Powerpoint presentations about strategy building, related to Building with Nature. Please use the box below to download the presentation of your choice, or to upload a presentation of your own.

  File Modified
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow MultiCriteriaAnalysis.ppt 19-03-2019 by Stéphanie IJff
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow Problem analysis.ppt 19-03-2019 by Stéphanie IJff
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Strategy building.pptx 19-03-2019 by Stéphanie IJff
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow BwN_options.ppt 19-03-2019 by Stéphanie IJff
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow Design of permeable structures (1).ppt 19-03-2019 by Stéphanie IJff
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Design of permeable structures (2).pptx 19-03-2019 by Stéphanie IJff
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Module strategy building, design and decision-making.pptx 19-03-2019 by Stéphanie IJff