Modeling Framework and GUI

Common functionality

  • File format: database, NetCDF
  • File version management, backward-compatibility
  • Multi-dimensional data structures
  • Model-specific grids: network, polygons, 2d, unstruct
  • Add-ins
  • Import and Export
  • Nested models
  • Pre-configured combinations of models, Toolbox
  • Integrating FORTRAN models
  • Linking data between models
  • Pre-configured combinations of models, toolbox
  • Data validation
  • Command-line version
  • Distributed simulations
  • On-line updates
  • Adding comments, tags
  • ...


  • Charts
  • Tables
  • Reports
  • Time series editor
  • Multi-dimensional editor
  • Data navigator: time, dimensions
  • ...


  • Coordinate systems
  • Rule-based style editor
  • Grid coverages
  • Labeling
  • Processing tools
  • Animations
  • Routes on the network
  • Editor for coverages
  • ...


  • Undo/redo functionality
  • Visual model designer
  • Scenarios
  • Command-prompt
  • Version control
  • Side view
  • ...

Model Engines

1D Flow

  • Engine wrapper
  • Structures
  • Cross-sections
  • ...

0D Rainfall-Runoff

  • Engine wrapper
  • River Catchments (RR-Sacramento model, RR-HBV96, RR-SCS, RR-External runoff...)
  • Urban modeling paved areas (NWRW model, ...)
  • Rural modeling areas (RR, RAM, ...)
  • Diffusive lateral inflow from RR to CF (distribute flow along the channels)

Sediments Transport / Morphology

  • Engine wrapper
  • ...

Water Quality

  • Engine wrapper
  • Library of processes, substances
  • Multi-process simulations
  • Script-based custom processes
  • ...

2D Flow


  • Dynamic PCRaster integration
  • Regular time-dependent grids
  • File format upgrade: SQLite + NetCDF
  • Specific GIS functionality
  • Upgrade of the user interface forms
  • ...

Geotechnical data

  • Generic soils database (MSoilbase)
  • CPT interpretation
  • Geotechnical field tests (Boring, CPT, Oedometer, etc.)
  • Soil profiles (1D soil geometry)
  • 2D soil geometry
  • ...


  • Import of legacy files and CPT or boring data
  • Graphical editor for wells, monitoring points and sheet pilings
  • Soil material editor and services
  • Graphical and tabular editors for constructing 1D (clustered) soil profiles
  • ...


  • ... discuss with Marco


Unknown User (don) will ask Wil, Alex about it

  • ... discuss with Wil van der Krogt, Alex


  • ... discuss requirements with Arno Nolte / Erwin Meijers


  • Prototype
  • plugin to read data from netcdf (JARKUS transects etc.)
  • Gr. interface general part (selection of transects and years etc.)
  • plugin DUROS dune erosion calculations
  • Gr. Interface DUROS calculations
  • plugin TKL calculation
  • GR. interface TKL determination


  • Rainfall-Runoff
  • FLOW
  • Sediments Transport
  • Water Quality


  • Time Series to CSV
  File Modified
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow Training-STOWA-Exercises20090407.ppt 09-04-2009 by don
ZIP Archive files to be used in workshop 09-04-2009 by don
PDF File Projectplan Ontwikkeling User Interface 1D modelinstrumentarium-v3.pdf Project plan migratie DUFLOW 05-06-2009 by don
Microsoft Word 97 Document prioriteiten_DUFLOW-V1.doc Prioriteiten DUFLOW (Erik) 05-06-2009 by don
Microsoft Excel Sheet Planning DelftShell.xls 25-06-2009 by don
Text File habitatVoortgangEnPlanning.txt 09-04-2009 by logch_o
Microsoft Word 97 Document Delft Shell Development 2009.doc Added diffusive lateral inflow option in RR section 01-04-2009 by don
  • No labels