On these pages you can find step-by-step tutorials in using SOBEK 3.

All tutorials assume a (basic) knowledge of the system. E.g. hydrodynamics (D-Flow-1D), realtime control (D-RTC) and hydrology (D-Rainfall-Runoff) .The tutorials are labelled for their level:

  1. Beginner - for users new to SOBEK 3 and DeltaShell
  2. Intermediate - for users familiar with the user interface (DeltaShell) and SOBEK 3
  3. Advanced - Advanced topics. Tutorials might require experience with other software.


[beginner] Setting up a single channel river modelKoen Berends19-11-2021
[beginner] Getting to know the User InterfaceKoen Berends24-02-2016


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[beginner] Running batch computationsKoen Berends03-11-2016
[advanced] Scripting a full modelling workflowDavid Rodriguez Aguilera02-05-2016
[advanced] Plotting and writing output to file with DeltaShell-ScriptingKoen Berends01-04-2016
[intermediate] Getting started with Python scripts in SOBEKBernhard Becker24-02-2016
[intermediate] Building your own modules and packagesKoen Berends24-02-2016

Data, importing & exporting

[intermediate] Using MATLAB to plot SOBEK outputKoen Berends31-05-2017
[intermediate] Using Python to plot SOBEK outputKoen Berends30-05-2016
[intermediate] How to migrate SOBEK 2 models to SOBEK 3Bernhard Becker04-04-2016
[advanced] Plotting and writing output to file with DeltaShell-ScriptingKoen Berends01-04-2016