B Tips and tricks
- When you have two or more spaces between columns in an asci file: use the fixed column widths to avoid confusion on the side of the Import Wizard about the content of cells.
- Try import from command line first in 'no write' mode. See section_ 6.1 .
- If you are getting confused from the complexity of options in one import file, try to make more templates to read data from the same file. If your import-file is complicated and you do not know how to set-up the right template, you can also choose to use more import runs with different templates for different columns.
- At the moment only files which have a date column can be read by the HIW. If you wish to import files without a date column please refer to the import function inside HYMOS and use theFREE ASCI format.
- Be careful when using IdConversion files: when the content of that file changes it does not mean that the translation in the template is automatically changed. It is recommended that you check the template to make sure the right conversion is applied. If the old conversion has not changed, uncheck the conversion file option, clear the conversion section in the template, close the HIW and then reopen and recheck the conversion option. Now the right conversion should be applied.
- When having troubles with the import equidistant time interpretation, you can always revert to non-equidistant import and organise the transformation to equidistant data inside HYMOS.
- When importing data with the HYMOS Import Wizard missing values in your import data will be imported in the database even if this contains data already. The only way to avoid this is by checking the import files and not importing the columns containing missing values. The rationale behind this kind of data handling is that omitting missing values will cause an unsollicited mix between validated and non-validated data.
- In case errors occur the import file will be skipped and the Import Wizard will continue with the next file.
- Log files can be found in myDocuments/HYMOS/Logs.
- The import wizard can only import to existing series. If a series does not exist yet, it needs to be created inside HYMOS before data can be imported to it.
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