Functional : Does it work?
Are the requirements clear from
Does the code execute as expected? (Does is meet the requirement of the issue/task)
Are resources, events and memory released in all paths? (Disposable called?)

Tests : Is it tested?
Is there a unit test?
Is there a valid integration-test (DataAccess,Integration or Performance)?

Design : Is the code maintainable?
Do you understand the code you are reviewing?
Are user interface, business logic and IO separated?
Is the code change limited to the requested issue/task?
Is it easy to maintain (simple,robust,DRY,implementation hiding)?
Does the code not duplicatie existing functionality ? (Don't reinvent the wheel)
Does the code follow (DS) naming conventions? (variable names,test class names etc,FXCop?)

Documentation Is it (self)documented?
Are all functions, methods and classes documented? (Summary,parameters,comments etc)

Future questions
Does the code generate warnings? (this question is not doable now because we have 800+ warnings)

DS Coding conventions are here :
And general conventions here :
There are also resharper 4.5 setting here resharper.xml (Resharper->Options->Common->Code Styling Sharing->Import)

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