Deltares Salinisation wiki

On Dec, 6th, 2013, Perry de Louw defended his PhD dissertation on saline seepage:

Saline seepage in deltaic areas - Preferential groundwater discharge through boils and interactions between thin rainwater lenses and upward saline seepage

Perry performed his PhD research at Deltares, VU University Amsterdam, Wageningen University (WUR) and Flinders University - National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training (Adelaide, Australia).
In the Dutch delta, he examined saline seepage systems that are important for the present and future freshwater supply in the Netherlands. The study consisted of two parts: 

  • preference saline seepage from wells in deep polders
  • rainwater lenses in saline seepage areas

A digital version of the PhD thesis can be downloaded here

More Information

Dr. Perry de Louw
T +31 (0)6 30548000
perry dot delouw at deltares dot nl

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