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Date: 21. December 2010
Time: 11:30 - 12:00 CET
Venue: Skype Conference Call
Topic: From OpenMI 2.0 Beta to OpenMI 2.0

Table of contents


Adrian Harper, MWH Soft Ltd (
Stef Hummel, Deltares (, DHI (
Standa Vanecek, DHI (
Peter Schade, Bundesanstalt fuer Wasserbau (peter.schade(at)
Rob Knapen, Alterra, Wageningen UR (

Unknown User (don), Deltares (

1 What to put on the download site

From the association page nothing can be downloaded. The idea is that people should actually be downloading from this site, but that gives problems, so for now we put all downloads on sourceforge.

(thumbs up) Agreed: the green download button will provide:

  • the binaries of the standard
    • c# OpenMI.Standard.dll/xml (from trunk/src/csharp/bin)
    • java: openmi-standard2.jar, openmi-standard2-javadoc.jar (from trunk/src/java/bin)
  • all related documentation (*.pdf from trunk/doc)

(thumbs up) Agreed: the standard will not be signed.

Next question is: what to put as additional zip-files?

(thumbs up) After some discussion we decided that we will not provide any additional zip files with sources. People can download the sources through SVN.

Standa will suggest to the OAEC to put the download mentioned above on the page. As soon as this is realized, and people can download the OpenMI standard from a stable place without having to register, we will remove the download from sourgeforge.

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