Report that uses templates and can translate properties with $propertyKey$, attributes in between @AttributeID@ and special tags in between %SPECIAL_TAG%

List of special tags on main level:

Tags main level:

%SUB_LOCATIONS(subLocationsStructureId)% for each sub location the text of the template belonging to the sub locations structure will be inserted. Within this template more tags can be translated.
%LOCATION_ID% location id of main location
%LOCATION_NAME% location name of main location
%FORECAST_TIME% forecast time of main time series => (system time when main time series has been saved)
%EXPIRY_TIME% forecast time + 30 hours
%CURRENT_TIME% real world time -> moment of translating this tag

%PHASE% this tag will be translated to the overall PHASE which is a combination of the PHASE of all sublocations => 

no sublocations with a phase => no overall phase
all sublocations new => NEW
all sublocations final => FIN
all combinations of new update and final => UPD

%SEVERITY% maximum severity of all included locations that have a phase. Possible values: Below minor, Generalised, Minor, Moderate, Major

%WATCH_RELATED_LOCATIONS% for each sub location the text of the template belonging to the (first configured) sub locations structure will be inserted. Within this template more tags can be translated. The difference with the SUB_LOCATIONS tag is that only for locations with an active WATCH PHASE are included.

%WATCH_RELATED_LOCATIONS_EXCLUDE_FINAL% for each sub location the text of the template belonging to the (first configured) sub locations structure will be inserted. Within this template more tags can be translated. The difference with the WATCH_RELATED_LOCATIONS tag is that  locations with a final WATCH_PHASE are EXcluded.

%WARNING_SUBCATCHMENTS% for each sub location the text of the template belonging to the (first configured) sub locations structure will be inserted. Within this template more tags can be translated. The difference with the sub locations tag is that only for locations with an active WARNING PHASE (based on connected forecast locations) are included. 

%WARNING_FORECAST_LOCATIONS(templateId)% for each forecast location with a phase the text of a configurable template, with id in between parentheses, will be inserted.  Within this template more the tags on sub location level can be translated.

%WARNING_OBSERVATION_LOCATIONS(<templateId>)% for each included observation location the text of a configurable template, with id in between parentheses, will be inserted.

%FLOOD_WARNING_TITLE% tag that is constructed based on the overall WARNING PHASE and overall SEVERITY of the main location. Can be overruled by property with key => floodWarningTitle

%WATCH_NEXT_ISSUE% will be translate to a filled xml element based on WATCH PHASE. 
When Final => <text type="warning_next_issue">This is a final Flood Watch, no further watches will be issued for this event</text>
When New or Update => <text type="warning_next_issue">The next Flood Watch will be issued by %s</text> where %s will be replaced by the time stored in date time property NEXT_ISSUE_TIME

%WARNING_NEXT_ISSUE% will be translate to a filled xml element based on WARNING PHASE. 
When Final => <text type="warning_next_issue">This is a final Flood Warning, no further warning will be issued for this event</text>
When New or Update => <text type="warning_next_issue">The next Flood Warning will be issued by %s</text> where %s will be replaced by the time stored in date time property NEXT_ISSUE_TIME

%CAP_REFERENCE% currently translated to <text type="cap_reference">%s</text> when PHASE not is New and %s is translated to all dates of previously sent reports according to format: "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"

%REISSUE_COMMENT% translated to <element type="reissue_comment">%s</element> where %s is translated to property value of REISSUE

%SEWS% if boolean property with id "sews" is true, this tag is translated to <text type="sews">Media: Transmitters are REQUESTED TO USE THE STANDARD EMERGENCY WARNING SIGNAL BEFORE BROADCASTING THIS MESSAGE.</text>

%WARNING_SEWS% (same as %SEWS% but with different type in xml) if boolean property with id "sews" is true, this tag is translated to <text type="warning_sews">Media: Transmitters are REQUESTED TO USE THE STANDARD EMERGENCY WARNING SIGNAL BEFORE BROADCASTING THIS MESSAGE.</text>

%PRIORITY% if value property with id "priority" is not normal, so either priority or top priority, it will be tranlsated to <text type="priority">%s</text> with %s replaced to "(TOP) PRIORITY: The Bureau and Emergency Services would appreciate this message being broadcast regularly"

%AREA_INCLUDED_TITLE% translated to <text type="area_included_title">Catchments likely to be affected include:</text> when PHASE is New or Update


  • when there are no locations where flooding is no longer expected AND there are no locations for which warnings are current this tag is translated to empty text.
  • when there are no locations where flooding is no longer expected translated to <text type="area_removed_summary"><p>Flood Warnings are current for the following catchments: %s</p></text> where %s is replaced with all locations with warnings current
  • when there are no locations for which warnings are current this tag is translated to: <text type="area_removed_summary"><p>Flooding is no longer expected in the following catchments: %s</p></text>where %s is replaced with all locations for which flooding is no langer expected.
    When there are locations with warnings current and locations for which flooding is no longer expected it will be a combination:
                    <text type="area_removed_summary"><p>Flood Warnings are current for the following catchments: %s</p>
                    <p>Flooding is no longer expected in the following catchments: %s</p></text>

Tags sub location level

%PARENT_ATTRIBUTE(attributeId)% attribute of main location with attribute id between parentheses
%EXTERNAL_LOCATION_ID% id taken from configurable function externalIdAttributeFunction
%LOCATION_ID% location id of sub location 
%LOCATION_NAME% name of sub location
%LOCATION_PHASE% watch phase of sub location -> stored in property with key "phase"
%WARNING_PHASE% warning phase of sub location -> depends warning severity and previous warning severity
%WARNING_SEVERITY% severity for sub location based on water level and minor moderate major attribute values
%WATCH_SEVERITY% severity for sub location based on property with key "severity"
%WATCH_SEVERITY_FULL% severity for sub location based on property with key "severity" but with longer text for severity combinations
%SUBCATCHMENT_HEADLINE% translated to sentence based on severity and phase. Can be overruled in property with key "subcatchmentHeadline"
%CONNECTED_LOCATIONS% for each forecast location connected to the sub location with PHASE new, update or final an element <area aac="%s" phase="%s" description="%s" type="river-site"/> will be added with %s translated to attribute with id "FWL_FOR_ID", phase, forecast location name
%CONNECTED_LOCATIONS_STATUS_FORECAST_TEXT_HTML% for each forecast location connected to the sub location with PHASE new, update or final the status text followed by the forecast text is placed within html paragraph elements: <p>statusText forecastText</p>

%LOCATION_INDEX% the index of the sub location being translated
%FORECAST_TIME% forecast time of main time series => (real life time when main time series has been saved)
%EXPIRY_TIME% forecast time + expiryTime property value in hours. Default is 30 hours after forecast time.
%CURRENT_TIME% real world time -> moment of translating this tag

%PRIORITY% translated to "S" when property with id 'sews' is true and "W" when false

%COMMENT% translated to <text type="warning_comments">%s</text> with %s translated to the text stored in the property with id 'comment'

Tags forecast location level

%EXTERNAL_FORECAST_LOCATION_ID% identification for forecast location which is not the FEWS id, but based on config element <externalIdAttributeFunction>
%FORECAST_LOCATION_ID% FEWS id of the forecast location
%SUBCATCHMENT_ID% id of the subcatchment the forecast location is part of
%FORECAST_LOCATION_NAME% FEWS name of the forecast location
%STATUS_TEXT% text describing the current status and latest peak of recent observations at this location
%STATUS_TEXT_XML% text describing the current status and latest peak of recent observations at this location. But then within the xml element <text type=\"flood_status\">%s</text> which will be left out if the status is empty
%FORECAST_TEXT% text combining the descriptions of the forecasts data points.
%FORECAST_TIME% forecast time of main time series => (real life time when main time series has been saved)
%FORECAST_DATA_POINTS(<templateId>)% for each time step in the forecast the text of the template within parentheses is translate. See forecast data point level paragraph for available tags in that template.
%EXPIRY_TIME% forecast time + expiryTime property value in hours. Default is 30 hours after forecast time.

Tags observation location level

%EXTERNAL_OBSERVATION_LOCATION_ID% identification for forecast location which is not the FEWS id, but based on config element <externalIdAttributeFunction>
%EXTERNAL_PARENT_ID% identification for main location which is not the FEWS id, but based on config element <externalIdAttributeFunction>
%OBSERVATION_LOCATION_NAME% FEWS name of the observation location
%PRODUCT_LOCATION_ID% FEWS id for the main location
%FORECAST_TIME% forecast time of main time series => (real life time when main time series has been saved)
%EXPIRY_TIME% forecast time + expiryTime property value in hours. Default is 30 hours after forecast time.
%LATITUDE% latitude value of the observation location
%LONGITUDE% longitude value of the observation location
%TIME_STEP(dateFormatId)% time of the last available observation value in the format specified between parentheses
%LEVEL% value of the last available observation
%TENDENCY% enumeration value of last available observation configured in <observationTendencyVariableId>, for instance "rising" or "falling"

Tags forecast data points

%FORECAST_DATA_POINT_TEXT% forecast text belonging to this data point (specific value within the forecast time series)
%FORECAST_TIME% forecast time of main time series => (real life time when main time series has been saved)
%EXPIRY_TIME% forecast time + expiryTime property value in hours. Default is 30 hours after forecast time.
%LIKELIHOOD% the likelihood of the forecast taken from mapping: Low(may) | Medium(is likely to) | High(is expected to) | Certain(will)
%LEVEL% value of forecast data point
%LEVEL_MIN% minimum value of forecast data point, when level type is not Range this will be translated to an empty string 
%LEVEL_MAX% maximum value of forecast data point, when level type is not Range this will be translated to an empty string 
%DATE_TIME(dateFormatId)% the exact date and time of the data point in the format between parentheses. When timeType is not DateTime this will be translated to an empty string.
%PART_DAY% the part day of the forecast date point. When timeType is not Part day this will be translated to an empty string.
%START_DATE_TIME(dateFormatId)% the start date and time of the time range of the data point in the format between parentheses. When timeType is DateTime this will be translated to an empty string.
%END_DATE_TIME(dateFormatId)% the end date and time of the time range of the data point in the format between parentheses. When timeType is DateTime this will be translated to an empty string.
%MEAN_DATE_TIME(dateFormatId)% the mean of the start and end date and time of the time range of the data point in the format between parentheses. When timeType is DateTime this will be translated to the exact date and time of the data point.
%FORECAST_SEVERITY% severity for forecast data point based on level and minor/moderate/major attribute values

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