User interface elements

User interface layout

The layout of the user interface is stored in file. The layout can be reset using the following batch file: resetDelftShellLayout.cmd

Menu items

  • File
    • New project
    • Open project
    • Import data (should show dialog with types to import, close it)
    • Save project ..
    • Save project as ..
    • Close project
    • Recent projects (should display mru list of recently used projects)
    • Exit (closes the program)
  • View (if a toolwindow is closed you should be able to open it again using this menu)
    • Messages
    • Properties
    • Toolbox
    • Network explorer
    • Project explorer
    • Full screen
    • Function treeview
    • Time series navigator
    • Map legend
  • Model
  • Tools
    • Plugin manager
    • Options
  • Network (items should be disabled when no map containing a network is active, functionality will be discussed in "Network")
    • Add new branch commandmenu
    • Cross sections
    • Import branches
  • MWell (not to be tested now)
  • Development (should not be in release version)
  • Verkenner (not to be tested now)

Project explorer

  • Selection of items in the project node should be displayed in the propertygrid.
  • rename project using F2
  • rename project using the propertygrid
  • Context menu for project/folder node
    • Add new data
    • Add new model
    • Add new folder
    • Cut
    • Copy
    • Paste
    • Delete (should be disabled for project node)
    • Properties


A map control containing a map is shown when a new project is opened. Maplayers can be added/removed/reordered to the map using the maplegendview.

  • add vector layer
    • modify legend
    • show labels
  • add wms layer
  • add raster layer
    • modify legend
  • add multiple layers and reorder them by dragging items in the maplegendview
  • map toolbar buttons
    • measure distance (compare with scalebar)
    • show/hide north arrow
    • show/hide legend (compare layers with items in toolwindow: maps)
    • hide/show scalebar
    • Query information about layers (currently raster layers only)
    • Export map as image (export with all items enabled ie north arrow, scalebar, legend) check image with viewer
    • zoomin using rectangle
    • fixed zoomin
    • fixed zoomout
    • zoom extends
    • pan zoom
    • previous zoom view
    • next zoom view


  • add data .. network
  • drag network from project treeview to the map
  • toolbar functionality
    • create new branch (point and click)
    • create new branch (auto)
    • create cross section
    • create weir
    • create pump
    • create culvert
    • create bridge
  • network editing functionality
    • select features (try selecting each of the items you created in the network) check propertygrid
  • adding a network to the map
    • add network (rightclick project node, select add data)
    • drag network to map
    • open maplegendview remove network
    • drag network to maplegendview (drop it on the map icon in order to add it to the map)
  • editing a network
    • create a new branch (toolbar button: create new branch auto)
    • draw a branch on the map
    • use toolbar button "Delete object" to remove branch from network (click on branch after activating the button)
    • draw another branch on the map
    • use toolbar button "Insert curvepoint in branch" to add points to the branch for altering its geometry
    • use toolbar button "Move feature" click a point on the branch and drag it using the mouse to alter the branch geometry, repeat this for some other points as well including the end points of the branch (boundary conditions and node should move with the point
    • use toolbar button "Move feature" hold down shift to select multiple adjacent points. Click one of the selected points and start dragging
    • use toolbar button "Move feature smart" click on a point and drag it using the mouse. Use multiple selection as well


  • Adding a network
    • start new project
    • add delftflowmodel1d to the project (rightclick on project, add model)
    • expand model input, drag network to the map

define boundary conditions
changing boundary condition type
using data property toolwindow
define initial conditions

  • No labels