M.Sc. Thesis Presentation
Dune growth on natural and nourished beaches:
'A new perspective'

Dune evolution on natural and nourished beaches on an engineering timescale is not well understood. Using a study of both literature, and data which has been gathered of the Dutch coast, a new hypothesis regarding the causes of variability in dune evolution is proposed.
Following this hypothesis assumptions are made on the basis of which a conceptual model is developed that includes both the accretive and erosive processes that govern dune evolution.

M.Sc. Thesis presentation
Thijs Damsma
Monday April 27th 14:00, TU Delft, Faculty of Civil Engineering, lecture room G

Supervising committee
Prof. dr. ir. M.J.F. Stive
dr. ir. S.G.J. Aarninkhof
dr. ir. M. Van Koningsveld
ir. D.J.R. Walstra
ir. S. de Vries
drs. N. Geleynse

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