
The WIWB Import connects to the Hydronet WIWB API and has support for downloading observations and forecasts for both scalar and grid data. WIWB has a concept of DataSources which have to be configured as a property of the import. Using the meta data api of the WIWB API the type of data is determined and processed accordingly. The import feature is available since December 2018, from Delft-FEWS version 2016.02 onwards.

More about WIWB

WIWB is the Dutch national database for storage and dissemination of weather related data, specifically for the Dutch water sector. It has been developed in 2017 by HydroLogic, HKV and HydroConsult for Het Waterschapshuis, a national body that represents all Dutch water boards. The WIWB database is based on the HydroNET platform (www.hydronet.com) and offers a REST API for retrieving data and metadata. WIWB contains weather observations and forecasts, based on weather stations, meteorological radar data and numerical weather models.

WIWB is intended for professional use only by Dutch water boards. It is not intended for public or commercial use. Only officials from Dutch water boards can request access to the WIWB API. More information on specifications and use of the WIWB API can be requested from the WWIB helpdesk (helpdesk@hydrologic.com) or in the Technische Instructies WIWB API.pdf.

Access to WIWB API

Access to the WIWIB API is limited to the regional water authorities in the Netherlands and can be requested from the Waterschapshuis Water (HWH) by sending an e-mail to Jip van Steen. Please list the following items in your e-mail

  • Organisation name
  • Contact person and contact details (e-mail and telephone number).
  • List with IP addresses that require access to the API.  
  • Short explanation of intended use:
    • Systems to be connected to the API
    • Required data sources
    • Expected data request per time interval.

HWH will forward the required information to the WIWB back-office operated by HydroLogic. Your account will be configured within 5 days after the request was received by the WIWB back office.

More info about WIWB at HWH can be found here.

Technical instructions about the WIWB API can be found in the Technische Instructies WIWB API.pdf.

HTTPS and client.truststore

Access to the WIWIB API is done using a secure HTTPS connection. If a FEWS configuration is used with a client.truststore it may be required (for FEWS versions older than 2018.02) to import the latest public certificate of the WIWB service into the existing client.truststore. For more information on configuring secure HTTPS connection with a client.truststore, see How to configure secure https connection to Matroos

A detailed presentation highlighting various WIWB configuration options in Delft-FEWS can be found in the attached document.

Note that the various improved configuration options related to the WIWB import in Delft FEWS (as described in the detailed presentation) are made available for Delft-FEWS versions 2016.01 and higher, with a patch from later then December 2018.

A template configuration for WIWB imports are also available in the attached ZIP file

Import Configuration

To configure the WIWB import the dataSource property has to be specified. Se the list of supported dataSource values in the next section.

For ensembles the ensemble id can be configured using the ensembleId property. In case no property is configured, the default value "EPS" will be used.

DataSource values

The following data sources are currently provided through WIWB. New data sources might become available in future.

More information on the data sources can be obtained form the links provided in the table. All times are in UTC. The parameter code - between [brackets] - is the parameterID which must be used in the FEWS mapping configuration as 'parameter external'. 

An overview of the grid definitions of the complete grid extent are defined in the attached WIWB grid definitions file.

An extended table, offering more information about the WIWB parameters can be found the attached overview Excel file (version November 2018). 

Datasource nameDatasource code (ID)TypeOriginal IntervalAvailable Parameter(s) [parameter code]Remarks
Harmonie 4.3Knmi.Harmonie.43Model Grid, forecast1 hour

Air pressure [AirPressure]
Dewpoint temperature [DPT]
Global Radiation [GlobalRad]
Graupel [Graupel]
High Cloud Cover [HighCloudCover]
Latent Heatflux [LatentHeatflux]
Low Cloud Cover [LowCloudCover]
Medium Cloud Cover [MediumCloud-Cover]
Net Longwave Radiation [NetLwRad]
Net Shortwave Radiation [NetSwRad]
Relative Humidity [RH]
Sensible Heat Flux [SHF]
Sneeuwval [Sneeuwval]
Snow Depth [SnowDepth]
Temperature [TMP]
Total Cloud Cover [TCDC]
Total Precipitation [APCP]
U-Component max windstoot [U-Com-ponent.Max.Windstoot]
U-Component of Wind [UGRD:10m]
V-Component max windstoot [V-Com-ponent.Max.Windstoot]
V-Component of Wind [VGRD:10m]

Grid definition is automatically read from WIWB, so no need to define in grids.xml
Harmonie 4.0Knmi.HarmonieModel Grid, forecast1 hour

Air pressure [AirPressure]
Dewpoint temperature [DPT]
Global Radiation [GlobalRad]
Graupel [Graupel]
High Cloud Cover [HighCloudCover]
Latent Heatflux [LatentHeatflux]
Low Cloud Cover [LowCloudCover]
Medium Cloud Cover [MediumCloud-Cover]
Net Longwave Radiation [NetLwRad]
Net Shortwave Radiation [NetSwRad]
Relative Humidity [RH]
Sensible Heat Flux [SHF]
Sneeuwval [Sneeuwval]
Snow Depth [SnowDepth]
Temperature [TMP]
Total Cloud Cover [TCDC]
Total Precipitation [APCP]
U-Component max windstoot [U-Com-ponent.Max.Windstoot]
U-Component of Wind [UGRD:10m]
V-Component max windstoot [V-Com-ponent.Max.Windstoot]
V-Component of Wind [VGRD:10m]

Grid definition is automatically read from WIWB, so no need to define in grids.xml
Harmonie 36Knmi.Harmonie.36Model Grid, forecast1 hour

Air Pressure [AirPressure]
Global Radiation Flux [GlobalRad]
High Cloud Cover [HighCloudCover]
Large Scale Precipitation [LargeScaleP]
Latent Heat Flux [LatHeatFlux]
Low Cloud Cover [LowCloudCover]
Medium Cloud Cover [MediumCloudCover]
Net Longwave Radiation Flux [NetLwRadFlux]
Net Shortwave Radiation Flux [NetSwRadFlux]
Relative Humidity [RH]
Sensible Heat Flux [SensHeatFlux]
Snow Depth [SnowDepth]
Soil temperature level 2 [Temperature.Soil.Level2]
Temperature [TMP]
Total Cloud Cover [TCDC]
Total Precipitation [APCP]
U-Component of Wind [UGRD:10m]
V-Component of Wind [VGRD:10m]
U-Component of max wind gust [U.Max.Wind.Gust]
V-Component of max wind gust [V.Max.Wind.Gust]

Grid definition is automatically read from WIWB, so no need to define in grids.xml
HiRLAMKnmi.HirlamModel Grid, forecast1 hour

Air Pressure [AirPressure]
Dewpoint Temperature [DPT]
Global Radiation Flux [GlobalRadFlux]
High Cloud Cover [HighCloudCover]
Large Scale Precipitation [LargeScaleP]
Latent Heat Flux [LatHeatFlux]
Low Cloud Cover [LowCloudCover]
Medium Cloud Cover [MediumCloudCover]
Net Longwave Radiation Flux [NetLwRadFlux]
Net Shortwave Radiation Flux [NetSwRadFlux]
Sensible Heat Flux [SensHeatFlux]
Snow Depth [SnowDepth]
Temperature [TMP]
Total Cloud Cover [TCDC]
Total Precipitation [APCP]
U-Component of Wind [UGRD:10m]
V-Component of Wind [VGRD:10m]
Water Equivalent of Accumulated Snow Depth [WaterEqSnowDepth]

Grid definition is automatically read from WIWB, so no need to define in grids.xml
KNMI AWS 10 MinutesKnmi.AwsTenMinutesScalar, observed10 minute

Air Pressure [AirPressure]
Dewpoint Temperature [DPT]
Horizontal Visibility [HorizontalVisibility]
Maximum Wind Speed [MaximumWindSpeed]
Precipitation [P]
Precipitation PWS [P_PWS]
Precipitation Duration [Precipitation Duration]
Relative Humidity [RH]
Solar radiation [Radiation.Solar]
Temperature [TMP]
Total Cloud Cover [TCDC]
Wind Direction [WindDirection]
Wind Speed [WindSpeed]

KNMI Evaporation (From Meteobase)Knmi.FromMeteobase.EvaporationScalar, observed1 dayEvaporation [Evaporation]
KNMI Reference EvaporationKnmi.EvaporationScalar, observed1 dayEvaporation [Evaporation]
KNMI Iris Stations


Scalar, observed1 day

Precipitation [P]
Snow Depth [SnowDepth]

KNMI Naval Reports


Report, observed1 dayNaval reports for warnings and forecasts [Naval.Reports]
Real-time international radar composite productKnmi.International.Radar.CompositeGrid, radar5 minutePrecipitation [P]

Grid definition required in grids.xml.
See below for the configuration example.

Product has no correction to data from meteo stations.

Real-time international radar composite product



Grid, radar5 minutePrecipitation [P]

Grid definition required in grids.xml.
See below for the configuration example.

Product has only realtime correction to data from meteo stations. The *.Test product is the beta product which uses a more advanced algorithm.

Early reanalysis international radar composite 



Grid, radar5 minutePrecipitation [P]

Grid definition required in grids.xml.
See below for the configuration example.

Product available after 24-48 hours to enable early correction to data from meteo stations. The *.Test product is the beta product which uses a more advanced algorithm.

Final reanalysis international radar composite



Grid, radar5 minutePrecipitation [P]

Grid definition required in grids.xml.
See below for the configuration example.

Product available after 30 days to enable final correction to data from meteo stations. The *.Test product is the beta product which uses a more advanced algorithm.

KNMI Radar Uncorrected (Real time)Knmi.Radar.UncorrectedGrid, radar5 minutePrecipitation [P]Grid definition required in grids.xml.
See below for the configuration example.
KNMI Regional EPSKnmi.RegionalEpsEnsemble Scalar, forecast6 hour

Dewpoint Temperature [DPT]
Maximum Temperature [TMAX]
Minimum Temperature [TMIN]
Precipitation [P]
Snow Depth [SnowDepth]
Temperature [TMP]
Total Cloud Cover [TCDC]
U-Component of Wind [UGRD:10m]
V-Component of Wind [VGRD:10m]
Wind Direction [WindDirection]
Wind Speed [WindSpeed]

Note that these are the ensemble member:

1: Operational/deterministic run
2: Control run

3 to 52: perturbed members

So it is advised to store the ensemble in a
temporary ensembleId and to
the members 3-52 to the real ensemble.

KNMI SynopsKnmi.SynopsScalar, observed1 hour

Air Pressure [AirPressure]
Dewpoint Temperature [DPT]
Horizontal Visibility [HorizontalVisibility]
Maximum Temperature [TMAX]
Maximum Wind Speed [MaximumWindSpeed]
Minimum Temperature [TMIN]
Precipitation [P]
Precipitation Duration [Precipitation Duration]
Relative Humidity [RH]
Solar radiation [Radiation.Solar]
Temperature [TMP]
Total Cloud Cover [TCDC]
Total Precipitation [APCP]
Wind Direction [WindDirection]
Wind Speed [WindSpeed]

KNMI Synops (From Meteobase)Knmi.FromMeteobase.SynopsScalar, observed1 hourPrecipitation [P]
KNMI Waqua TSKnmi.WaquaTsModel Scalar, forecast10 minute

Astronomical Tide [AstronomicalTide]
Observations from WAQC_ODC [WaquaTs.Obs]
Total Water Level [TotalWaterLevel]
Water Surge [WaterSurge]

KNMI Weather WarningsKnmi.WarningsWarning, observed1 hour

Heat warning [Warning.Heat]
Rain warning [Warning.Rain]
Slipperiness and snow warning [Warning.Slipperiness.Snow]
Storm warning [Warning.Storm]
Vision warning [Warning.Vision]
Whirlwind and waterspout warning [Warning.Whirlwind.Waterspout]
Wind warning [Warning.Wind]

KNMI Water Setup EPSKnmi.WaterSetupEpsEnsemble Scalar, forecast6 hourWater Surge [WaterSurge]
Meteobase Makkink EvaporationMeteobase.Evaporation.MakkinkGrid, observed1 dayEvaporation [Evaporation]
Meteobase Pennman-Monteith EvaporationMeteobase.Evaporation.PennmanMonteithGrid, observed1 dayEvaporation [Evaporation]
Meteobase PrecipitationMeteobase.PrecipitationGrid, observed1 hourPrecipitation [P]
SATDATA3.0 EvapotranspirationSatdata.EvapotranspirationModel grid, forecast1 day

Actual evapotranspiration [Evapotran-spirationActual]
Evapotranspiration shortage [Evapo-transpirationShortage]
Quality Flag [QualityFlag]
Uncertainty [Uncertainty]

Operational product with values for day -1, 0, 1 and 2
SATDATA3.0 Evapotranspiration Re-analysis



Grid, observed1 day

Actual evapotranspiration [Evapotran-spirationActual]
Evapotranspiration shortage [Evapo-transpirationShortage]
Quality Flag [QualityFlag]
Uncertainty [Uncertainty]

Archive of reanalysis data:

the regular product ranges from 2020-01-01 to 2022-06-01 and will not be available after 2023-04-01.

The *.V2 products starts from 2012-07-24 and has a slightly improved algoritm.

Interim Evapotranpiration dataproduct LHM [SATDATA]Interim.Satdata.EvapotranspirationGrid, observed1 dayActual evapotranspiration [Evapotran-spirationActual]
Evapotranspiration shortage [Evapo-transpirationShortage]

Knmi Waterboard Raingauges ValidatedKnmi.Waterboard.Raingauges.ValidatedScalar, observed & validated5 minuteP.meting

Settings option "ReadQuality": true is needed to get data quality flags & data format preferably JSON

ECMWF Ensemble gridEcmwf.Ensemble.15dayEnsemble Grid, forecastvaries from 1-6 hour

Precipitation [P]
Potential Evaporation [Evaporation]

Note: this product is not yet supported

Aggregated products

All data sources as in the table above have their original interval. If you want to import an aggregated product, the WIWB API supports that. You can aggregate every product with a multiplier of its original interval. The <timestep> configured in the Delft-FEWS import moduleInstance of that datasource will be interpreted whether you want to import the original or an aggregated product. E.g. the KNMI Radar products have an original interval of 5 minutes, so aggregation options are 10 minutes (2 x 5 minutes), 15 minutes (3 x 5 minutes) etc. As mentioned, the <timestep> definition in Delft-FEWS will be leading. Disaggregating is not supported.

The WIWB API has the default option that aggregation to larger timesteps is valid when at least one timestep is available. For example: a 5 minute timestep is aggregated to hourlies when at least one 5 minute timestep is available. For Delft-FEWS applications this is usually not the best solution. Therefore a so-called "minimumAggregationAvailability" option has been added. This value (of type double) has a valid range from 0 to 1 and indicates to the WIWB API the fraction of how much original timesteps should be available in the new timestep. Usually the value will be set to 1, as also can be seen from the below config example "aggregated radar products".

Authentication with OpenID Connect

By default the HydroNet WIWB API is protected by a user name and password, that can be specified in the import configuration.

Since 2019.02 it is possible to specify a Bearer token. This is typically used when using OpenID Connect as authentication method. To enable a bearer token as authentication mechanism, the following properties should be set:

Required properties for OpenID Connect
<string key="authentication" value="BearerToken"/>
<string key="tokenUrl" value="https://login.hydronet.com/auth/realms/hydronet/protocol/openid-connect/token"/>

Note that the username and password still has to be set in the general section to be able to login. The username is provided as the "clientId" and the password is provided as the "clientSecret".

Example for Intern. Radar Composite, using OpenID Connect
		<relativeViewPeriod unit="hour" start="-2" end="0" startOverrulable="false"/>
		<dataFeedId>WIWB (Knmi.International.Radar.Composite 5min)</dataFeedId>
		<string key="dataSource" value="Knmi.International.Radar.Composite"/>
		<string key="authentication" value="BearerToken"/>
		<string key="tokenUrl" value="https://login.hydronet.com/auth/realms/hydronet/protocol/openid-connect/token"/>
		<timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
		<timeStep unit="minute" multiplier="5"/>
		<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>

Proxy Servers

When the HydroNet WIWB API connection is required to connect to the Hydronet API through a proxy like MuleSoft, additional authentication information might be required in the header. It is possible to add two additional parameters clientId and clientSecret. The default headers are X-IBM-Client-Id and X-IBM-Client-Secret, but these can be changed by configuring the respective headers.

Example of Proxy properties
			<string key="dataSource" value="BHP.Composite.Adjusted"/>
			<string key="clientId" value="[to be provided by proxy admin]"/>
			<string key="clientIdHeader" value="[to be provided by proxy admin]"/>
			<string key="clientSecret" value="[to be provided by proxy admin]"/>
			<string key="clientSecretHeader" value="[to be provided by proxy admin]"/>
			<bool   key="logClientIdHeader" value="true"/>			

Starting with May 1 2022, Hydronet API uses a different endpoint to provide the users with an access token (BearerToken, see above). To retrieve the token a client id, client secret and a token URL are necessary. The client ID and secret can be configured as username and password respectively. The token URL should be configured as a property. If configured, FEWS will retrieve the token for the import. If it isn’t added to the config, FEWS will assume that the old authentication process is still in use.

To set these headers use the properties below:

Example of OpenID and Proxy properties
			<string key="dataSource" value="BHP.Composite.Adjusted"/>
			<string key="authentication" value="BearerToken"/>
			<string key="clientId" value="to be provided by proxy admin"/>
			<string key="clientIdHeader" value="to be provided by proxy admin"/>
			<string key="clientSecret" value="to be provided by proxy admin"/>
			<string key="clientSecretHeader" value="to be provided by proxy admin"/>
			<bool   key="logClientIdHeader" value="true"/>			
 	 	 	<string key="tokenUrl" value="https://login.hydronet.com/auth/realms/hydronet/protocol/openid-connect/token"/> 

Import types: WIWB and WIWB_async (grids only)

The original FEWS import from WIWB data is done through a direct soap connection. Because this method is not intended to be used for bulky data downloads, another second so-called asynchronous download option has been developed. This async option is to be used for non-operational and larger datasets. The normal importType is WIWB, while the asynchronous option is WIWB_async. Note that the async option is only used in case of gridded data. Scalar data is always imported through the normal, direct way. 

The WIWB_async import type works as follows internally in the import module: 

  • It first sends a request to the WIWB API for a later download, this request contains all info about what data is requested.
  • The API then returns a unique id which can be used to track the progress of the download, which will return one of the following status:
    • Idle : this means it is on the waiting list for being processed, process will always be 0%
      • Processing: the download is being prepared this involves getting the data, processing the data and writing to netcdf files and zipping them. This will always have a progress larger than 0% and lower than 100%.
      • Error: something went wrong on the API server side. Currently there will be no explanation provided on why it went wrong, therefor FEWS has now ability to provide an explanation for it since it is out of FEWS control.
      • Finished: The download is ready.
  • When the download is ready a separate request is done for this specific download. First the whole zip is downloaded, then unzipped in a temporary directory and finally those files are imported one by one.

Note that all of this accounting and communication is handled automatically by the FEWS client and the WIWB servers and progress is displayed as INFO messages in the logs. When the processing is finished, Delft-FEWS will download and import the dataset.

WIWB_async: download disclaimer

The amount of data in one WIWB request (download option) also has its maximum. This maximum data request is limited to the currently installed WIWB-server (internal) memory capacity, which is 12 GB. This means that an individual data request can not exceed this size. This maximum of 12 GB is valid per data request, since all data requests are processed sequentially. If the data request is too large, the server runs out of memory and this data requests fails. Delft-FEWS reports that an error has occurred at the WIWB-server side. To download the requested data, the user needs to split up the data request. A common approach would be to reduce the number of timesteps. Note that the requested view period can never exceed a period of one year, as this is limited by WIWB.

Below, three examples of benchmark data requests are given. These examples stay within the current WIWB-server limits and will be successful. Please use these as inspiration for your own data requests.

Spatial extentPeriod (RVP)Timestep
Netherlands20 days5 min
Netherlands8 months1 hour

Complete KNMI IRC

Final Reanalysis dataset

5 min

Missing values

If the WIWB specifies the missing value for a datasource, this will be used by FEWS. The missing value can also be specified in the import configuration as well. The default value for missing value is -9999 for the WIWB API.

Grid definitions

The WIWB API can provide the grid definitions of the models. The WIWB Import will log the Grid Definition if debug is enabled during the import.

Radar Grid definition

Note that the grid definition of the KNMI radar grids (which is polar stereographic) is not supported by the WIWB netcdf libraries. As a result of that, the returned netcdf file is not correct with respect to it's grid definition. That definition should not be used

It is possible to download a subextent of a grid by defining properties in the Import file. The methodology is described in detail in this presentation.

Note that defining a subgrid for the KNMI radar product is a bit more complicated due to the projection of the grid. The methodology to get the correct configuration values in the import file and the grids.xml can be found in this document: Nieuwe instructies voor import - KNMI Radar Subgrid.pdf.

View period

Where appropriate a viewPeriod can be configured. The view period can be no longer than one year, since the WIWP api doesn't support periods longer than that.

For model forecasts only the latest forecast will be downloaded.


This example is configured to import scalar observations from the Knmi.AwsTenMinutes dataSource, using the direct import:

Example AwsTenMinutes
		<relativeViewPeriod unit="hour" start="-120" end="0" startOverrulable="true"/>
		<dataFeedId>WIWB (Knmi.AwsTenMinutes)</dataFeedId>
		<string key="dataSource" value="Knmi.AwsTenMinutes"/>
        <string key="authentication" value="BearerToken"/>
        <string key="tokenUrl" value="https://login.hydronet.com/auth/realms/hydronet/protocol/openid-connect/token"/>
		<timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
		<timeStep unit="minute" multiplier="10"/>
		<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>

The following example is configured for importing grids from the Knmi.Radar.Uncorrected dataSource, using the direct import:

        <relativeViewPeriod unit="hour" start="-12" end="-10" startOverrulable="false"/>
		<dataFeedId>WIWB (Knmi.Radar.Uncorrected)</dataFeedId>
		<string key="dataSource" value="Knmi.Radar.Uncorrected"/>
        <string key="authentication" value="BearerToken"/>
        <string key="tokenUrl" value="https://login.hydronet.com/auth/realms/hydronet/protocol/openid-connect/token"/>
		<timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
		<timeStep unit="minute" multiplier="5"/>
		<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>

Example of idMapping to some of the WIWB parameters in the IdImportWIWB_obs.xml file:

<idMap version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.wldelft.nl/fews" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.wldelft.nl/fews http://fews.wldelft.nl/schemas/version1.0/idMap.xsd">
	<parameter external="Evaporation" internal="E.meting"/>
	<parameter external="P" internal="P.meting"/>
	<parameter external="P" internal="P.radar" internalQualifier="realtime"/>
	<parameter external="WindDirection" internal="Wind.meting.richting"/>
	<parameter external="WindSpeed" internal="Wind.meting.snelheid"/>
	<parameter external="TMP" internal="T.meting"/>
	<location external="Hydronet_radar" internal="Hydronet_radar"/>
	<locationIdPattern internalLocationSet="KNMI-EVP" internalLocationPattern="KNMI_*" externalLocationPattern="06*"/>

Example of the grids.xml file for the KNMI Radar grid products

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<grids xmlns="http://www.wldelft.nl/fews" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.wldelft.nl/fews http://fews.wldelft.nl/schemas/version1.0/grids.xsd">
	<regular locationId="knmi_radar_1km">

Example of a aggregated radar product using the asychronous import

        <relativeViewPeriod unit="hour" start="-24" end="0" startOverrulable="true"/>
		<dataFeedId>WIWB (Knmi.Radar.CorrectedC2, hour)</dataFeedId>
		<string key="dataSource" value="Knmi.Radar.CorrectedC2"/>
		<double key="minimumAggregationAvailability" value="1.00"/>
        <string key="authentication" value="BearerToken"/>
        <string key="tokenUrl" value="https://login.hydronet.com/auth/realms/hydronet/protocol/openid-connect/token"/>
		<timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
		<timeStep unit="hour" multiplier="1"/>
		<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>

It is possible to request a selection extent only for any grid.

Example of readQuality option with flag source conversion

By specifying the boolean property readQuality true. Quality flags will be returned for each scalar time step, if the data source support it. If the data source does not support it, this option has no effect.

        <relativeViewPeriod unit="hour" start="-24" end="0" startOverrulable="true"/>
		<dataFeedId>WIWB (Knmi.Waterboard.Raingauges.Validated)</dataFeedId>
		<string key="dataSource" value="Knmi.Waterboard.Raingauges.Validated"/>
		<bool key="readQuality" value="true"/>
        <string key="authentication" value="BearerToken"/>
        <string key="tokenUrl" value="https://login.hydronet.com/auth/realms/hydronet/protocol/openid-connect/token"/>
		<timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
		<timeStep unit="hour" multiplier="1"/>
		<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>

In case of Knmi.Waterboard.Raingauges.Validated a 6 character string will be returned, for instance: 010099.

This will be split over 3 column flag sources with different meaning:

HI: High Influx 
FZ: Faulty Zero
SO: Station Outlier

They can be configured in RegionConfigFiles/FlagSourceColumns.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<flagSourceColumns xmlns="http://www.wldelft.nl/fews" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
				   xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.wldelft.nl/fews https://fewsdocs.deltares.nl/schemas/version1.0/flagSourceColumns.xsd">
	<column id="HI">
		<description>High Influx</description>
		<toolTip>A Tooltip</toolTip>
	<column id="FZ">
		<description>Faulty Zero</description>
		<toolTip>B Tooltip</toolTip>
	<column id="SO">
		<description>Station Outlier/description>
		<toolTip>C Tooltip</toolTip>

Each 2 characters which have their own meaning, for instance:

00 ok
01 active
50 no radar available
99 unexpected error

With the use of custom flag sources (RegionConfigFiles/CustomFlagSources.xml), the possible flag source values of can be directly matched:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<customFlagSources xmlns="http://www.wldelft.nl/fews" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.wldelft.nl/fews https://fewsdocs.deltares.nl/schemas/version1.0/customFlagSources.xsd">
	<customFlagSource id="00" flag="100" name="OK"/>
	<customFlagSource id="01" flag="101" name="Active"/>
	<customFlagSource id="50" flag="150" name="No radar"/>
	<customFlagSource id="99" flag="199" name="Unexpected Error"/> 
	<customFlagSource id="50b" flag="211" name="Becasue 50 was already in use"/> 

But it is also possible to convert the external flags sources to internal flags by using flagSourceConversion (FlagConversionsFiles/WIWBFlagSourceConversions.xml), in case it is not desired to have the exact matches with internal flags.

This will work for both custom flag sources as FEWS own internal flag sources:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<flagConversions xmlns="http://www.wldelft.nl/fews" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.wldelft.nl/fews
			<value>211</value>  <!--  211 is custumFlagSource -->
			<value>19</value>   <!--  19 is internal flagSource -->

Multiple external forecasts

Example of requesting multiple (older) external forecasts using externalForecastTimesSearchRelativePeriod & externalForecastTimesCardinalTimeStep:

        <externalForecastTimesSearchRelativePeriod unit="day" start="-7" end="0"/>
		<externalForecastTimesCardinalTimeStep unit="hour" multiplier="12">
		<dataFeedId>WIWB (Knmi.RegionalEps)</dataFeedId>
		<string key="dataSource" value="Knmi.RegionalEps"/>
        <string key="authentication" value="BearerToken"/>
        <string key="tokenUrl" value="https://login.hydronet.com/auth/realms/hydronet/protocol/openid-connect/token"/>
		<timeSeriesType>external forecasting</timeSeriesType>
		<timeStep unit="hour" multiplier="6"/>
		<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>

Only requesting new data by default

When the WIWB import is connected to a <dataFeedId> FEWS keeps track of the latest time step imported and it will limit the request to a period that is only after that latest time step.

This has been done to be more efficient and prevent the import to keep requesting data that is already imported.

In certain cases this may not be desirable, for instance to request older data that has been missed (it may not have been available or the import didn't run for some time)

In that case the option <trimPeriodWhenLastImportedTimeStepAfterPeriod> can be set to false, then the full period will be requested.

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