898, 0, 0.018999999389052, -0.003000000026077, 0.0010000000474975, -0.059999998658895, -0.075000002980232, 0.0080000003799796 ], "Uda": 0.10560353008134, "Udirda": 290.46350072863, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-11 07:00:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1646983800", "nbins": "10", "binsize": "11816", "dblank": "97", "avgint": "5", "vbatsens": 10.5, "waterPressure": 18.09, "temperature": 25.6, "lat": -29.8254, "lon": 31.0547, "VBAT": 0, "VSOL": 0, "TEMP": 0, "HUM": 0, "PATM": 0, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 0, "RAT": 3, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ -0.039000000804663, -0.034000001847744, 0.043999999761581, 0.023000000044703, -0.028999999165535, -0.030999999493361, 0.003000000026077, 0.10300000011921, -0.0040000001899898, 0.1879999935627 ], "Nvelprof": [ -0.043999999761581, -0.10999999940395, -0.15099999308586, -0.14800000190735, -0.08500000089407, -0.14599999785423, -0.12300000339746, -0.47400000691414, -0.1330000013113, -0.48100000619888 ], "Uvelprof": [ -0.014999999664724, 0.01799999922514, 0.021999999880791, 0.037000000476837, 0.034000001847744, 0.029999999329448, 0.052000001072884, 0.16599999368191, 0.086999997496605, 0.17599999904633 ], "Uda": 0.19776466669924, "Udirda": 173.25858878351, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-11 07:30:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1646985600", "nbins": "10", "binsize": "11816", "dblank": "97", "avgint": "5", "vbatsens": 10.5, "waterPressure": 18.62, "temperature": 26.13, "lat": -29.8254, "lon": 31.0544, "VBAT": 4.17501, "VSOL": 6.56636, "TEMP": 37.72, "HUM": 77.4312, "PATM": 107.014, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 13, "RAT": 3, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ -0.012000000104308, -0.07599999755621, -0.081000000238419, -0.052999999374151, -0.071999996900558, -0.093000002205372, -0.12800000607967, -0.14300000667572, -0.10100000351667, -0.1169999986887 ], "Nvelprof": [ -0.019999999552965, -0.050999999046326, -0.06700000166893, -0.10300000011921, -0.10300000011921, -0.1140000000596, -0.11900000274181, -0.17399999499321, -0.092000000178814, -0.079999998211861 ], "Uvelprof": [ -0.021999999880791, -0.030999999493361, -0.0099999997764826, -0.032000001519918, -0.01799999922514, -0.016000000759959, -0.026000000536442, -0.023000000044703, -0.016000000759959, 0.0040000001899898 ], "Uda": 0.12869464099428, "Udirda": 223.50345283006, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-11 08:00:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1646987400", "nbins": "10", "binsize": "11816", "dblank": "97", "avgint": "5", "vbatsens": 10.5, "waterPressure": 18.45, "temperature": 25.94, "lat": -29.8253, "lon": 31.0543, "VBAT": 0, "VSOL": 0, "TEMP": 0, "HUM": 0, "PATM": 0, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 0, "RAT": 3, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ -0.12700000405312, -0.059999998658895, -0.056000001728535, -0.025000000372529, 0.057000000029802, 0.061000000685453, 0.037999998778105, -0.046000000089407, 0.064999997615814, 0.052999999374151 ], "Nvelprof": [ -0.0040000001899898, -0.037999998778105, -0.12300000339746, -0.050999999046326, -0.10000000149012, -0.12899999320507, -0.15399999916553, -0.10700000077486, -0.22499999403954, -0.21500000357628 ], "Uvelprof": [ -0.017000000923872, -0.0040000001899898, -0.014999999664724, -0.014000000432134, -0.0040000001899898, 0.0060000000521541, 0.0070000002160668, 0.041000001132488, -0.013000000268221, 0.014000000432134 ], "Uda": 0.13785547423458, "Udirda": 181.99904157902, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-11 08:30:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1646989200", "nbins": "10", "binsize": 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-0.0070000002160668 ], "Uda": 0.10217702425836, "Udirda": 156.72105121826, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-11 09:30:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1646992800", "nbins": "10", "binsize": "11816", "dblank": "97", "avgint": "5", "vbatsens": 10.5, "waterPressure": 18.59, "temperature": 26.24, "lat": -29.8253, "lon": 31.0544, "VBAT": 0, "VSOL": 0, "TEMP": 0, "HUM": 0, "PATM": 0, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 0, "RAT": 3, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ -0.19499999284744, -0.10199999809265, -0.0489999987185, -0.096000000834465, -0.019999999552965, -0.035000000149012, -0.054999999701977, -0.043000001460314, -0.11900000274181, 0.21699999272823 ], "Nvelprof": [ 0.0020000000949949, -0.05799999833107, -0.075000002980232, -0.043999999761581, -0.072999998927116, -0.024000000208616, -0.034000001847744, -0.082000002264977, -0.037999998778105, -0.22300000488758 ], "Uvelprof": [ -0.06700000166893, -0.06700000166893, -0.054000001400709, -0.054000001400709, -0.06700000166893, -0.041999999433756, -0.059000000357628, -0.054999999701977, -0.026000000536442, -0.15099999308586 ], "Uda": 0.12189937301488, "Udirda": 217.44465837471, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-11 10:00:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1646994600", "nbins": "10", "binsize": "11816", "dblank": "97", "avgint": "5", "vbatsens": 10.5, "waterPressure": 18.44, "temperature": 26.01, "lat": -29.8253, "lon": 31.0543, "VBAT": 0, "VSOL": 0, "TEMP": 0, "HUM": 0, "PATM": 0, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 0, "RAT": 3, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ -0.15399999916553, -0.11999999731779, -0.12600000202656, -0.070000000298023, -0.07599999755621, -0.028999999165535, -0.01799999922514, 0.079999998211861, -0.0010000000474975, 0.27599999308586 ], "Nvelprof": [ 0.035000000149012, 0.016000000759959, -0.068999998271465, -0.071999996900558, -0.081000000238419, -0.11100000143051, -0.11500000208616, -0.087999999523163, -0.1089999973774, -0.074000000953674 ], "Uvelprof": [ -0.074000000953674, -0.086999997496605, -0.082000002264977, -0.10199999809265, -0.07599999755621, -0.08500000089407, -0.096000000834465, -0.14200000464916, -0.11299999803305, -0.21099999547005 ], "Uda": 0.13789433713992, "Udirda": 199.61034443784, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-11 10:30:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1646996400", "nbins": "10", "binsize": "11816", "dblank": "97", "avgint": "5", "vbatsens": 10.5, "waterPressure": 18.2, "temperature": 25.88, "lat": -29.8254, "lon": 31.0544, "VBAT": 0, "VSOL": 0, "TEMP": 0, "HUM": 0, "PATM": 0, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 0, "RAT": 3, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ -0.098999999463558, -0.092000000178814, 0, -0.059000000357628, 0.018999999389052, -0.019999999552965, 0.024000000208616, 0.01799999922514, 0.041999999433756, 0.15399999916553 ], "Nvelprof": [ -0.074000000953674, -0.064000003039837, -0.13199999928474, -0.18500000238419, -0.17800000309944, -0.1870000064373, -0.22300000488758, -0.21400000154972, -0.20100000500679, -0.22699999809265 ], "Uvelprof": [ -0.065999999642372, -0.094999998807907, -0.089000001549721, -0.10199999809265, -0.10000000149012, -0.094999998807907, -0.10700000077486, -0.10999999940395, -0.10700000077486, -0.12399999797344 ], "Uda": 0.18476224058121, "Udirda": 180.44203588534, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-11 11:00:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1646998200", "nbins": "10", "binsize": "11816", "dblank": "97", "avgint": "5", "vbatsens": 10.5, "waterPressure": 17.54, "temperature": 25.8, "lat": -29.8254, "lon": 31.0543, "VBAT": 4.16109, "VSOL": 6.59356, "TEMP": 34.48, "HUM": 72.6171, "PATM": 100.912, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 12, "RAT": 3, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ -0.037999998778105, 0.017000000923872, 0.046999998390675, 0.023000000044703, 0.086000002920628, 0.052999999374151, 0.23899999260902, 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"PATM": 101.077, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 9, "RAT": 3, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ -0.046000000089407, -0.026000000536442, -0.070000000298023, -0.1059999987483, -0.11500000208616, -0.075000002980232, -0.046000000089407, -0.024000000208616, -0.045000001788139, -0.056000001728535 ], "Nvelprof": [ -0.12099999934435, -0.023000000044703, -0.046999998390675, -0.08500000089407, -0.07599999755621, -0.029999999329448, -0.11299999803305, -0.13400000333786, -0.18600000441074, -0.064000003039837 ], "Uvelprof": [ -0.0060000000521541, -0.010999999940395, -0.0099999997764826, -0.0080000003799796, -0.0020000000949949, -0.0049999998882413, -0.0080000003799796, -0.0099999997764826, -0.019999999552965, -0.017000000923872 ], "Uda": 0.11375133830216, "Udirda": 214.71548584562, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-11 12:30:00 [UTC]" }, { "time": "1647003600", "nbins": "10", "binsize": "11816", "dblank": "97", "avgint": "5", "vbatsens": 10.5, "waterPressure": 19.54, "temperature": 27.66, "lat": -29.8255, "lon": 31.0547, "VBAT": 4.15645, "VSOL": 6.59356, "TEMP": 35.44, "HUM": 66.4831, "PATM": 100.991, "Xtilt": 0, "Ytilt": 0, "CSQ": 9, "RAT": 3, "oper": "VodaCom-SA", "source": "gsm", "Evelprof": [ -0.041999999433756, -0.10499999672174, -0.046999998390675, -0.056000001728535, -0.08500000089407, -0.043999999761581, -0.064000003039837, -0.059000000357628, -0.13799999654293, -0.1169999986887 ], "Nvelprof": [ -0.19699999690056, -0.16599999368191, -0.15899999439716, -0.2119999974966, -0.16200000047684, -0.21400000154972, -0.23999999463558, -0.20800000429153, -0.20100000500679, -0.27099999785423 ], "Uvelprof": [ 0.0070000002160668, -0.0010000000474975, -0.0089999996125698, 0.003000000026077, -0.0089999996125698, 0.0040000001899898, 0.0020000000949949, 0.0070000002160668, 0, -0.0049999998882413 ], "Uda": 0.21879264358582, "Udirda": 200.45080757685, "bins": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], "invalid": "0", "tstr": "2022-03-11 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{ "name": "Ytilt", "symbol": "Yinc", "unit": "deg", "caption": "PTM inclination in y-direction" }, { "name": "CSQ", "symbol": "Sig", "unit": "-", "caption": "Cellular Signal Quality" }, { "name": "RAT", "symbol": "RAT", "unit": "-", "caption": "Cellular Radio Access Technology" } ] }
- No labels