Content description

In order to identify the problem, it is necessary to make a broad system analysis. This does not only encompass the ecological system as well as the socio-economic and governance system, but should also be done on a large spatial and temporal scale. To be able to build a strategy, select a design and monitor the impact (next phases in the FRM cycle), a risk assessment needs to be conducted. A risk assessment consists of three components: hazard, exposure and vulnerability. This module introduces the student to the main concepts (level 1), provides in-depth information on the ecological aspects, physical system and socio-economics (level 2) and gives instructions how to use different tools to apply the theory in the student’s daily work.


Powerpoint slides

Background materials

Student Assignment

Target group

Level 1) targets students and professionals who are new to theory of system understanding and problem identification;

Level 2) targets students and professionals who are familiar with the concept of system understanding and problem identification, and are interested in more in-depth information. Depending on their disciplinary background, they could benefit from the training materials in one or more of the themes (ecology, physical system and/or socio-economics and governance).

Level 3) targets students and professionals who will apply system understanding and problem identification in their future work. Depending on their disciplinary background and job description, they can choose for one or more of the tools that are described in this section.

Learning objectives

Level 1) Introduction to the main concept

  • Be aware that a system understanding encompasses the physical and ecological system, the socio-economic system and the institutional system;
  • Be familiar with the different types of ecosystems and where these occur;
  • Be aware that the spatial scale and time scale are important for a proper system understanding and to identify the key issue;

Level 2) In-depth description of the theory

  • Ecology
    • Be familiar with the concept of ecosystem services, and that these are applied for BwN;
    • Be aware that the health of an ecosystem and the success of ecosystem restoration and conservation depend on meeting the requirements for specific (abiotic) preconditions;
  • Physical system
    • Know what time and spatial scale should be used for a system assessment
    • Understand sediment transport processes;
    • Understand hydrodynamic processes (role of rivers, waves and currents);
  • Socio-economics and governance
    • Know how a stakeholder network could look like;
    • Understand the theory of stakeholder, network and institutional analysis;

Level 3) Tools to calculate and apply the theory

  • Ecology
    • Calculate the value of ecosystem services;
    • Assess the health of the ecosystems that are currently present;
    • Work with the Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) approach.
  • Physical system
    • Model sediment dynamics and hydrology using Delft3D and XBeach;
    • Calculate risk, including hazard, exposure and vulnerability;
  • Socio-economics and governance
    • Use participatory and joint fact finding methods for problem identification;
    • Classify policy problems;
    • Mapping stakeholder networks and identify potential risks and opportunities
  • No labels