Geoserver enables publication of a variety of spatial data formats within the concept of FAIR (representing parts of the AI), in other words, it enables accessibility and interoperability by implementing global standards define by OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium). GeoServer implements industry standard OGC protocols such as Web Feature Service (WFS), Web Map Service (WMS), and Web Coverage Service (WCS). Additional formats and publication options are available as extensions including Web Processing Service (WPS), and Web Map Tile Service (WMTS).

Within Deltares various projects that use spatial web viewers to disseminate data/information are powered by Geoserver. On (work done) a couple of live examples are provided as portfolio. 

Step-by-step guide

Installing Geoserver

  1. visit to download latest version
  2. choose for platform independent runnable library
  3. check your version of Java and check if this corresponds to the version mentioned in the documentation of this specific version (see installation documentation) (read carefully, because the version is crucial for a correct working)
  4. follow the basic installation procedure described at OpenEarth website
  5. Get informed about the basics of Geoserver via the e-learning platform of Deltares

There are numerous ways to use geoserver in your projects (if you deal with Spatial Information and visualisations of course). Geoserver fits very well within automation processes and workflows due to the api and various Python routines that can be used. 


Check out Youtube for various tutorials


Geoserver is generaly well documented.

Get informed by the SLD Cookbook with respect to tips and trics on styling maps.

Automation with Python

Geoserver-rest is the package you need to automate workspace and layer definition from Python in order to automate the creation of layers (as postprocessing of model results for instance).

For interaction with the OGC services from Python you can use owslib package.