Below, you will find Deltares course material on NBFD ecological system. Before using any of the material, please contact the author or

  File Modified
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Topic 4.1 - Biobouwers als Kustbeschermers; Groene fantasie of fantastische groei - Luca van Duren.pptx 18-12-2017 by Stéphanie IJff
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow Topic 4.2 - Building witn Nature; vegetated foreshores for flood risk reduction - Bregje van Wesenbeeck.ppt 18-12-2017 by Stéphanie IJff
PDF File Topic 4.3 - Ecosystem engineers; a Singapore perspective - Sin Tsai Min.pdf 18-12-2017 by Stéphanie IJff
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow Topic 4.4. - Ecosystem restoration; why, where and how - Bregje van Wesenbeeck.ppt 18-12-2017 by Stéphanie IJff
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow Topic 4.5 - Ecosystem-based flood risk mitigation; status and future steps - Bregje van Wesenbeeck.ppt 18-12-2017 by Stéphanie IJff
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Topic 4.6 - Eelgrass restoration in a dynamic habitat - Luca van Duren et al..pptx 18-12-2017 by Stéphanie IJff
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Topic 4.7 - Fine sediment and ecosystem engineers in the Wadden Sea - Luca van Duren et al..pptx 18-12-2017 by Stéphanie IJff
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow Topic 4.8 - Shellfish as ecosystem engineers - Luca van Duren.ppt 18-12-2017 by Stéphanie IJff
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow Topic 4.9 - Restoration of mangrove habitat through a hybrid engineering approach - Author.ppt 18-12-2017 by Stéphanie IJff
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow Topic 4.10 - Nature-based flood defences; an ecological perspective - Ellis Penning.ppt 18-12-2017 by Stéphanie IJff
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Topic 4.11 - Linking water quantity and water quality via aquatic vegetation processes - Ellis Penning and Jasper Dijkstra.pptx 18-12-2017 by Stéphanie IJff
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow Topic 4.12 - Restoration of eroding mangrove mud coasts - Bregje van Wesenbeeck.ppt 18-12-2017 by Stéphanie IJff
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow Topic 4.13 - Kwelders voor waterveiligheid en voor natuur - Bregje van Wesenbeeck.ppt 18-12-2017 by Stéphanie IJff