Version 1.3.0
- Verhuizen overige files naar fileshare ipv FTP
Version 1.2.24
- Verhuizen XML files naar fileshare ipv FTP
- Ondersteuning Columntexts
- Default extensie voor Excel xlsx (ipv xls)
Version 1.2.23
- De wachttijd voor het verwerken van een bestand in inbak kan in het ini-bestand worden aangepast (veld timeout.delay).
- Wanneer de testdefinitie in de database nieuwer is dan die in de lokale tijdelijke bestanden van de gebruiker wordt de lokale versie overschreven.
Version 1.2.17
- Built for Matlab 2018b (in Windows 10)
Version 1.1.0
Version 1.0.9
- Changed from old Excel file extension xls to new file extension xlsx
Version 1.0.8
- Added writing to and reading from XML
- Added unit to coordinate systems and locations
- Allow GEF-files with empty lines or spaces at start of line
- Improve placement of legend in streamPlotGraph
- Added GUI for NEN5104 code
Version 1.0.7
- Correct streamRead for reading files with incomplete coordinate systems
- Modify fieldnames retrieved for sample from database (internal Deltares only)
- Extend CoreDbGetFile to get a databasefile directly based on internal name (internal Deltares only)
Version 1.0.6
- Improve StreamRead for dealing with incomplete locations and calibrations
- Bug resolved in reading existing plot layout in StreamPlotSetup
- Improve CoreDbSubmitFile for new file with testid equal to existing measurement (internal Deltares only)
Version 1.0.5
- Warning added when reading file without procedurecode in streamRead
- Allowing colon in quantity and unit
- Added preliminary function for entering input per phase (streamGetPhaseInput)
- Adding bilingual features (internal Deltares only)
- Adding functions for getting project and sample from the database (internal Deltares only)
Version 1.0.4
- Using Quantity from Testdefiner instead of Name for number variables
- Moving streamGetLabel to non-private library
- Check GEF syntax when writing a file
- Expanding streamConvert for saving conversions and batch processing
- Enable passing own label for axes in streamPlotGraph
- Locations, calibrations and coordinate systems are synchronized between Header and own structure after modification
- Allow boolean value to be written in number element
- Check kernel .dll replaced by Matlab logic
- Bug resolved in check on rotation axis
- Bug resolved for writing Child to Excel
Version 1.0.3
- Enable reading only header information from file in streamRead
- Enable fetching more than one file from the database (internal Deltares only)
- Tools streamEdit and streamConvert added
- GEF version 1 doesn't recognize setupcode
- Reorganize streamWrite and streamRead for writing to Excel
- Allow passing custom xLabel and yLabel to streamPlotGraph
- Increase wait-time for database from 30 to 60 seconds (internal Deltares only)
- Bugfixing creating plots for fast machines
Version 1.0.2
- Bug fixed in streamRemoveValue
- Enhanced plot features
- GEF check refinement (stricter rule for CHILD keyword)
- Bug fixed in streamPlotCreate: In newer MATLAB version (>=2008b) the top line of the Deltares frame was not visible
- User rights check now also done on USERID environment variable
- CoreDbPutReport now accepts procedure code as input argument (internal Deltares only)
Version 1.0.1
- Enhanced plot features
- New function streamIncreasePhase to increase the phase
- Enhanced database functions (internal Deltares only)
Version 1.0.0
{"serverDuration": 50, "requestCorrelationId": "0de6bf8237ecfa6b"}