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Salinisation causes problems for farmers, water managers and nature in many coastal areas of the world. Deltares has in-house databases, numerical modelling techniques, monitoring tools and the knowledge to thoroughly investigate salinisation issues and to implement innovative solutions for a robust climate proof fresh water supply in the coastal zone.

Threats to fresh water resources

Permanent groundwater drainage keeps the polder areas sustainable in a large part of The Netherlands accelerate due to the anticipated sea level rise, climate change, future land subsidence and especially due to human factors like groundwater extraction and lowering of differentiated polder water levels. The processes described here for the Dutch situation prevail in many other deltas and coastal areas. Concluding, not taking any mitigation and/or adaptation measures will lead to a world-wide increase of salinisation.

Focus on regional and local processes

Deltares researchers investigate the processes of fresh, brackish and saline groundwater on different scales. On a regional scale, the effects of climate change, land, and water use change and the combined effects of preventive measures on groundwater salinisation are studied. Other studies give answers on how groundwater concentration changes affect surface water quality. On a local scale, the dynamics of fresh rainwater lenses on saline groundwater as a result of natural or artificial recharge are studied. These lenses allow agriculture where shallow groundwater is very saline. Other research topics are preferential groundwater flow via sandy layers and boils that connect deep saline aquifers with shallow aquifers and with fresh surface water bodies. These preferential flow paths largely contribute to the salinisation of Dutch low-lying areas. Our knowledge is not specific for the Netherlands and can be applied in similar deltaic areas around the world.

Solutions of salinisation problems

Deltares has the knowledge and expertise to study processes in combined fresh and saline groundwater systems. We develop and apply monitoring tools and techniques like the T-EC probe, EM-Slimflex and other online real-time measurement techniques. Moreover, Deltares has the modelling experience and the numeric compute codes (like MOCDENS3D/SEAWAT) at its disposal to simulate variable-density groundwater flow and coupled solute transport. Deltares is engaged in the design of specific measures needed for salinisation prevention and adaptation and for saline aquifer management. We have a long professional track record on groundwater salinisation studies built up during numerous relevant projects worldwide.



Fresh-saline groundwater in deltaic and coastal areas

More Information Gualbert Oude Essink
T +31 (0)6 30550408
gualbert dot oudeessink at deltares dot nl

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Deltares works on various projects on salinisation within themes groundwater, surface water and infrastructure. The table below shows an overview of current and past projects with short descriptions, including the relevant themes, region, approach and time period. More detailed descriptions are available by clicking on a project's title. Please note that by clicking on the column headers, the theme columns can be used to sort by your theme of interest: GROUNDWATER / SURFACE / INFRA, Region, or Approach or Period.

For inquiries about salinisation projects or internships, please reach out by sending a message to





Future Perspective Polder Terschelling

The climate is changing. This has consequences for the water system of the island of Terschelling. In this project, we are jointly looking for a sustainable future for Terschelling, with a focus on the polder: retaining fresh water and combating salinization, in addition to economic and ecological management. The project includes with field pilots, climate models and monitoring.

More information:


The Netherlands (Wadden islands)

Field measurements, numerical modelling, pilotting2021-2026

Zoetwaterboeren: watermanagement on an arable farm

Within this project Deltares works with Vertify and Wageningen University & Research on closing the water cycle for freshwater and nutrients on the scale of an arable farm. Goal is 'the farmer as water manager'. 

The project included monitoring of all water flows for both quantity and quality. Partners do monitoring of soil and crops. Based on monitoring results innovative measures are taken including new drainage , a drainwater-collection system and a purification and infiltration system. 

More information:


The Netherlands (North-Holland)

Field measurements, pilotting2022-2025

Innovative drainage pilots Schouwen-Duiveland

One of the challenges facing Zeeland is to combat the desiccation and salinisation of agricultural land. How Schouwen-Duiveland will also have sufficient freshwater in the future is being investigated in a Living Lab of which Deltares is part. Researchers from Deltares are working with farmers, governments and other knowledge institutions to test new, smart ways of drainage in the field. Anextended description of the project can be found here, and a more personal view on the importance of fieldwork in this project here.


The Netherlands (Southwest Delta)

Field measurements and monitoring2022-2024

Design Monitoring Network Fresh Groundwater Resources Zeeland -  Technical and geohydrological research

Clients: Province of Zeeland and Water Board Scheldestromen 

Understanding the dynamics of fresh groundwater resources in the Zeeland subsurface is important for sustainable use of these resources. Many new agricultural withdrawals have been added over the past 10 years, but there is no monitoring of whether and what effect this is having on the freshwater lenses. In this project, a monitoring network was designed to monitor fresh groundwater resources. The measurement technique was been worked out based on a so-called 'automatic salt keeper'. This consists of a cable on which there are several electrodes, and a measuring instrument consisting of a sensor/switching module and telemetry.  Also a  geohydrological survey of potential measurement sites has been conducted. These locations were assessed based on available data of the subsurface, groundwater system and fresh-salt groundwater situation. On top, 53 conductivity probes were conducted as input for the design of the monitoring network. These locations will be equipped with a monitoring well for monitoring the phreatic groundwater level and a salinity probe for measuring at the fresh-salt distribution in the groundwater. The appropriate placement depth of the salinity monitor cable was determined for each location, using a fixed electrode section with as much as 24 electrodes over a total length of 11.5 m (electrode spacing of 0.5 m).

Report: Kaandorp, V. P., & Hopman, V. (2024). Ontwerp Meetnet Zoetwatervoorkomens Zeeland - Technisch en geohydrologisch onderzoek. In Deltares report 11207005-002-BGS-0001.


The Netherlands (Southwest Delta)

Field measurements and monitoring technique2023-2024


Understanding current (and future) distributions of fresh-saline groundwater on a regional scale is essential given known anthropogenic and natural stressors - which are only expected to get worse over time. One way to inform freshwater management strategies and develop storylines of future freshwater (un)availability is through 3D groundwater salinity modelling. Given the regional scale of these models, the results are often highly uncertain – this is in part due to a lack of in-situ data. As a result, researchers at Deltares began work on an AI-powered data-mining tool. The method primarily involves the use of multimodal Large Language Models (LLMs) to read 1000’s of documents and extract data of interest in a structured format.


GlobalAI, LLMs, Python2023-present


Delta Wealth contributes to solutions for a safe, ecologically healthy and economically prosperous SW-Delta in the next 50-100 years, by developing science-based knowledge on overarching adaptation strategies coined ‘I - protect-open’, ‘II - protect-closed’, ‘III - seaward-defence’, and their combination. There are 7 work packages (WP) that focus on different aspects ranging from flood risk management, salinity and fresh water supply, ecology, regional economy and welfare, public support and knowledge utilization. 


The Netherlands (Southwest Delta)

LHM fresh-salt - National fresh-salt groundwater model

LHM fresh-salt is a national-scale variable density groundwater flow and salt transport model. The LHM fresh-salt is constructed using reproducible and transparent scripted workflows, allowing regular model updates and development. The LHM fresh-salt has been used in various national policy analysis studies, such as the Dutch Delta Program, the Knowledge Program on Sea Level Rise, National Groundwater Reserves. 

Regional clips of the LHM fresh-salt have also been used for various regional studies, e.g. investigating possible brackish water extraction in the Haarlemmermeer, or looking at future freshwater availability for the Zuiderzeeland water board. 


The NetherlandsNumerical modelling2020-present


COASTAR is aimed at large scale freshwater supply by clever use of the subsurface. By storing freshwater underground and utilising brackish water, coastal areas can be provided with enough water to be used for drinking, irrigation and industry, now and in the future.



The Netherlands, Chile, Vietnam


Freshwater Availability in the Mekong Delta (FAME) is a collaborative, multiphase project focusing on scoping, piloting and providing upscaling advice to national partners in Vietnam on the implementation of shallow Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) systems. These systems could provide farm-scale solutions to address the water-quality and availability issues being faced in Ben Tre and Trah Vinh provinces in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam.





Fresh water supplies cannot be taken for granted in the Province of Zeeland in the Netherlands. The main surface waters are predominantly saline. A detailed picture of the current fresh-salt
water distribution is essential to detect possible trends in the subsoil and to respond in time to these trends. This project developed an approach to determine the three-dimensional chloride distribution in the groundwater by using HEM surveys in combination with a priori data, advanced modelling techniques and information about the groundwater system and especially geology. 



The NetherlandsAirborne EM and numerical modelling2010-2016

Haringvliet - Kier

Enhancing fish migration leads to salt intrusion into fresh water reservoir. How to manage the salt water intrusion and maintain the fresh water supply to drinking water, agriculture and industry (Port of Rotterdam) is the challenge.





The NetherlandsField experiments, 3D hydrodynamic modeling<period>

Krammer Locks

The Krammer locks form the boundary between the saline Eastern Scheldt and the fresh water Lake Volkerak-Zoom. The locks will have a new method of limiting salt intrusion as a result of lock-operation by by using bubble screens and flushing with fresh water. To optimise lock-operation and manage salt intrusion into the fresh water lake, a decision support system is setup.





The NetherlandsSea Lock Formulation<period>


The goal of GO-FRESH (Geohydrological Opportunities Fresh Water supply) is to improve the use of existing fresh groundwater resources and create new freshwater reserves to increase regional self-sufficiency and reduce dependence on external freshwater supplies. The aims of the applied research project are: a. to investigate which measures actually ‘work’ in practice and b. to determine whether those measures are economically feasible. 



The Netherlands

Selective Withdrawal at IJmuiden

The new shipping lock in IJmuiden will lead to increased salt intrusion into the North Sea Canal and subsequently in the Amsterdam-Rhine Canal. To combat this additional salt intrusion, a selective withdrawal structure will be built that will increase the outflow of saline water from the North Sea Canal.

Advanced measurement techniques were applied during physical scale model testing to validate the effectiveness of a salt screen near IJmuiden. These measurements have been used as validation for CFD models, which prove to represent the flow patterns around the salt screen accurately.





The NetherlandsPhysical scale model, CFD2016-present
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The Netherlands<method><period>
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The Netherlands<method><period>

Rise and Fall

This project aims to enhance the capabilities of individuals and organisations to develop sustainable strategies for dealing with groundwater extraction, land subsidence and saltwater intrusion in the increasingly urbanising Mekong Delta (Vietnam). We will enlarge the knowledge base of stakeholders (including policy makers, water managers and scientists) and work with them to develop and implement innovative tools and technologies in practice and policy. A new integrated delta model will be developed, linking surface water, groundwater and geo-mechanical models, to analyse the interrelated character of groundwater extraction, subsidence levels and saltwater intrusion.




Saline groundwater - surface water interaction in coastal lowlands

Saline groundwater exfiltration is a common problem in the coastal zone of the Netherlands, but the hydrological processes and physiographic factors involved are not fully understood. Research is being conducted to identify the processes and physiographic factors controlling the spatial variability and temporal dynamics of the exfiltration of saline groundwater to surface water, and therefore the contribution of saline groundwater to surface water salinity. 





The Netherlands

Small Island Developing States (SIDS)

Most small islands, such as in the Caribbean or the Pacific but also in Indonesia and the Netherlands often suffer from freshwater security. Surface water resources are limited, and they rely on small precious fresh groundwater lenses which are threatened by coastal erosion and over-exploitation. Deltares studied the dynamics of these fresh groundwater lenses using innovative monitoring techniques and the latest modelling tools.




Smart freshwater management

The practice of ‘flushing’ presents a large burden on already limited freshwater resources. Notwithstanding, no formal goals or guidelines existed to manage the use of freshwater for flushing. This practice was found to be inefficient in lowering surface water salt concentrations. Together with water users, transparent and achievable goals were derived, and freshwater management was formalised to achieve these goals.



The Netherlands


Bangladesh is densely populated and it is expected that the population increases significantly in the coming decade. Demand for drinking water will increase accordingly. These developments may cause significant changes in the hydrological system, e.g. leading to a drop of groundwater pressures. Moreover, climate change and a sea level rise are predicted by the scenarios drawn by the International Panel of Climate Change (IPCC, 2013). This leads to, among others, an increase of salt water intrusion, in surface water as well as in groundwater. In this project, the focus is on salt water intrusion in coastal groundwater systems, as groundwater is the main resource of drinking water. 




Understanding salinisation processes in the Nile Delta

The salinisation of the precious fresh groundwater resources in the Nile Delta due to salt water intrusion and extensive groundwater use is a major concern for Egyptian water users and managers. Groundwater is used for irrigation, industrial and drinking purposes. Sea-level rise and the ongoing increase in the use of groundwater and surface water are expected to have a further negative effect on the groundwater system.




Water Nexus

"Salt water where possible, freshwater where necessary." Water Nexus is a 6 million euro NWO-STW research programme that ran from 2015 to 2020, supported by 25 partners from multinational and small/middle sized companies, consultancy firms, research institutes, water boards, and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment.



The Netherlands

Nature Coast

The Sand Motor pilot creates a dynamic environment along the coastline of the Netherlands, in which (continuous) changes in the distribution of fresh and salt groundwater take place. Although the magnitude of the spatial and temporal changes in the density of the coastal groundwater is not known beforehand, it creates an ideal circumstance for the advancement of our knowledge on seawater intrusion processes.



The Netherlands

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A list of all Deltares publications on salinisation topics is shown below. Quickly navigate to publications within themes infrastructure, groundwater or surface water.


Portfolio Zeeland: freshwater availability and salinisation

The province of Zeeland, in the south-west of The Netherlands, is surrounded by water. 40 percent of its surface consists of salt or brackish water. Being an agricultural Province freshwater availably is key, but the combination of a rising sea level and a changing climate creates challenges for farmers. Many projects have been done in this part of The Netherlands. Field measurements and monitoring, numerical modelling of the current and future water system and testing innovations on drainage and infiltration. 








Search all Salt Water Intrusion papers on topic or location




Course Hazards and risk assessment GEO4-4425, Utrecht University, 20 March 2020

Topic: Vulnerability of groundwater systems to flooding events

Download:   Powerpoint presentation: pdf format  
Download:   Effect saline flooding event on groundwater: pdf document  
Download:   saltfresh_flooding: PMWIN files, Exercise 1
Download:   saltfresh_flooding: PMWIN files, Exercise 5

Lecture Notes Density Dependent Groundwater Flow: Salt water intrusion in coastal aquifers

Auteur: Gualbert Oude Essink 
Dictaat: Density Dependent Groundwater Flow

1 Introduction
2 Characteristics of a density dependen groundwater system
3 Freshwater head
4 The concept of a fresh-saline interface
5 Control of salt water intrusion
6 Numerical modelling
7 Salt water intrusion in the Netherlands
8 Heat transport in porous media: introduction

Lecture Notes Groundwater Modelling

Auteur: Gualbert Oude Essink 
Dictaat: Groundwater Modelling 
PART I Modelling Protocol 
1 Introduction 
2 Classification of mathematical models 
3 Methodology of modelling 
4 Data gathering 
PART II Groundwater Modelling 
5 Introduction 
6 Mathematical description of hydrogeologic processes 
7 Solution techniques 
8 Numerical aspects of groundwater models 
9 Some selected groundwater codes

Animations: examples of salinisation processes

Henry's profile with sea level rise
3D zoet-zout verdeling ondergrond NL
Fresh water injection to combat salinisation
3D zoet-zout verdeling ondergrond Texel
Regional groundwater flow, partly captured by a sandy boil  

Henry's profile with sea level rise
3D zoet-zout verdeling ondergrond NL
Fresh water injection to combat  salinisation
3D zoet-zout verdeling ondergrond Texel
Regional groundwater flow, partly captured by a sandy boil
Physical barrier in the coastal zone
Dutch profile: extraction, upconing and low inland levels
Profile over 3D model: effect sea level rise on salinisation
Movement of the island De Griend (NL): creation of a freshwater lens
Evolution of a freshwater lens
Physical barrier in the coastal zone
Dutch profile extraction, upconing and low inland levels
Profile over 3D model: effect sea level rise on salinisation
Movement of the island De Griend (NL): creation of a freshwater lens
Evolution of a freshwater lens

G-EMMA is software written to facilitate end-member mixing analysis within a GLUE uncertainty assessment framework. 

G-EMMA has its own website:

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Students have been contributing to our salinisation projects for a long time now. Many different types of projects are possible, ranging from detailed numerical modelling to larger scale system analyses. Please find a list of currently available topics and past internships below.

For inquiries about salinisation projects or internships, please reach out by sending a message to

Available internship topics 

INTEGRAL (info) Contact:

  • Creating a map of salinisation world wide 
  • Mapping the impact of salinisation on health, ecology, and economy 
  • Working on an assessment framework for different measures 

INFRA (info) Contact:

  • <topic>

GROUNDWATER (info) Contact: or

  • The impact of salinisation in ground- and surface water on: a. health and b. agriculture and food production. One component is improving a global salinisation map with local models and data (e.g. Mekong delta)
  • Simulating the effect of different scenarios on climate change/sea-level rise and anthropogenic stresses on fresh groundwater in the Mekong delta, using the existing 3D model 
  • On the water - food nexus in the Nile delta: communicating, understanding and monitoring groundwater availability, collaboration with the universities Kafr El Sheikh and Sadat City; also a visit to Egypt is planned. 
  • Comparison of 2D and 3D groundwater flow and salinity model estimations in deltaic regions 
  • Assessing the economic and technic feasibility of offshore groundwater pumping 
  • Assessing the effect of model parameters (e.g. solute solvers, grid convergence) on variable-density groundwater and salt transport benchmark cases using iMOD-SEAWAT and/or MODFLOW6 
  • Fresh groundwater resources management at a farmers level in the province of Zeeland, The Netherlands: setting up robust web-based clipping tools; a modelling study 
  • Assessing submarine groundwater discharge along coastal stretches: a global analysis 
  • Setting up a 3D variable-density groundwater flow model simulating salt water intrusion in a deltaic area: possible cases: the Bengal, Indus, Po, Yangtze, Pearl river deltas 
  • Modelling the future water system of Terschelling: using the existing 3D groundwatermodel to run scenario's of measures and strategies until 2050 and 2100 for the island of Terschelling
  • Detailed monitoring and modelling of drainage systems in low lying polders in the Netherlands (part of Project Zoetwaterboeren)

SURFACE (info) Contact:

  • <topic>

Past internships 

Quickly navigate to past internships within themes infrastructure, groundwater or surface water.


Lucero Avila Ruiz (2022), Eindhoven University of Technology, "The flushing procedure in salt filled cavities".

Sam Maijvis (2022), Eindhoven University of Technology, "Numerical modelling of selective withdrawal for the mitigation of salt intrusion".

Gijs Arts (2021), Eindhoven University of Technology, "Predicting salt concentration by selective withdrawal of salt water through a salt screen".

Arco van Beek (2021), Eindhoven University of Technology, "The influence of a flushing discharge on lock-exchange".

Noor ten Harmsen van der Beek (2021), Delft University of Technology, "Mixing of salinity by ship traffic in canals".

Vaishnavi Duraisamy (2019), Eindhoven University of Technology, "Numerical modelling and analysis of a bubble screen".

Arthur Oldeman (2019), Eindhoven University of Technology, "Numerical Modeling of Bubble Screens for Mitigating Salt Intrusion in Sea Locks".

Vaishnavi Duraisamy (2018), Eindhoven University of Technology, "Bubble screen experimental data analysis". 

Lina Nikolaidou (2018), Delft University of Technology, "Effectivity of a bubble screen as separator of water of different densities".

Laurens de Boer (2017), Hogeschool Rotterdam, "In welke mate kan optimalisatie van de schutoperatie bijdragen aan het beperken van zoutindringing door schutsluizen?".

Annika Blom (2015), RWTH Aachen University, "Validation and application of CFD for lock exchange currents in the Krammer yacht lock".

Mike van Meerkerk (2014), Delft University of Technology, "Modeling of a Bubble Curtain".

Steven Kaptein (2012), Bordeaux Institute of Technology, "Estimation of salt intrusion through locks".


















  • Tommaso Letterio, Uni of Firenze, Italy




  • Beatrice Giambastiani, Uni of Bolgona, Italy, Saltwater intrusion and water management in the unconfined coastal aquifer of Ravenna (Italy): a numerical model J. Hydrol. 340, 1-2, 91-104, 2007.



<Name> <Year> <School> <Internship title>

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