Content description

This phase is the implementation of the BwN measure. Implementation should be in close consultation with the stakeholders and ensure compliance with social and environmental standards. Because the in-depth theory and tools (level 2 and 3) are partly different for the different BwN concepts and environments, these should be adapted to the training needs of the students (e.g. coastal or fluvial BwN concepts).



Powerpoint slides

Background materials


Target group

Level 1) targets students and professionals who are new to implementation of BwN;

Level 2) targets students and professionals who are familiar with implementation of BwN, and are interested in more in-depth information. Depending on their disciplinary background, they could benefit from the training materials in one or more of the themes (ecology, physical system and/or socio-economics and governance).

Level 3) targets students and professionals who implementation BwN in their future work. Depending on their disciplinary background and job description, they can choose for one or more of the tools that are described in this section.

Learning objectives

Level 1) Introduction to the main concept

    • Know the differences and similarities between implementation of traditional and BwN measures;
    • Be aware of the pitfalls that could hamper successful implementation of BwN, and knowing examples of them;
    • Be aware of the role of stakeholders in the implementation process.

Level 2) In-depth description of the theory

  • Ecology
    • Know the theory of restoration techniques for ecosystems relevant to the student;
    • Know the theory of carbon evaluation during the implementation phase, to minimize the environmental footprint;
  • Physical system
    • Knowing construction techniques for BwN concepts (relevant to the student);
    • Knowing theory about materials and procedures;
    • Be aware of safety standards during the implementation phase and operational schedule (logistics).
  • Socio-economics and governance
    • Knowing different types of implementation arrangements;
    • Be aware of different finance models for BwN implementation;
    • Knowing why securing stakeholder ownership and involvement is important for successful implementation.

Level 3) Tools to calculate and apply the theory

  • Ecology
    • Tools to monitor ecosystem functioning and impacts during the implementation phase;
    • Practical instructions to implement ecosystem restoration techniques;
    • Calculation techniques for carbon evaluation.
  • Physical system
    • Practical instructions how to implement BwN measures;
  • Socio-economics and governance
    • Tools for stakeholder involvement during the implementation phase;
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