Leo van Rijn (LVRS) has, together with Ana Colina Alonso (Deltares) and Andrew Manning (HR Wallingford), carried out a literature survey on sand-mud interactions. The literature survey focusses on (Ch 3) erosion of mud-sand beds, (Ch 4) settling velocities in mud-sand environments and (Ch 5) consolidation and bulk densities of sand-mud mixtures. In addition, the literature survey includes a proposal for additional research (Ch6). The report has been finalized and can been downloaded via the link below.

Literature review on sand and mud: 11204950-001-ZKS-0002_v0.1-Literature review on sand and mud_FINAL.pdf

The second part of the literature analysis focusses on the specific topic of the measuring and interpretation of settling velocities and particle size distributions. Two sedimentation methods (i.e. Hydromether-method and Pipet/TAP-method) and the Laser-Diffraction method (LD-method) for measuring the particle sizes of fine silt and clay particles have been studied. The report is written by Leo van Rijn (LVRS) and Kimberley Koudstaal (WaterProof) and can be downloaded via the link below.

Literature review on measuring and interpretation of settling velocity and particle size: 11204950_TKI-MUSA_01B_Hydrometer_tests_and_procedures.pdf

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