The SampleRegion contains a pre-defined folder structure as well as a set of basic configuration files for the NGMS. Some files need to be updated manually (mainly so-called InstanceDesciptors, this step), while other files or directories will be updated in later steps. Go to the #info section for more details.
Step 3.a. Update ModuleInstanceDescriptors.xml file
Purpose: this file informs the system software on the existence of the ModuleInstances that conduct data processing. It relates the ModuleConfigFiles (holding a specific set of the instructions) to the data processing software components as identified in the ModuleDescriptors.xml-file.
Note: The system will report an error if any configuration file refers to a ModuleInstanceId which has not been identified in this file. A mismatch between ModuleInstances identified in this descriptors-file, and the contents of the ModuleConfigFiles-folder is only detected if a workflow is dispatched which calls the moduelInstance.
Configuration instructions
- remove ModuleInstanceDescriptors (i.e. scenario types) which are not relevant to the model
- replace XXX_ bij model abbrevation e.g XXX_ by WMW_ for West Midlands Worfe module instances
- replace YYY bij model name e.g YYY by WestMidlandsWorfe
- check if proper Modflow version is mentioned in description
Step 3.b. Update ModuleInstanceSets.xml file
Purpose: this file groups ModuleInstanceIds into sets being reused in the plot-definition of the DisplayGroups.xml-file (i.e. the file which defines the shortcuts in the TimeSeries Display).
Note: Plots may miss the data generated by some ModuleInstances if they are not properly listed in the ModuelInstanceSet. No error is reported.
Configuration instructions
- remove ModuleInstanceDescriptors (i.e. scenario types) which are not relevant to the model
- replace XXX_ bij model abbrevation e.g XXX_ by WMW_ for West Midlands Worfe module instances
Step 3.c. Update WorkflowDescriptors.xml file
Purpose: this file identifies the workflows which can be executed by the system. Each Workflow file holds a sequence of data processing steps (defined by ModuleInstances) to be called after each other.
Note: Workflows as listed in this file appear in the following displays:
- ManualForecast display (workflows listed for dispatching)
- ForecastManager display (workflows listed in overview of data sets available for download/opening)
- Explorer (data set opened)
Configuration instructions (starting from sample)
- replace XXX_ bij model abbrevation e.g XXX_ by WMW_ for West Midlands Worfe module instances
- replace YYY bij model name e.g YYY by WestMidlandsWorfe
- remove scneario types not utilized
- check model descriptions (e.g. modflow version)
- update dates of model states (if appropriate)
Background on directories and files pre-defined in SampleRegion
To be updated in step 3
- \Config\RegionConfigFiles
- #ModuleInstanceDescriptors.xml-file identifies ModuleInstances specified in \Config\ModuleConfigFiles-folder
- #ModuleInstanceSets.xml-file groups ModuleInstance for use in the timeseries plot definition
- #WorkFlowDescriptors.xml-file identifies the Workflows of this application, as specified in \Config\WorkflowFiles-folder
Updated in other steps
- \ColdStates will be populated in step 4
- \Config\DisplayConfigFiles will be populated in step 9
- \Config\IdMapFiles will be populated in step 5b
- \Config\ModuleDataSetFiles will be populated in step 4b.
Update is optional (if better materials available)
- \Config\IconFiles
- Folder is populated with icons. Update only needed if people have nicer icons
- \Config\MapLayerFiles
- Folder is populated with GIS-layers. Shp-files have been compressed in native ssl format. Shape files are available in step 2 as seperate attachements. Due to the poor quality of some GIS files, future updates are expected.
No update needed
- \Config\RegionConfigFiles
- ColdModuleInstanceStateGroups.xml-file holds Ids of ColdStates as used in he NGMS-configuration conept. No update needed
- UnitConversionsDescriptors.xml-file identifies to UnitConversionsFiles held in folder \Config\UnitConversionsFiles. No update needed
- \Config\SystemConfigFiles
- DisplayDescriptors.xml-file identifies software components providing display functionality
- DisplayInstanceDescriptors.xml-file identifies DisplayInstances as used in the configuration
- LocationIcons.xml-file links icon-files to location sets
- ModuleDescriptors.xml-file identifies software components conducting data processing
- \Config\UnitConversionsFiles
- Folder contains fixed UnitConversionFiles. No update needed
- Folder contains fixed UnitConversionFiles. No update needed