Module Name: | |
Description: | Sets global properties for the application |
Why to Use? | To override default values and to set global variables |
Where to Use? | In the file in the root dir of the region |
Config Example | |
Screendump: | na |
Outcome(s): | Updated behavior of the system |
Remark(s): | Use with caution |
Available since: | DelftFEWS200701 |
The file has two main uses:
- Define global variables that can be used within the (XML) configuration files to enhance portability over various machines (see also page Global Properties)
- if you define NAME_OFPROGRAM=c:\Myexe.exe in the file you can use the variable $NAME_OFPROGRAM$ in the configuration files
- if you specify folder IMPORT_FOLDER=<server>/tofss/Import or IMPORT_FOLDER=d:/fews/Import, you can use the variable $IMPORT_FOLDER$ in the configuration files.
By adjusting the content in the, you can make portability easy between a Stand-Alone and a Forecasting Shell
- To set software options (see Configuration table below).
Known issues
- all options are case sensitive
- deprecated/obsolete properties not to be used anymore:
- identifier
- timeSeriesDefaultCacheSizeMB
- timeSeriesTaskRunCacheSizeMB
- docking (obsolete since 2014.02)
- doCaseConsistencyCheckOnMc (obsolete since 2017.02)
- tempDir (obsolete since 2018.01)
Configuration table
A list of special global properties manipulating the system instead of variables in xml is given below (all options are case sensitive):
Name | Default | Value | Description |
alwaysAllowDummyModuleInstanceRuns | false | boolean | TransformationModule is allowed to edit time series created earlier in the same workflow, the TransformationModule can create simulated time series for any ModuleInstanceId and this can create unexpected behaviour when making runs current, this can mess up the branching information of other workflows |
alwaysAllowWriteSimulatedBelongingToAlreadyRunnedModuleInstance | false | boolean | General adapter import activities time series sets should have the same ModuleInstance as the general adapter |
BUFR_TABLES | $REGION_HOME$/modules/bufr | string | See BUFR documentation |
checkFileWillExistOnCaseSensitiveFileSystem | false | boolean | if configuration runs on Linux, this needs to be true. Only relevant when you use both Linux and Windows |
COUNTRY / LANGUAGE / VARIANT | empty string | string | E.g. COUNTRY=AU, LANGUAGE=EN, VARIANT=BOM COUNTRY /LANGUAGE / VARIANT selects the language files that are used in the user interface LANGUAGE default is english. Other supported languages:
DEFAULT_EXPIRY_DAYS | 30 days | Any number of days | Sets the default expiry time for timeseries in the database. You can override this when storing individual timeseries by specifying the expirytime in the timeseriesSet. See also Hierarchy of expiryTime settings |
DEFAULT_EXPIRY_DAYS_LOGEVENT | Any number of days | Sets the default expiry time for logevents in the database. | |
DEFAULT_EXPIRY_DAYS_LOGEVENT_MANUAL | Any number of days | Sets the default expiry time for manual logevents in the database. | |
doCaseConsistencyCheckOnMc | false | boolean | (OBSOLETE since 2017.02) Check new config files for case insensitive matches on the MC. Important when you use both Linux and Windows. |
docking | false | (OBSOLETE since 2014.02) Determines whether displays can be docked | |
GA_shiftExternalTimesToYear2000 | false | boolean | This setting is used to export data from the General Adapter always starting in the year 2000. True means this setting is used. This overcomes the issue with running FEWS after the year 10.000 which caused problems. Internally the dates are handled normally. |
JdbcServerPort | 2000 | integer | IP port number on which the JDBC server will listen after startup |
localDatastoreFormat | firebird | firebird; derby | (OBSOLETE since 2016.02, please use clientConfig.xml) Use firebird for the local datastore (instead of msaccess). Useful if you have large (> 2GB) datastores. When using firebird the localDataStore should be located at the physical hard disk and not at the network. You can also select derby for the LDS. |
localDataStorePoolDir | any local directory | Sets the dir where a pool of max. 10 localdatastore directories is stored to be used by OC at Citrix like systems. Useful in case of using firebird as localdatastoreformat, which requires the localdatastore to be at the physical disk drive (not at the network!). | |
mapLayersCacheDir | any local directory | Local directory to keep an up-to-date cache of maplayers which are retrieved from a network drive. Allows central maintenance of MapLayer-files without storage in the central database. | |
maxConfigFileSizeMB | unlimited | real | Maximum size of configuration files that can be imported into the localDataStore using the ConfigManager |
PI_SCHEMALOCATION | | If you do not want to use the Deltares schema location server, only used when FEWS writes xml files | |
readCompleteBranchSimulatedHistoricalWhenReadCompleteForecast | false | since 2012.01 read complete forecast only reads the current historical run instead of the complete branch used for compatibility with version FEWS 2011.02 | |
REPORT_HTML2PDF_PROGRAM | - | REPORT_HTML2PDF_PROGRAM=%REGION_HOME%/Modules/Reports/bin/wkhtmltopdf.exe | See also Generate PDF from HTML report. |
REPORTS_LEFTCOLMCID | MCID | Reference to MCID (e.g. MC00 or MC01) to put benchmark values in left or right column of a specific system status report | |
REPORTS_RIGHTCOLMCID | MCID | Reference to MCID (e.g. MC00 or MC01) to put benchmark values in left or right column of a specific system status report | |
runInLoopParallelProcessorCount | 1 | integer | Maximum nr of cores (CPU's) Delft-FEWS can use to run ensemble loops in parallel. Set to 100 to use all available cores. |
SCHEMALOCATION | | If you do not want to use the Deltares schema location server, only used when FEWS writes xml files | |
tempDir (Obsolete since 2018.01) | Windows default | string | Sets the temp dir to something other than the windows default e.g. =F:/Temp. Now always in regionhome/temp/session. |
timeSeriesWriteCacheSizeMB | 10 MB | 50 MB | Temporary time series (synchLevel 9) are written to a temporary file when the size of the write cache is not large enough to hold them in memory. This will slow down the system. By increasing the size of the the timeseries write cache this can be avoided. In general this is only needed if you process large amounts of gridded data. |
T0 | - | string | Date/time to set the system time to (only available for stand-alone systems). The date/time should conform the pattern configured in the Explorer xml, or when that is not configured the default yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss is used, for example : T0=2020-10-09 12:00:00 |
USE_CURRENT_SIMULATED_WITH_COLD_STATE_SELECTION | false | boolean | By default current simulated data of a module instance is visible during a run until the running forecast has started a new chain (i.e. selected a cold state) for that module instance. Setting this property to 'true' allows the use of a cold state selection in combination with timeseries of a current (approved) simulated forecast run |
UseLenientPiTimeSeriesParser | false | makes the PITimeSeriesParser more tolerant to other data formats (e.g. 31-02) | |
EXPIRY_DAYS_OC_SESSION | 30 | Since 2023.01. By default there is only a history of OC sessions for 30 days |
Predefined variables
The following variables are always available and don't need to be configured. For compatibility reasons the %REGION_HOME% is recognized besides $REGION_HOME$
Variable | Example | Description |
REGION_HOME | c:\fews\sealand | Root of the OC/FSS. This dir contains the the root config files, a localDataStore and optional a config dir |
BIN_DIR | c:\fews\bin | Bin dir with the FEWS binaries used. Never write to this folder |
USER_HOME | c:\users\john | User home dir. Equals the windows environment variable %USERPROFILE% |
USER_NAME | Since 2018.02 | |
FSS_ID | Since 2018.02 | |
FSS_INDEX_AT_HOST | Since 2018.02 | |
FSS_GROUP_ID | Since 2018.02 | |
MC_ID | Since 2022.02 | |
MC_NAME | Since 2022.02 | |
HOST_NAME | Since 2020.02 | |
TASK_ID | String 2022.01 | |
TASK_RUN_ID | Since 2020.02 | |
TASK_RUN_ID_FOR_PATH | Since 2022.01 | |
TASK_USER_ID | Since 2022.01 | |
WHAT_IF_ID | Since 2022.01 | |
WHAT_IF_ID_FOR_PATH | Since 2022.01 | |
WHAT_IF_NAME | Since 2021.02 |
Referencing other global properties in global properties
In the * earlier listed properties can be used to define a property value.
Referencing environment variables in global properties (Since 2021.01)
In the * environment variables can be used to define the property value.
The % can also be used to reference environment variables from global properties on Linux
Variable table
A suggested list of global variables that can be used in any xml configuration (except the the clientConfig.xml) with the use of $ signs around the variables (e.g. $EXPORT_FOLDER$). These are suggestions only, all variables can be defined.
Variable | Example | Description |
ARCHIVE_EXPORT | =//SERVER/../../ARCHIVE/EXPORT | Path definition |
ARCHIVE_IMPORT | =//SERVER/../../ARCHIVE/IMPORT | Path definition |
EXPLORER_SYSTEMCAPTION | =Application Name | Option to set the CLIENT window title of the FEWS Explorer. In Explorer.xml the element <systemCaption> underneath <systemInformation> should contain a reference ($EXPLORER_SYSTEMCAPTION$) to this global property variable |
EXPORT_FOLDER | =//SERVER/../../EXPORT | Path definition |
EXPORT_FOLDER_SOURCE | =//SERVER/../../EXPORT/MATROOS | Path definition. Option to control the import/export folders in the global properties. This can be configured in the Import/Export Modules. |
IMPORT_FOLDER | =//SERVER/../../IMPORT | Path definition |
IMPORT_FOLDER_SOURCE | =//SERVER/../../IMPORT/ECMWF_DET | Path definition. Option to control the import/export folders in the global properties. This can be configured in the Import/Export Modules. |