User Interface
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iGrafx FlowCharter is locked? How to activate Flowcharter?
If you do not enter the Flowcharter license key during the installation proces, Flowcharter will run in read-only mode. This is indicated by a "lock"-icon attached to your cursor.
To Activate Flowcharter, it is not necessary to reinstall everything. Just start iGrafx Flowcharter standalone, go to the help menu --> about igrafx. A small dialog window will open. Click on the Add button and enter your Flowcharter license key. After restarting the application, Flowcharter should be activated.
How can I display value labels in a graph?
To display the value-labels of certain graph you will need to do the following:
- Double-click on the graph. A settings-window should appear
- On the top-left side, click on the 'Series' tab
- Select the desired time/location series from the dropdown box
- On the 'Marks' tab, make sure the 'Visible' checkbox option is set, and the 'Style' option is set to 'Value'.
You should see the value labels appear in the graph.
If there are a lot of pipe elements (or the timestep is small), the value labels will be to close to each other to be readable. If the pipeline is built from different pipe components, you can also select the 'Labels' series in step 3 (see above).
This is useful with, for example, elevation profiles (see example):