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PDF File 2007-jofh-giambastiani-etal.pdf 2.48 MB Gualbert Oude Essink 12-01-2013 08:36
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PDF File 2007-U-R0743A definitieve versie rapport Provincie Zeeland v5 dubbel.pdf 5.18 MB Gualbert Oude Essink 12-01-2013 08:38
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PDF File 5952921 Geitenbeek Lars Master thesis.pdf 14.14 MB Gualbert Oude Essink 30-08-2018 14:11
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PDF File Alkurd_2023_Paleo-hydrogeographical model for the Levant applying 3D supra-regional coastal groundwater modelling approach.pdf 13.10 MB Gualbert Oude Essink 10-10-2023 18:38
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PDF File Badi_2016_Securing freshwater supply with measures to diminish the effect of sea-level rise by climate change Literature review on state.pdf 2.38 MB Gualbert Oude Essink 18-10-2024 12:53
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PDF File Boerman_2013_Model study of a freshwater infiltration experiment in an ancient creek ridge in the province of Zeeland,the Netherlands.pdf 31.35 MB Gualbert Oude Essink 18-10-2024 12:51
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PDF File Bolhuis_2016_Developing an automated open source system for coastal multi-hazard assessment and management of water resources in a chang.pdf 8.97 MB Gualbert Oude Essink 18-10-2024 12:53
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PDF File Bregman_2020_Viability of an alternative cropping system using shallow freshwater lenses in Tra Vinh and Ben Tre, Vietnam.pdf 1.98 MB Gualbert Oude Essink 10-10-2023 18:46
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PDF File Brokx_2019_Projecting the Effects of Saltwater Intrusion on the Fresh Groundwater Resources of Southeastern Louisiana and the New Orlean.pdf 7.34 MB Gualbert Oude Essink 14-10-2020 09:51
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Microsoft Word Document Comparison of 2D and 3D groundwater flow model estimations in deltaic regions.docx 26 kB Gualbert Oude Essink 08-03-2022 10:43
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PDF File Daoud_2020_Testing the variable-density module of MODFLOW6 on a case considering groundwater extraction in a fresh-saline groundwater en.pdf 1.29 MB Gualbert Oude Essink 10-10-2023 18:45
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Microsoft Word Document Economical and technical feasibility of offshore groundwater pumping.docx 25 kB Gualbert Oude Essink 08-03-2022 10:43
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PDF File Eindversie Stageverslag Stijn Eggenkamp Verzilting in Zeeland Inzichten Interpolatie en Correlatie van Aquality App EC metingen .pdf 3.89 MB Ilja America - van den Heuvel 08-10-2024 11:29
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PDF File Final_Thesis_Ageeth_de_Haan_Salinization_Rootzone_2024.pdf 6.60 MB Ilja America - van den Heuvel 08-10-2024 11:27
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PDF File Goofers_2020_Paleo-hydrogeographic reconstruction of the groundwater salinity in the Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar, using a 3D variable-dens.pdf 12.25 MB Gualbert Oude Essink 14-10-2020 09:50
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PDF File Hendrikx_2018_Identifying the most important factors that determine fresh groundwater availability in deltaic areas.pdf 1.76 MB Gualbert Oude Essink 14-10-2020 09:49
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PDF File Hu-A-Ng_2012_Understanding Holocene coastal development and the resulting evolution of groundwater chloride distribution in the North -.pdf 3.47 MB Gualbert Oude Essink 18-10-2024 12:37
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PDF File Hulshof_2013_Which input to care about - A sensitivity analysis in variable density groundwater flow modeling.pdf 16.48 MB Gualbert Oude Essink 18-10-2024 12:52
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PNG File image-2022-12-16_13-37-44.png 189 kB Sam Maijvis 01-03-2023 10:43
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PNG File image-2022-12-16_13-38-47.png 53 kB Sam Maijvis 01-03-2023 10:43
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