Deltares Salinisation wiki

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Welcome to the salinisation & Freshwater availability wiki of Deltares! 

The impact of salinisation is becoming a bigger problem in various parts around the world. Given climate change, droughts, sea level rise and anthropogenic impacts such as rising demand for fresh water, dams and dredging, long-term effects must be considered in current and future interventions in the system. Deltares is using its system knowledge and models to contribute to monitoring, forecasting, scenario analysis, policy studies, effect analyses, testing innovations and implementing solutions. A partner to tackle salt intrusion and improve freshwater availability in an integrated and future-resilient way.

In the Deltares Team Salinisation, we combine the strengths of the different units and programs within Deltares towards scientific and societal impact by working on an integrated approach for salt- and freshwater management and building a community of salt experts. As a knowledge institute, it is important to be at the forefront of knowledge and tool development, and of developing adaptive strategies for a sustainable (fresh) water supply, both in a national and an international setting.  This wiki serves as a portfolio for all salinisation projects within Deltares.


(lightbulb) Vacancy: Postdoctoral Researcher University Oldenburg, Germany: Research in hydraulic and hydrochemical processes in the aquatic environment
(lightbulb) Van de Wal, R., Melet, A., Bellafiore, D., Vousdoukas, M., Camus, P., Ferrarin, C., Oude Essink, G. H. P., Haigh, I. D., Lionello, P., Luijendijk, A. P., Toimil, A., & Staneva, J. (2024). Sea Level Rise in Europe: impacts and consequences. State of the Planet, 1–56
(lightbulb) Presentation IAH Davos Gu Oude Essink:: Navigating groundwater salinity in (coastal) groundwater models: insights, challenges, innovations
(lightbulb) Farías, I., Oude Essink, G. H. P., De Louw, P. G. B., & Bierkens, M. F. P. (2024). Effects of grid resolution on regional modelled groundwater salinity and salt fluxes to surface water. Journal of Hydrology, 643, 131915.
(lightbulb) New paper: Mueller, W., Zamrsky, D., Oude Essink, G. H. P., Fleming, L. E., Deshpande, A., Makris, K. C., Wheeler, B. W., Newton, J. N., Narayan, K. M. V., Naser, A. M., & Gribble, M. O. (2024). Saltwater intrusion and human health risks for coastal populations under 2050 climate scenarios. Scientific Reports, 1–6.
(lightbulb) New paper: Seibert, S. L., Greskowiak, J., Oude Essink, G. H. P., and Massmann, G. (2024). Understanding climate change and anthropogenic impacts on the salinization of low-lying coastal groundwater systems. Earth’s Future, 12(e2024EF004737).
(lightbulb) New paper: Xeni, C., O’Madigan Gribble, M., Oude Essink, G. H. P., Fleming, L. E., & Makris, K. C. (2024). Temporal dynamics of drinking water sodium levels in coastal areas, Cyprus 2009–2020. Science of The Total Environment, 937(173332).
(lightbulb) New paper: Ha, Q. K., Phung, T. H., Phan, N. L., Pham, V. T., Pham, V. H., Minderhoud, P. S. J., Vo, P. Le, & Oude Essink, G. H. P. (2024). Groundwater resource challenges and abstraction-induced land subsidence in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta. In The Mekong River Basin (421–451).
(lightbulb) - Session HS8.1.8: EGU 2024, Vienna: Building large-scale 3D coastal groundwater models with iMOD-WQ and global datasets
(lightbulb) Course at IHE Delft on processes and modelling of salt water intrusion; link to exercises and lectures sheets download from here
(lightbulb) Verkaik, J., Sutanudjaja, E. H., Oude Essink, G. H. P., Lin, H. X., & Bierkens, M. F. P. (2024). GLOBGM v1.0: a parallel implementation of a 30 arcsec PCR-GLOBWB-MODFLOW global-scale groundwater model. Geoscientific Model Development, 17(275–300).
(lightbulb)  Zamrsky, D., Oude Essink, G. H. P., & Bierkens, M. F. P. (2024). Global impact of sea level rise on coastal fresh groundwater resources. Earth’s Future, 12(1).

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