Content description

Monitoring activities during and after the implementation of BwN measures are needed to maintain its effectiveness and to grow an evidence base. It will generate insights on what works, what doesn’t work, and why. Monitoring also strongly informs maintenance and other necessary actions. Monitoring and evaluation focusses on the health and development of the ecosystem, as on the risk reduction effectiveness of the BwN measure. Again, stakeholder involvement is very important. This can be organized through participatory monitoring.


Powerpoint slides

Background materials


Target group

Level 1) targets students and professionals who are new to monitoring and evaluation of BwN;

Level 2) targets students and professionals who are familiar with monitoring and evaluation of BwN, and are interested in more in-depth information. Depending on their disciplinary background, they could benefit from the training materials in one or more of the themes (ecology, physical system and/or socio-economics and governance).

Level 3) targets students and professionals who will monitor and evaluate BwN in their future work. Depending on their disciplinary background and job description, they can choose for one or more of the tools that are described in this section.

Learning objectives

Level 1) Introduction to the main concept

    • Be aware of the importance of a well-executed monitoring and evaluation plan for long-term effectiveness of BwN measures;
    • Know the key elements that should be part of the monitoring and evaluation phase;
    • Be aware that possible future changes in the environment, socio-economic and institutional environment could impact the BwN measure (positive or negative).

Level 2) In-depth description of the theory

  • Ecology
    • Knowing the theory of monitoring the ecosystem in the implementation area and the surroundings;
    • Knowing the theory of monitoring species diversity and density over time and determine if the ecosystem goes through successional stages;
  • Physical system
    • Know the theory of management and maintenance of BwN measures;
    • Know the theory of monitoring risk reduction effectiveness of the BwN measure;
    • Know how monitoring results can affect the maintenance of the BwN measure.
  • Socio-economics and governance
    • Know the concept of participatory monitoring and when to apply it;
    • Be aware of possible monitoring and decision-making arrangements;
    • Be aware how future changes in the regulatory environment can pose chances and risks for the BwN measure.

Level 3) Tools to calculate and apply the theory

  • Ecology
    • Monitoring techniques for ecosystem health and biodiversity;
  • Physical system
    • Techniques to measure the effectiveness of the BwN measure;
  • Socio-economics and governance
    • Techniques for participatory monitoring
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